WSJ Leads the Establishment Press


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Despite its label as a conservative newspaper, the WSJ seems to be in lock-step with its liberal brethren by ridiculing Donald Trump's candidacy at every turn. In today's issue, regular contributors Peggy Noonan and Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. again displayed their consternation that Trump continues to be the front runner for the Republican nomination.

Noonan continues to cast Trump's candidacy as an attempt to destroy the Republican Party (as opposed to reversing our country's downward spiral), while Jenkins describes it as a comedy show and then questions whether the GOP would back him as its candidate against Hillary Clinton!

This represents establishment insularity at its worst. Apparently, even electing a corrupt left-wing demagogue like Clinton is preferable to electing anyone who might shake up the established political order. I'm beginning to think that the expression "I don't trust the mainstream media" should be changed to "I don't trust the media, period"
Electing Trump would be like electing Caesar. He will take all the power Obama grabbed, and grab even more.

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