Wow! FREE money!


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
A 29-year-old mayor is giving his city's poorest residents a basic income of $500 per month. He says the program is a success so far.

As Tubbs has been promoting the potential of basic income in Stockton, Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang has also been advocating for a national basic-income policy in the US. As part of his platform, Yang has promised to deliver payments of $1,000 a month, or $12,000 a year, to all US citizens over 18.

"National leadership — particularly in the White House and the party that controls the Senate — isn't there yet," he said. "It's going to take a lot of difficult conversations to get there, but we have to."

Me and my brand new twin brother will be waitin' by the mailbox....
Good Lord!
Why UBI Ought to Appeal to Conservatives

This is why conservatives are reflexively hostile to Universal Basic Income. On the face of it, it’s simply a government program. And, even worse, it seems to be a program implemented with even greater ignorance than the usual fare. But there are several good reasons to question this initial suspicion.

Let’s consider Democratic candidate Andrew Yang’s proposal. The bare bones of it are that everyone over the age of 18 gets $1000 per month, no strings attached. For the sake of argument, let’s set aside the problem of paying for it. Let’s also set aside the question of whether people would in fact spend that money wisely. These are important practical matters, but they’re separate from the question of whether a UBI policy aligns with important conservative ideals.
A 29-year-old mayor is giving his city's poorest residents a basic income of $500 per month. He says the program is a success so far.

As Tubbs has been promoting the potential of basic income in Stockton, Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang has also been advocating for a national basic-income policy in the US. As part of his platform, Yang has promised to deliver payments of $1,000 a month, or $12,000 a year, to all US citizens over 18.

"National leadership — particularly in the White House and the party that controls the Senate — isn't there yet," he said. "It's going to take a lot of difficult conversations to get there, but we have to."


I love how they call it a success......... how is it a success? Is there any way you can actually "fail" at giving away other people's tax money?
The 1% get free money. Why not the poor too?
Name one person in the 1%, that is getting 'free money'?

You’re joking right? Tell me you are pulling my leg. Please. Because you can’t be this uninformed.

Just all about the top management of the big banks.

Hunter Biden got lots of free money. Hillary did too. I would most of the politicians get lots of free money.

Get informed. Please.

The Real Housewives of Wall Street: Look Who's Cashing In On the Bailout

“Welfare for the Rich” – Matt Taibbi Exposes Disgusting Practices at

Have You Heard About The 16 Trillion Dollar Bailout The Federal Reserve Handed To The Too Big To Fail Banks? - Global Research
The 1% get free money. Why not the poor too?
Name one person in the 1%, that is getting 'free money'?

You’re joking right? Tell me you are pulling my leg. Please. Because you can’t be this uninformed.

Just all about the top management of the big banks.

Hunter Biden got lots of free money. Hillary did too. I would most of the politicians get lots of free money.

Get informed. Please.

The Real Housewives of Wall Street: Look Who's Cashing In On the Bailout

“Welfare for the Rich” – Matt Taibbi Exposes Disgusting Practices at

Have You Heard About The 16 Trillion Dollar Bailout The Federal Reserve Handed To The Too Big To Fail Banks? - Global Research

Most of the politicians that milk money from the 1%, are not in the 1%. Hunter Biden is not in the 1%.

Moreover, when you see something stupid, the solution to stupid, isn't to promote more stupid.

I was against the bailouts as unneeded and unwanted, and a waste of money that rewarded bad choices.

How do you get from that, to well obviously we need to give out money to more people, and bankrupt the country?

Now my understanding of TARP, was that TARP purchased bad assets, at the purchase price. So if you owned some of these toxic assets from the Sub-prime bubble, then the government paid you for them.

So it wasn't like they were just sitting around collecting cash for nothing. They had purchased toxic assets, and the government was paying for those bad assets.

I was against the bailouts as unneeded and unwanted, and a waste of money that rewarded bad choices.

But that is not the same as sitting on your ass, and saying "I sucked air, therefore give me money".

I don't see the 1%, just sitting around on a beach, being showered with tax money.

That does not mean I am in favor of bailouts.
I was against the bailouts as unneeded and unwanted, and a waste of money that rewarded bad choices.

However the solution isn't more stupid. the solution isn't handing out even more tax money. The solution is to hand out LESS tax money.
A 29-year-old mayor is giving his city's poorest residents a basic income of $500 per month. He says the program is a success so far.

As Tubbs has been promoting the potential of basic income in Stockton, Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang has also been advocating for a national basic-income policy in the US. As part of his platform, Yang has promised to deliver payments of $1,000 a month, or $12,000 a year, to all US citizens over 18.

"National leadership — particularly in the White House and the party that controls the Senate — isn't there yet," he said. "It's going to take a lot of difficult conversations to get there, but we have to."

Cut the laughably high defense budget a bit and it could be doable.
The 1% get free money. Why not the poor too?
Name one person in the 1%, that is getting 'free money'?

You’re joking right? Tell me you are pulling my leg. Please. Because you can’t be this uninformed.

Just all about the top management of the big banks.

Hunter Biden got lots of free money. Hillary did too. I would most of the politicians get lots of free money.

Get informed. Please.

The Real Housewives of Wall Street: Look Who's Cashing In On the Bailout

“Welfare for the Rich” – Matt Taibbi Exposes Disgusting Practices at

Have You Heard About The 16 Trillion Dollar Bailout The Federal Reserve Handed To The Too Big To Fail Banks? - Global Research

Most of the politicians that milk money from the 1%, are not in the 1%. Hunter Biden is not in the 1%.

Moreover, when you see something stupid, the solution to stupid, isn't to promote more stupid.

I was against the bailouts as unneeded and unwanted, and a waste of money that rewarded bad choices.

How do you get from that, to well obviously we need to give out money to more people, and bankrupt the country?

Now my understanding of TARP, was that TARP purchased bad assets, at the purchase price. So if you owned some of these toxic assets from the Sub-prime bubble, then the government paid you for them.

So it wasn't like they were just sitting around collecting cash for nothing. They had purchased toxic assets, and the government was paying for those bad assets.

I was against the bailouts as unneeded and unwanted, and a waste of money that rewarded bad choices.

But that is not the same as sitting on your ass, and saying "I sucked air, therefore give me money".

I don't see the 1%, just sitting around on a beach, being showered with tax money.

That does not mean I am in favor of bailouts.
I was against the bailouts as unneeded and unwanted, and a waste of money that rewarded bad choices.

However the solution isn't more stupid. the solution isn't handing out even more tax money. The solution is to hand out LESS tax money.
The Fed essentially gave money to the rich. Read the links I gave you. Did the Fed give you millions of dollars?

Agreed. Yes most politicians and their kids aren’t of the 1%. They get paid by the 1%. Then they do the bidding of the 1%. This allows the 1% to keep making more money.
A 29-year-old mayor is giving his city's poorest residents a basic income of $500 per month. He says the program is a success so far.

As Tubbs has been promoting the potential of basic income in Stockton, Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang has also been advocating for a national basic-income policy in the US. As part of his platform, Yang has promised to deliver payments of $1,000 a month, or $12,000 a year, to all US citizens over 18.

"National leadership — particularly in the White House and the party that controls the Senate — isn't there yet," he said. "It's going to take a lot of difficult conversations to get there, but we have to."

Cut the laughably high defense budget a bit and it could be doable.
Governments subsidy to Boeing alone would cover 4 million citizens a year.

Only the entitled wealthy deserve bailouts!

Force those born poor to eat dog food!

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