Wow, espn reporting how China abused players. Comparisons to wwii Germany.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
A former league employee compared the atmosphere when he worked in Xinjiang to "World War II Germany."

In an interview with ESPN about its findings, NBA deputy commissioner and chief operating officer Mark Tatum, who oversees international operations, said the NBA is "reevaluating" and "considering other opportunities" for the academy program, which operates out of sports facilities run by the Chinese government. Last week, the league acknowledged for the first time it had closed the Xinjiang academy, but, when pressed, Tatum declined to say whether human rights were a factor.

"We were somewhat humbled," Tatum said of the academy project in China. "One of the lessons that we've learned here is that we do need to have more direct oversight and the ability to make staffing changes when appropriate."

One American coach who worked for the NBA in China described the project as "a sweat camp for athletes."

At least two coaches left their positions in response to what they believed was mistreatment of young players.

Geee, I am still trying to figure out why not one persecuted negro in this country hasn't fled to China cause of how much better it is over there under their socialist conditions than America.

Even espn is reporting it.

Will commie Kaepernick ever explain why he wore a fidel castro shirt proudly at a presser? Nooooo?

Poor him.
If China is so bad, why does Trump take so much Chinese money?

Oh, that's right. China wants Trump to win very badly, because Trump always gives China what China want. All the commies everwhere want Trump to win.

It is funny, how the Trumpflakes all claim liberals love China, even though no liberals even speaks highly of China. No matter. Their masters told them it was true, and Trumpflakes aren't known for indpendenent thinking.
If China is so bad, why does Trump take so much Chinese money?

Oh, that's right. China wants Trump to win very badly, because Trump always gives China what China want. All the commies everwhere want Trump to win.

It is funny, how the Trumpflakes all claim liberals love China, even though no liberals even speaks highly of China. No matter. Their masters told them it was true, and Trumpflakes aren't known for indpendenent thinking.
Nice tap dance. Here is the OBVIOUS DIFFERENCE between Trump and Biden. Trump's businesses and investments make a return on investment from China. Biden, via his loser son Hunter, accepted over a billion dollars in straight up BRIBE MONEY disguised as a loan. As a result he is a puppet of the Jinping regime. If that isn't clear enough, I could simplify it further for you.
Nice tap dance. Here is the OBVIOUS DIFFERENCE between Trump and Biden. Trump's businesses and investments make a return on investment from China. Biden, via his loser son Hunter, accepted over a billion dollars in straight up BRIBE MONEY disguised as a loan. As a result he is a puppet of the Jinping regime. If that isn't clear enough, I could simplify it further for you.

No need. Everyoone understand you're just making crap up. After all, the commies fed you that propaganda, so of course you'll repeat it.
If China is so bad, why does Trump take so much Chinese money?

Oh, that's right. China wants Trump to win very badly, because Trump always gives China what China want. All the commies everwhere want Trump to win.

It is funny, how the Trumpflakes all claim liberals love China, even though no liberals even speaks highly of China. No matter. Their masters told them it was true, and Trumpflakes aren't known for indpendenent thinking.

Maybe someone at the WSJ would like to write an article
detailing the amount of USAID and foreign assistance China received
before Trump was elected and since being elected
A former league employee compared the atmosphere when he worked in Xinjiang to "World War II Germany."

In an interview with ESPN about its findings, NBA deputy commissioner and chief operating officer Mark Tatum, who oversees international operations, said the NBA is "reevaluating" and "considering other opportunities" for the academy program, which operates out of sports facilities run by the Chinese government. Last week, the league acknowledged for the first time it had closed the Xinjiang academy, but, when pressed, Tatum declined to say whether human rights were a factor.

"We were somewhat humbled," Tatum said of the academy project in China. "One of the lessons that we've learned here is that we do need to have more direct oversight and the ability to make staffing changes when appropriate."

One American coach who worked for the NBA in China described the project as "a sweat camp for athletes."

At least two coaches left their positions in response to what they believed was mistreatment of young players.

Geee, I am still trying to figure out why not one persecuted negro in this country hasn't fled to China cause of how much better it is over there under their socialist conditions than America.

Even espn is reporting it.

Will commie Kaepernick ever explain why he wore a fidel castro shirt proudly at a presser? Nooooo?

Poor him.

By The Way, President X in China is demanding that Chinese Christians reject their faith and worship him instead. I kid you not. Then there is America which is not far off from looking like China or The Soviet Union.

Welcome to America where DemNazis are making America look like WWII Germany right down to The Extermination of The Undesirables at Planned Parenthood at the pace of 400,000 black babies a year.

And now, you will be suspended from playing if you attend church.

How Nazi of The Left.

Oh, and if you dare hold church meetings, California especially will threaten to cut off all your utilities.

But hey, free heroin needles for everyone there, shit on the streets, legal prostitution at 13 years of age, and Weed and Liquor stores galore are allowed to be open. And teachers, teaching young children that it's nature to be the victim of Joe Biden's Pedophile Old Codger Friends.

God needs to take care of The Fornication State like in a Biblical way.
By The Way, President X in China is demanding that Chinese Christians reject their faith and worship him instead. I kid you not. Then there is America which is not far off from looking like China or The Soviet Union.

And Trump gives China a free pass on all of its human rights violations. The Democrats don't.

When Russia and China give you Trump culitsts conflicting orders, how do you figure out which master you're going to obey?
By The Way, President X in China is demanding that Chinese Christians reject their faith and worship him instead. I kid you not. Then there is America which is not far off from looking like China or The Soviet Union.

And Trump gives China a free pass on all of its human rights violations. The Democrats don't.

When Russia and China give you Trump culitsts conflicting orders, how do you figure out which master you're going to obey?
Joe Biden and his Cokehead son took how much money from China? And Obama and Clinton were China's best friends.

There were Libtard threads in here just a couple weeks ago proclaiming Trump was going to start a war with China because he was too tough on them.

You are all Liars. Lying is your Native Language. No one should believe anything a Democrat or Liberal ever says because they have No Moral Code.
Hey checkout how few board leftists, who all claim every day how much they hate people being abused and oppressed, care about this subject.

One of them posted and that one leftist defended the yellow people abusing negroes.

Which of course means what?

One, it means it is laughably insulting how they deny they are marxists even though they always defend it while always attacking capitalism as they scroll through their Iphones on a daily basis while sipping a Starbucks soy latte.

Two, it means they couldn't care any less about poor abused negroes if they tried and they are nothing but political pawns to the white leftist Americans, just like I say every single day.

Three, it means they are all enemies to the country and at some point this country will have to be fought for. That reality is becoming more and more true and when it comes time don't hesitate. Use all of these examples of their blatant treachery to help you along.

Make no mistake, they will kill you when given the chance. Just be clear about that when the shit really goes down.

Don't get caught up in their fake concerns with their hypocritical angelic expressions. They are losers and there are no exceptions and there will be no fence to sit.
If China is so bad, why does Trump take so much Chinese money?

Oh, that's right. China wants Trump to win very badly, because Trump always gives China what China want. All the commies everwhere want Trump to win.

It is funny, how the Trumpflakes all claim liberals love China, even though no liberals even speaks highly of China. No matter. Their masters told them it was true, and Trumpflakes aren't known for indpendenent thinking.

So there were Chinese-Americans linked to China who contributed to TRUMP. It is safe to say that China is buying influence on multiple fronts.

I DO NOT know if China preferred Hillary or TRUMP, but after the Tariffs TRUMP imposed, I know Beijing wants Biden.
I DO NOT know if China preferred Hillary or TRUMP, but after the Tariffs TRUMP imposed, I know Beijing wants Biden.

Why? After all, tariffs help the Chinese government bring in more revenue. That's one reason why they want Trump. Tariffs are a tax on the consumers of a nation, and both Trump and the Chinese government love that idea.

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