Wow! Stars and Stripes article August 11th 2021...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
It's easy to forget what was said and done just prior to the fall of Kabul...this article is a stark reminder....

One official, who like others spoke on the condition of anonymity due to the issue’s sensitivity, said Tuesday that the U.S. military now assesses a collapse could occur within 90 days. Others said it could happen within a month.
“Everything is moving in the wrong direction,” said one person familiar with the military’s new intelligence assessment.
Biden made his decision to pull out U.S. forces with knowledge of the potential consequences, [Psaki] added.
“He asked for a clear assessment for review from his team on what the possible implications could be,” she said. “He asked them not to sugarcoat that, he asked them to lay out specifically and clearly what the consequences could be.”
“The danger,” [Bruce Riedel, a former CIA officer] added, “is that the momentum of the Taliban’s offensive will overwhelm the Afghan government and the defense of Kabul will collapse.”

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When all is said and done, it is the job of the Afghan people to resist the Taliban.
It's easy to forget what was said and done just prior to the fall of Kabul...this article is a stark reminder....

One official, who like others spoke on the condition of anonymity due to the issue’s sensitivity, said Tuesday that the U.S. military now assesses a collapse could occur within 90 days. Others said it could happen within a month.
“Everything is moving in the wrong direction,” said one person familiar with the military’s new intelligence assessment.
Biden made his decision to pull out U.S. forces with knowledge of the potential consequences, [Psaki] added.
“He asked for a clear assessment for review from his team on what the possible implications could be,” she said. “He asked them not to sugarcoat that, he asked them to lay out specifically and clearly what the consequences could be.”
“The danger,” [Bruce Riedel, a former CIA officer] added, “is that the momentum of the Taliban’s offensive will overwhelm the Afghan government and the defense of Kabul will collapse.”

Why hasn't anyone resigned in protest?....I've lost all faith in anyone employed in DC.....
This isn't a blunder. Biden admitted that when he declared that, "We didn't expect them (Taliban) to take over so quickly". His/Obama's objective was to give terrorist Islam their own country, complete with an air force, and tons of our money.
Now we'll pretend that they are a legitimate government for us deal with. And a steady stream of radical Afghan men will be coming to our country to inflict 911 type damage, as long as we keep electing their allies to our government.
We have 2 "Irans" now. One to go after Israel, and one to target us. Expect the worst...
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It's easy to forget what was said and done just prior to the fall of Kabul...this article is a stark reminder....

One official, who like others spoke on the condition of anonymity due to the issue’s sensitivity, said Tuesday that the U.S. military now assesses a collapse could occur within 90 days. Others said it could happen within a month.
“Everything is moving in the wrong direction,” said one person familiar with the military’s new intelligence assessment.
Biden made his decision to pull out U.S. forces with knowledge of the potential consequences, [Psaki] added.
“He asked for a clear assessment for review from his team on what the possible implications could be,” she said. “He asked them not to sugarcoat that, he asked them to lay out specifically and clearly what the consequences could be.”
“The danger,” [Bruce Riedel, a former CIA officer] added, “is that the momentum of the Taliban’s offensive will overwhelm the Afghan government and the defense of Kabul will collapse.”

Well hell they had two days notice that they were about to be attacked by ISIL and still lost 13 service members and 169 locals. President Joe "The buck stops soon as it goes through my spare's heirs art account" Biden ain't messing around. Real leaders are completely inflexible once their decrees are issued, damn it.

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