Would you support adding Asteroid defense as a defense issue for our military?

Good idea?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • No

    Votes: 3 42.9%

  • Total voters


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Since Asteroids can wipe out cities, countries and even drive our species to extinction. Would you support adding Asteroid defense and detection as one of the jobs of our military?

The military's job is to defend this country
...I find these massive objects a threat to the future of our country. Probably more so then Iraq, Iran or russia.

Space command could be given the funding needed to act on these threats as the army, navy or air force acts against other countries. A whole new branch of the military.
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Once again you a day late an d a dollar short:

As the Earth revolves around the Sun, it orbits through planetary debris left from the formation of the solar system. Many of the debris objects are asteroids and comets in orbits bringing them close to the Earth and are referred to as Near-Earth-Objects (or NEOs). Of the total NEO population, some portion are in orbits actually intersecting or crossing the orbit of the Earth. The asteroids of this class are known as Earth-Crossing-Asteroids (ECAs). Occasionally, the motion and relative position of the Earth and an ECA in their respective orbits cause them to collide.

More at the link: http://fas.org/spp/military/docops/usaf/2020/app-r.htm
Since Asteroids can wipe out cities, countries and even drive our species to extinction. Would you support adding Asteroid defense and detection as one of the jobs of our military?

The military's job is to defend this country
...I find these massive objects a threat to the future of our country. Probably more so then Iraq, Iran or russia.

Space command could be given the funding needed to act on these threats as the army, navy or air force acts against other countries. A whole new branch of the military.

Need a system of rail guns throughout the world to mitigate incoming impacters. Lasers wont do it as they only slowly burn holes in things (see the laser shooting it's way through a sequence of balloons, slowly, and one at a time.) Railgun's hyper-velocity projectiles though will shatter solid rocks just fine. Just a matter of detection, tracking, targetting, and engaging in time.
Since Asteroids can wipe out cities, countries and even drive our species to extinction. Would you support adding Asteroid defense and detection as one of the jobs of our military?

The military's job is to defend this country
...I find these massive objects a threat to the future of our country. Probably more so then Iraq, Iran or russia.

Space command could be given the funding needed to act on these threats as the army, navy or air force acts against other countries. A whole new branch of the military.

Need a system of rail guns throughout the world to mitigate incoming impacters. Lasers wont do it as they only slowly burn holes in things (see the laser shooting it's way through a sequence of balloons, slowly, and one at a time.) Railgun's hyper-velocity projectiles though will shatter solid rocks just fine. Just a matter of detection, tracking, targetting, and engaging in time.

A serious threat would need to be engaged way out to deflect it.

We cannot build such a system by itself with such a low chance of it being needed.

Now, if we were to start mining close approach asteroids AND then built a asteroid defense on top of an existing orbital infrastructure, that would more doable.
Since Asteroids can wipe out cities, countries and even drive our species to extinction. Would you support adding Asteroid defense and detection as one of the jobs of our military?

The military's job is to defend this country
...I find these massive objects a threat to the future of our country. Probably more so then Iraq, Iran or russia.

Space command could be given the funding needed to act on these threats as the army, navy or air force acts against other countries. A whole new branch of the military.

Need a system of rail guns throughout the world to mitigate incoming impacters. Lasers wont do it as they only slowly burn holes in things (see the laser shooting it's way through a sequence of balloons, slowly, and one at a time.) Railgun's hyper-velocity projectiles though will shatter solid rocks just fine. Just a matter of detection, tracking, targetting, and engaging in time.

A serious threat would need to be engaged way out to deflect it.

We cannot build such a system by itself with such a low chance of it being needed.

Now, if we were to start mining close approach asteroids AND then built a asteroid defense on top of an existing orbital infrastructure, that would more doable.

Big ones aren't the worry. We spot the planet-killers years ahead of time. It's the smaller ones that come out of no where that could take out a city we need something for.
Since Asteroids can wipe out cities, countries and even drive our species to extinction. Would you support adding Asteroid defense and detection as one of the jobs of our military?

The military's job is to defend this country
...I find these massive objects a threat to the future of our country. Probably more so then Iraq, Iran or russia.

Space command could be given the funding needed to act on these threats as the army, navy or air force acts against other countries. A whole new branch of the military.

Need a system of rail guns throughout the world to mitigate incoming impacters. Lasers wont do it as they only slowly burn holes in things (see the laser shooting it's way through a sequence of balloons, slowly, and one at a time.) Railgun's hyper-velocity projectiles though will shatter solid rocks just fine. Just a matter of detection, tracking, targetting, and engaging in time.

A serious threat would need to be engaged way out to deflect it.

We cannot build such a system by itself with such a low chance of it being needed.

Now, if we were to start mining close approach asteroids AND then built a asteroid defense on top of an existing orbital infrastructure, that would more doable.

Big ones aren't the worry. We spot the planet-killers years ahead of time. It's the smaller ones that come out of no where that could take out a city we need something for.

So we have years watching it coming while we can't do crap about it?

Since Asteroids can wipe out cities, countries and even drive our species to extinction. Would you support adding Asteroid defense and detection as one of the jobs of our military?

The military's job is to defend this country
...I find these massive objects a threat to the future of our country. Probably more so then Iraq, Iran or russia.

Space command could be given the funding needed to act on these threats as the army, navy or air force acts against other countries. A whole new branch of the military.

Need a system of rail guns throughout the world to mitigate incoming impacters. Lasers wont do it as they only slowly burn holes in things (see the laser shooting it's way through a sequence of balloons, slowly, and one at a time.) Railgun's hyper-velocity projectiles though will shatter solid rocks just fine. Just a matter of detection, tracking, targetting, and engaging in time.

A serious threat would need to be engaged way out to deflect it.

We cannot build such a system by itself with such a low chance of it being needed.

Now, if we were to start mining close approach asteroids AND then built a asteroid defense on top of an existing orbital infrastructure, that would more doable.

Big ones aren't the worry. We spot the planet-killers years ahead of time. It's the smaller ones that come out of no where that could take out a city we need something for.

So we have years watching it coming while we can't do crap about it?


If we have years, and determine it's gonna hit the planet, we have options. Pick one up entering the atmospehere and no anti-impacter system is in place to destroy it all we can do is brace brace brace.
Since Asteroids can wipe out cities, countries and even drive our species to extinction. Would you support adding Asteroid defense and detection as one of the jobs of our military?

The military's job is to defend this country
...I find these massive objects a threat to the future of our country. Probably more so then Iraq, Iran or russia.

Space command could be given the funding needed to act on these threats as the army, navy or air force acts against other countries. A whole new branch of the military.

Need a system of rail guns throughout the world to mitigate incoming impacters. Lasers wont do it as they only slowly burn holes in things (see the laser shooting it's way through a sequence of balloons, slowly, and one at a time.) Railgun's hyper-velocity projectiles though will shatter solid rocks just fine. Just a matter of detection, tracking, targetting, and engaging in time.

A serious threat would need to be engaged way out to deflect it.

We cannot build such a system by itself with such a low chance of it being needed.

Now, if we were to start mining close approach asteroids AND then built a asteroid defense on top of an existing orbital infrastructure, that would more doable.

Big ones aren't the worry. We spot the planet-killers years ahead of time. It's the smaller ones that come out of no where that could take out a city we need something for.

So we have years watching it coming while we can't do crap about it?


If we have years, and determine it's gonna hit the planet, we have options. Pick one up entering the atmospehere and no anti-impacter system is in place to destroy it all we can do is brace brace brace.

We have nothing to get to space outside lower Earth orbit. By then all we could do is MAYBE effect where on the Earth it landed.

We would need a decade to build something to deal with a city killer coming in from deep space.
Need a system of rail guns throughout the world to mitigate incoming impacters. Lasers wont do it as they only slowly burn holes in things (see the laser shooting it's way through a sequence of balloons, slowly, and one at a time.) Railgun's hyper-velocity projectiles though will shatter solid rocks just fine. Just a matter of detection, tracking, targetting, and engaging in time.

A serious threat would need to be engaged way out to deflect it.

We cannot build such a system by itself with such a low chance of it being needed.

Now, if we were to start mining close approach asteroids AND then built a asteroid defense on top of an existing orbital infrastructure, that would more doable.

Big ones aren't the worry. We spot the planet-killers years ahead of time. It's the smaller ones that come out of no where that could take out a city we need something for.

So we have years watching it coming while we can't do crap about it?


If we have years, and determine it's gonna hit the planet, we have options. Pick one up entering the atmospehere and no anti-impacter system is in place to destroy it all we can do is brace brace brace.

We have nothing to get to space outside lower Earth orbit. By then all we could do is MAYBE effect where on the Earth it landed.

We would need a decade to build something to deal with a city killer coming in from deep space.

Voyager's beyond Pluto using 70s tech. If facing an extinction level event, I think we'll drop everything else and do somethign about it.
A serious threat would need to be engaged way out to deflect it.

We cannot build such a system by itself with such a low chance of it being needed.

Now, if we were to start mining close approach asteroids AND then built a asteroid defense on top of an existing orbital infrastructure, that would more doable.

Big ones aren't the worry. We spot the planet-killers years ahead of time. It's the smaller ones that come out of no where that could take out a city we need something for.

So we have years watching it coming while we can't do crap about it?


If we have years, and determine it's gonna hit the planet, we have options. Pick one up entering the atmospehere and no anti-impacter system is in place to destroy it all we can do is brace brace brace.

We have nothing to get to space outside lower Earth orbit. By then all we could do is MAYBE effect where on the Earth it landed.

We would need a decade to build something to deal with a city killer coming in from deep space.

Voyager's beyond Pluto using 70s tech. If facing an extinction level event, I think we'll drop everything else and do somethign about it.

We have less space infrastructure than we did in the 70s.
People, given a known large impactor, years ahead of time, we very definately would do something about it. The technology for rail guns is already a reality. We built one of the best fighter planes in the world, idea to flying reality, in 157 days. We went from concept to A-bomb in just a few years. Yes, with all the world's top scientists, we could do it.

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