Would you pay $1,500 for chicken sandwich?

Go look in your pantry. How long do you suppose it would take to make all t he items in it? A lot of them you couldn't even make yourself. I have so frozen shrimp in my freezer that were raised in Vietnam. How would I do that myself? Corn? Filet Mignon? Asparagus? Mushrooms? Horseradish? Soy Sauce? Mustard?

Do you really think you could do all that yourself? If you do, then you're just a damn imbecile who refuses to admit the simple truth.
Well you might have to get local shrimp but yes, I could grow all that stuff
and that's because I'm not a moron like this flamboyant beardster who got a plane to be a dick. That's all that study reveals, that he is a collosal dick.

You're a moron who's a waist of bandwidth.

Arguing with morons is about as fun as watching paint dry.

BTW, if it's so easy, then why aren't you making all this stuff for yourself?
I have a little farm. I make and grow lots of stuff.

Do you think everyone can have their own farm? How do you grow a tractor on a farm? Television? Refrigerator? Computer?
Its not a tractor farm. I use solar panels for fridge and computer. Geez, it's not rocket science.

It doesn't take 6 months to make a sandwich. It takes daily work to have daily meals. Just the same as it does to buy a sandwich from mcdonalds.

Difference is, working daily to buy mcdonalds etc is soul destroying but working daily on your own food is calming.

Did you make the solar panels? Fridge? Computer?

You still don't get the point. That's because you're a fucking dumbass.
From an online post by Cato Institute researcher and editor Chelsea German, Sept. 25:
What would life be like without exchange or trade?
Recently, a man decided to make a sandwich from scratch.
He grew the vegetables, gathered salt from seawater, milked a cow, turned the milk into cheese, pickled a cucumber in a jar, ground his own flour from wheat to make the bread, collected his own honey, and personally killed a chicken for its meat.
This month, he published the results of his endeavor in an enlightening video:
making a sandwich entirely by himself cost him 6 months of his life and set him back $1,500. . .
The inefficiency of making even something as humble as a sandwich by oneself,
without the benefits of market exchange, is simply mind-boggling.
There was a time when everyone grew their own food and made their own clothes.
It was a time of unimaginable poverty and labor without rest.
$1,500 Sandwich Illustrates How Exchange Raises Living Standards

So when you grossly ignorant people primarily FFOs that have no idea where the meat comes from
for the McDonald's chicken now comprehend WHY the concept of a business that exists because of the desire to earn a profit from selling a chicken sandwich has made Western civilization the envy of the
rest of the uncivilized world?

You people that continually bash capitalism, businesses, i.e. like Obama does, do you finally understand
why you are able to sit at a computer munching on a sandwich that cost less then $2.00 that took little or
no effort for you to eat?
Maybe for the first time you'll recognize that your current life style is totally dependent on that evil concept ...capitalism!!!
Ah this is how they pay CEO's a salary in one hour that a worker that actually MAKES the sandwich makes in a year....impressive!

YOU are so f...king stupid!
ONE CEO meaning CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER responsible for 1,000s of employees and you equate the two???
YOU idiots honestly think a worker that makes the sandwiches could MAKE decisions that impact 1,000s of workers lives? Shareholders money?
Millions of dollars in asset management and YOU stupidly equate the salary of a CEO to a sandwich maker??

This is again is a great example of how people like you are so grossly ignorant!
Comparing the training, the education, the experiences of a seasoned executive who sleeps on average less then the "sandwich maker" because of
decisions that have to made that will affect 1,000s of sandwich makers!
But dummies like you NEVER see that because YOU are a sandwich maker and will never ever with that ignorance be anything more!
Management just rearrange the furniture every now and then. They are expendable.
From an online post by Cato Institute researcher and editor Chelsea German, Sept. 25:
What would life be like without exchange or trade?
Recently, a man decided to make a sandwich from scratch.
He grew the vegetables, gathered salt from seawater, milked a cow, turned the milk into cheese, pickled a cucumber in a jar, ground his own flour from wheat to make the bread, collected his own honey, and personally killed a chicken for its meat.
This month, he published the results of his endeavor in an enlightening video:
making a sandwich entirely by himself cost him 6 months of his life and set him back $1,500. . .
The inefficiency of making even something as humble as a sandwich by oneself,
without the benefits of market exchange, is simply mind-boggling.
There was a time when everyone grew their own food and made their own clothes.
It was a time of unimaginable poverty and labor without rest.
$1,500 Sandwich Illustrates How Exchange Raises Living Standards

So when you grossly ignorant people primarily FFOs that have no idea where the meat comes from
for the McDonald's chicken now comprehend WHY the concept of a business that exists because of the desire to earn a profit from selling a chicken sandwich has made Western civilization the envy of the
rest of the uncivilized world?

You people that continually bash capitalism, businesses, i.e. like Obama does, do you finally understand
why you are able to sit at a computer munching on a sandwich that cost less then $2.00 that took little or
no effort for you to eat?
Maybe for the first time you'll recognize that your current life style is totally dependent on that evil concept ...capitalism!!!
Ah this is how they pay CEO's a salary in one hour that a worker that actually MAKES the sandwich makes in a year....impressive!

YOU are so f...king stupid!
ONE CEO meaning CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER responsible for 1,000s of employees and you equate the two???
YOU idiots honestly think a worker that makes the sandwiches could MAKE decisions that impact 1,000s of workers lives? Shareholders money?
Millions of dollars in asset management and YOU stupidly equate the salary of a CEO to a sandwich maker??

This is again is a great example of how people like you are so grossly ignorant!
Comparing the training, the education, the experiences of a seasoned executive who sleeps on average less then the "sandwich maker" because of
decisions that have to made that will affect 1,000s of sandwich makers!
But dummies like you NEVER see that because YOU are a sandwich maker and will never ever with that ignorance be anything more!
Management just rearrange the furniture every now and then. They are expendable.

You're a moron. You know that, don't you?
Well you might have to get local shrimp but yes, I could grow all that stuff
and that's because I'm not a moron like this flamboyant beardster who got a plane to be a dick. That's all that study reveals, that he is a collosal dick.

You're a moron who's a waist of bandwidth.

Arguing with morons is about as fun as watching paint dry.

BTW, if it's so easy, then why aren't you making all this stuff for yourself?
I have a little farm. I make and grow lots of stuff.

Do you think everyone can have their own farm? How do you grow a tractor on a farm? Television? Refrigerator? Computer?
Its not a tractor farm. I use solar panels for fridge and computer. Geez, it's not rocket science.

It doesn't take 6 months to make a sandwich. It takes daily work to have daily meals. Just the same as it does to buy a sandwich from mcdonalds.

Difference is, working daily to buy mcdonalds etc is soul destroying but working daily on your own food is calming.

Did you make the solar panels? Fridge? Computer?

You still don't get the point. That's because you're a fucking dumbass.
Did the beardster make the bucket he milked the cow into? Did he make the jar he pickled the cucumber in? What did he grind the flour with? Did he build that ridiculous plane?

His study is a joke. Anyone can see.
Go look in your pantry. How long do you suppose it would take to make all t he items in it? A lot of them you couldn't even make yourself. I have so frozen shrimp in my freezer that were raised in Vietnam. How would I do that myself? Corn? Filet Mignon? Asparagus? Mushrooms? Horseradish? Soy Sauce? Mustard?

Do you really think you could do all that yourself? If you do, then you're just a damn imbecile who refuses to admit the simple truth.
Well you might have to get local shrimp but yes, I could grow all that stuff
and that's because I'm not a moron like this flamboyant beardster who got a plane to be a dick. That's all that study reveals, that he is a collosal dick.

You're a moron who's a waist of bandwidth.

Arguing with morons is about as fun as watching paint dry.

BTW, if it's so easy, then why aren't you making all this stuff for yourself?
I have a little farm. I make and grow lots of stuff.

Do you think everyone can have their own farm? How do you grow a tractor on a farm? Television? Refrigerator? Computer?
Its not a tractor farm. I use solar panels for fridge and computer. Geez, it's not rocket science.

It doesn't take 6 months to make a sandwich. It takes daily work to have daily meals. Just the same as it does to buy a sandwich from mcdonalds.

Difference is, working daily to buy mcdonalds etc is soul destroying but working daily on your own food is calming.

Do you have chickens? Do you have a county/city/EPA permit to raise chickens?
Do you have EPA checking the flow of contaminated water from your chicken pens?
How about county health have they checked your hen houses to see there are no lice,etc...?
Finally when you kill the chickens to make your sandwich do you dispose of the entrails properly and not just burying them?
How about the bread? Do you have an acreage where grow the wheat? Once the wheat is harvested do you mill the wheat to get the flour?
Then when you bake the bread are you making sure the oven's are in compliance with OSHA/the fire department, county health?
NOW after completing all the rules and regulations...
How many hours do you spend planting the wheat? Where did you get the wheat seed by the way?
Did you use a horse to harvest the wheat or did you cut by hand? If you did it would take a day for you to harvest an acre of wheat.
Once it is harvested it would take another day or more to grind the wheat with what???
NOW as far as the chickens. I've raised chickens. They don't subsist on pecking the ground. Takes feed.
Have you ever wrung a chicken's neck to kill it? I have! Plus there are so many other trivial tasks involved.
But again you are obviously very very ignorant or else you would NEVER have made the stupid comparison!

Finally after all this is done how many hours have you spent meeting compliance issues, planting seeds, harvesting wheat,etc.?
How many hours used in raising the chickens, feeding them,etc.
And all the while I've not mentioned the weather!

So please don't be so totally ignorant of the process that makes it possible for millions of us to within 15 minutes plunk down $2.00 for a chicken sandwich
at McDonalds!
You're a moron who's a waist of bandwidth.

Arguing with morons is about as fun as watching paint dry.

BTW, if it's so easy, then why aren't you making all this stuff for yourself?
I have a little farm. I make and grow lots of stuff.

Do you think everyone can have their own farm? How do you grow a tractor on a farm? Television? Refrigerator? Computer?
Its not a tractor farm. I use solar panels for fridge and computer. Geez, it's not rocket science.

It doesn't take 6 months to make a sandwich. It takes daily work to have daily meals. Just the same as it does to buy a sandwich from mcdonalds.

Difference is, working daily to buy mcdonalds etc is soul destroying but working daily on your own food is calming.

Did you make the solar panels? Fridge? Computer?

You still don't get the point. That's because you're a fucking dumbass.
Did the beardster make the bucket he milked the cow into? Did he make the jar he pickled the cucumber in? What did he grind the flour with? Did he build that ridiculous plane?

His study is a joke. Anyone can see.

That only further elucidates how fucking stupid you are.
You're a moron who's a waist of bandwidth.

Arguing with morons is about as fun as watching paint dry.

BTW, if it's so easy, then why aren't you making all this stuff for yourself?
I have a little farm. I make and grow lots of stuff.

Do you think everyone can have their own farm? How do you grow a tractor on a farm? Television? Refrigerator? Computer?
Its not a tractor farm. I use solar panels for fridge and computer. Geez, it's not rocket science.

It doesn't take 6 months to make a sandwich. It takes daily work to have daily meals. Just the same as it does to buy a sandwich from mcdonalds.

Difference is, working daily to buy mcdonalds etc is soul destroying but working daily on your own food is calming.

Did you make the solar panels? Fridge? Computer?

You still don't get the point. That's because you're a fucking dumbass.
Did the beardster make the bucket he milked the cow into? Did he make the jar he pickled the cucumber in? What did he grind the flour with? Did he build that ridiculous plane?

His study is a joke. Anyone can see.

YOUR POINT is well taken! NO he didn't! You are right. And he should have!
YOU totally don't get it do you?
He is pointing out to idiots like you how complicated the processes that we take for granted. And he's pointing out that without the profit motive these
processes wouldn't take place! There is NO profit in making 1 sandwich. But making billions now that is what makes a McDonald put out a $2.00 meal!
And with NO effort on your part! Millions of hours required by the suppliers to McDonalds of the bread, the meat and they simply assemble!
All for $2.00 and you don't have to take ONE hour of your time!
From an online post by Cato Institute researcher and editor Chelsea German, Sept. 25:
What would life be like without exchange or trade?
Recently, a man decided to make a sandwich from scratch.
He grew the vegetables, gathered salt from seawater, milked a cow, turned the milk into cheese, pickled a cucumber in a jar, ground his own flour from wheat to make the bread, collected his own honey, and personally killed a chicken for its meat.
This month, he published the results of his endeavor in an enlightening video:
making a sandwich entirely by himself cost him 6 months of his life and set him back $1,500. . .
The inefficiency of making even something as humble as a sandwich by oneself,
without the benefits of market exchange, is simply mind-boggling.
There was a time when everyone grew their own food and made their own clothes.
It was a time of unimaginable poverty and labor without rest.
$1,500 Sandwich Illustrates How Exchange Raises Living Standards

So when you grossly ignorant people primarily FFOs that have no idea where the meat comes from
for the McDonald's chicken now comprehend WHY the concept of a business that exists because of the desire to earn a profit from selling a chicken sandwich has made Western civilization the envy of the
rest of the uncivilized world?

You people that continually bash capitalism, businesses, i.e. like Obama does, do you finally understand
why you are able to sit at a computer munching on a sandwich that cost less then $2.00 that took little or
no effort for you to eat?
Maybe for the first time you'll recognize that your current life style is totally dependent on that evil concept ...capitalism!!!
Ah this is how they pay CEO's a salary in one hour that a worker that actually MAKES the sandwich makes in a year....impressive!
No, that hasn't occured to me. I just don't think that he did nothing else but work solidly o that one sandwich for 6 months, and the fiigure of 1500 is ridiculous. Whatever equipment or substances he purchased with that (by the way, where did the money go if he made this sandwich out of thin air?) Would never be used to only produce enough for one sandwich. These things would be an investment for makig in bulk.

It's clear, this beardster is not a practical man.

YOU are so f...king stupid!
ONE CEO meaning CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER responsible for 1,000s of employees and you equate the two???
YOU idiots honestly think a worker that makes the sandwiches could MAKE decisions that impact 1,000s of workers lives? Shareholders money?
Millions of dollars in asset management and YOU stupidly equate the salary of a CEO to a sandwich maker??

This is again is a great example of how people like you are so grossly ignorant!
Comparing the training, the education, the experiences of a seasoned executive who sleeps on average less then the "sandwich maker" because of
decisions that have to made that will affect 1,000s of sandwich makers!
But dummies like you NEVER see that because YOU are a sandwich maker and will never ever with that ignorance be anything more!
Management just rearrange the furniture every now and then. They are expendable.

You're a moron. You know that, don't you?
From an online post by Cato Institute researcher and editor Chelsea German, Sept. 25:
What would life be like without exchange or trade?
Recently, a man decided to make a sandwich from scratch.
He grew the vegetables, gathered salt from seawater, milked a cow, turned the milk into cheese, pickled a cucumber in a jar, ground his own flour from wheat to make the bread, collected his own honey, and personally killed a chicken for its meat.
This month, he published the results of his endeavor in an enlightening video:
making a sandwich entirely by himself cost him 6 months of his life and set him back $1,500. . .
The inefficiency of making even something as humble as a sandwich by oneself,
without the benefits of market exchange, is simply mind-boggling.
There was a time when everyone grew their own food and made their own clothes.
It was a time of unimaginable poverty and labor without rest.
$1,500 Sandwich Illustrates How Exchange Raises Living Standards

So when you grossly ignorant people primarily FFOs that have no idea where the meat comes from
for the McDonald's chicken now comprehend WHY the concept of a business that exists because of the desire to earn a profit from selling a chicken sandwich has made Western civilization the envy of the
rest of the uncivilized world?

You people that continually bash capitalism, businesses, i.e. like Obama does, do you finally understand
why you are able to sit at a computer munching on a sandwich that cost less then $2.00 that took little or
no effort for you to eat?
Maybe for the first time you'll recognize that your current life style is totally dependent on that evil concept ...capitalism!!!
Ah this is how they pay CEO's a salary in one hour that a worker that actually MAKES the sandwich makes in a year....impressive!

YOU are so f...king stupid!
ONE CEO meaning CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER responsible for 1,000s of employees and you equate the two???
YOU idiots honestly think a worker that makes the sandwiches could MAKE decisions that impact 1,000s of workers lives? Shareholders money?
Millions of dollars in asset management and YOU stupidly equate the salary of a CEO to a sandwich maker??

This is again is a great example of how people like you are so grossly ignorant!
Comparing the training, the education, the experiences of a seasoned executive who sleeps on average less then the "sandwich maker" because of
decisions that have to made that will affect 1,000s of sandwich makers!
But dummies like you NEVER see that because YOU are a sandwich maker and will never ever with that ignorance be anything more!
So a person's title now entitles them to an hourly salary of what one of the workers makes in a year but the effort a person puts in to his or her work doesn't....hmm thought you republitards were all about hard work paying off etc and all that happy shit? Guess not eh? Its simple,simpleton. ANYONE that works a job should be paid a wage they can pay rent,bills,take care of a family on. If that ain't happening how about Daddy's little boy take a fucking pay cut from 15k an hour to oh 5k an hour. Sure it won't kill him. The workers don't need to find a new job or improve their skills blah blah blah the ceo's simply need to pay the people making,selling,transporting THEIR CRAP more money since they are obviously SO RICH that they can afford outrageously high greedy salaries for themselves but nothing but scrap wages for the workers. If not then can't say I didn't tell you so when the workers finally stand up burn your stores the ground and march en mass to the gated communities you live in smash the gates and take up residence and take what is rightfully theirs by force. :)
I have a little farm. I make and grow lots of stuff.

Do you think everyone can have their own farm? How do you grow a tractor on a farm? Television? Refrigerator? Computer?
Its not a tractor farm. I use solar panels for fridge and computer. Geez, it's not rocket science.

It doesn't take 6 months to make a sandwich. It takes daily work to have daily meals. Just the same as it does to buy a sandwich from mcdonalds.

Difference is, working daily to buy mcdonalds etc is soul destroying but working daily on your own food is calming.

Did you make the solar panels? Fridge? Computer?

You still don't get the point. That's because you're a fucking dumbass.
Did the beardster make the bucket he milked the cow into? Did he make the jar he pickled the cucumber in? What did he grind the flour with? Did he build that ridiculous plane?

His study is a joke. Anyone can see.

YOUR POINT is well taken! NO he didn't! You are right. And he should have!
YOU totally don't get it do you?
He is pointing out to idiots like you how complicated the processes that we take for granted. And he's pointing out that without the profit motive these
processes wouldn't take place! There is NO profit in making 1 sandwich. But making billions now that is what makes a McDonald put out a $2.00 meal!
And with NO effort on your part! Millions of hours required by the suppliers to McDonalds of the bread, the meat and they simply assemble!
All for $2.00 and you don't have to take ONE hour of your time!

GG is too stupid to understand the point. That's why this country is doomed. It takes a certain level of intelligence to appreciate the marvelous productivity of the free enterprise system, and there are too many stupid trolls like GG who can vote. I have no hope this country can survive such idiocy,
Well you might have to get local shrimp but yes, I could grow all that stuff
and that's because I'm not a moron like this flamboyant beardster who got a plane to be a dick. That's all that study reveals, that he is a collosal dick.

You're a moron who's a waist of bandwidth.

Arguing with morons is about as fun as watching paint dry.

BTW, if it's so easy, then why aren't you making all this stuff for yourself?
I have a little farm. I make and grow lots of stuff.

Do you think everyone can have their own farm? How do you grow a tractor on a farm? Television? Refrigerator? Computer?
Its not a tractor farm. I use solar panels for fridge and computer. Geez, it's not rocket science.

It doesn't take 6 months to make a sandwich. It takes daily work to have daily meals. Just the same as it does to buy a sandwich from mcdonalds.

Difference is, working daily to buy mcdonalds etc is soul destroying but working daily on your own food is calming.

Do you have chickens? Do you have a county/city/EPA permit to raise chickens?
Do you have EPA checking the flow of contaminated water from your chicken pens?
How about county health have they checked your hen houses to see there are no lice,etc...?
Finally when you kill the chickens to make your sandwich do you dispose of the entrails properly and not just burying them?
How about the bread? Do you have an acreage where grow the wheat? Once the wheat is harvested do you mill the wheat to get the flour?
Then when you bake the bread are you making sure the oven's are in compliance with OSHA/the fire department, county health?
NOW after completing all the rules and regulations...
How many hours do you spend planting the wheat? Where did you get the wheat seed by the way?
Did you use a horse to harvest the wheat or did you cut by hand? If you did it would take a day for you to harvest an acre of wheat.
Once it is harvested it would take another day or more to grind the wheat with what???
NOW as far as the chickens. I've raised chickens. They don't subsist on pecking the ground. Takes feed.
Have you ever wrung a chicken's neck to kill it? I have! Plus there are so many other trivial tasks involved.
But again you are obviously very very ignorant or else you would NEVER have made the stupid comparison!

Finally after all this is done how many hours have you spent meeting compliance issues, planting seeds, harvesting wheat,etc.?
How many hours used in raising the chickens, feeding them,etc.
And all the while I've not mentioned the weather!

So please don't be so totally ignorant of the process that makes it possible for millions of us to within 15 minutes plunk down $2.00 for a chicken sandwich
at McDonalds!
None of this negates the fact that to by a mas produced sandwich you must work full time.

All walks of life take work. And btw, the guy who conducted the study is trying to justify robbing people for chicken licenses.
From an online post by Cato Institute researcher and editor Chelsea German, Sept. 25:
What would life be like without exchange or trade?
Recently, a man decided to make a sandwich from scratch.
He grew the vegetables, gathered salt from seawater, milked a cow, turned the milk into cheese, pickled a cucumber in a jar, ground his own flour from wheat to make the bread, collected his own honey, and personally killed a chicken for its meat.
This month, he published the results of his endeavor in an enlightening video:
making a sandwich entirely by himself cost him 6 months of his life and set him back $1,500. . .
The inefficiency of making even something as humble as a sandwich by oneself,
without the benefits of market exchange, is simply mind-boggling.
There was a time when everyone grew their own food and made their own clothes.
It was a time of unimaginable poverty and labor without rest.
$1,500 Sandwich Illustrates How Exchange Raises Living Standards

So when you grossly ignorant people primarily FFOs that have no idea where the meat comes from
for the McDonald's chicken now comprehend WHY the concept of a business that exists because of the desire to earn a profit from selling a chicken sandwich has made Western civilization the envy of the
rest of the uncivilized world?

You people that continually bash capitalism, businesses, i.e. like Obama does, do you finally understand
why you are able to sit at a computer munching on a sandwich that cost less then $2.00 that took little or
no effort for you to eat?
Maybe for the first time you'll recognize that your current life style is totally dependent on that evil concept ...capitalism!!!
Ah this is how they pay CEO's a salary in one hour that a worker that actually MAKES the sandwich makes in a year....impressive!

YOU are so f...king stupid!
ONE CEO meaning CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER responsible for 1,000s of employees and you equate the two???
YOU idiots honestly think a worker that makes the sandwiches could MAKE decisions that impact 1,000s of workers lives? Shareholders money?
Millions of dollars in asset management and YOU stupidly equate the salary of a CEO to a sandwich maker??

This is again is a great example of how people like you are so grossly ignorant!
Comparing the training, the education, the experiences of a seasoned executive who sleeps on average less then the "sandwich maker" because of
decisions that have to made that will affect 1,000s of sandwich makers!
But dummies like you NEVER see that because YOU are a sandwich maker and will never ever with that ignorance be anything more!
So a person's title now entitles them to an hourly salary of what one of the workers makes in a year but the effort a person puts in to his or her work doesn't....hmm thought you republitards were all about hard work paying off etc and all that happy shit? Guess not eh? Its simple,simpleton. ANYONE that works a job should be paid a wage they can pay rent,bills,take care of a family on. If that ain't happening how about Daddy's little boy take a fucking pay cut from 15k an hour to oh 5k an hour. Sure it won't kill him. The workers don't need to find a new job or improve their skills blah blah blah the ceo's simply need to pay the people making,selling,transporting THEIR CRAP more money since they are obviously SO RICH that they can afford outrageously high greedy salaries for themselves but nothing but scrap wages for the workers. If not then can't say I didn't tell you so when the workers finally stand up burn your stores the ground and march en mass to the gated communities you live in smash the gates and take up residence and take what is rightfully theirs by force. :)

WHAT workers are you talking about ?
These FACTS regarding minimum wage workers?

Of the 3.5 million working at minimum wage:

50.6% or 1,797,000 were mostly employed teenagers age 16 to 24 years
Tables 1 - 10; Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2012
Do you understand that over 50% are teenagers working at jobs that require no skills! Just be on time. Be on the job. And take orders!
Once these unskilled teenagers learn these fundamentals, then they are worth investing more.
But for just less then 2 million people you are willing to put out of work these 2 million people?

Because you see all these 2 million under 24 year olds skills can be replaced you dumb f...ks!!!

Minimum-wage offensive could speed arrival of robot-powered restaurants
When I first started at McDonald’s making 85 cents an hour, everything we made was by hand,” Rensi said — from cutting the shortcakes to stirring syrups into the milk for shakes. Over the years, though, ingredients started to arrive packaged and pre-mixed, ready to be heated up, bagged and handed out the window.
“More and more of the labor was pushed back up the chain,” said Rensi, who went on to become chief executive of the company in the 1990s. The company kept employing more grill cooks and cashiers as it expanded, but each one of them accounted for more of each store’s revenue as more sophisticated cooking techniques allowed each to become more productive.
Many chains are already at work looking for ingenious ways to take humans out of the picture, threatening workers in an industry that employs 2.4 million wait staffers, nearly 3 million cooks and food preparers and many of the nation’s 3.3 million cashiers.
All that innovation helps restaurants streamline other parts of their operations — and draw more customers. Electronic menus can be constantly updated so that items that are out of stock can be removed. Connecting the point of the sale to the oven’s operating system allows precise amounts of food to be cooked, which helps cut down on costs. Other inventions save energy, reduce maintenance and better dispose of grease.
Minimum-wage offensive could speed arrival of robot-powered restaurants
You're a moron who's a waist of bandwidth.

Arguing with morons is about as fun as watching paint dry.

BTW, if it's so easy, then why aren't you making all this stuff for yourself?
I have a little farm. I make and grow lots of stuff.

Do you think everyone can have their own farm? How do you grow a tractor on a farm? Television? Refrigerator? Computer?
Its not a tractor farm. I use solar panels for fridge and computer. Geez, it's not rocket science.

It doesn't take 6 months to make a sandwich. It takes daily work to have daily meals. Just the same as it does to buy a sandwich from mcdonalds.

Difference is, working daily to buy mcdonalds etc is soul destroying but working daily on your own food is calming.

Do you have chickens? Do you have a county/city/EPA permit to raise chickens?
Do you have EPA checking the flow of contaminated water from your chicken pens?
How about county health have they checked your hen houses to see there are no lice,etc...?
Finally when you kill the chickens to make your sandwich do you dispose of the entrails properly and not just burying them?
How about the bread? Do you have an acreage where grow the wheat? Once the wheat is harvested do you mill the wheat to get the flour?
Then when you bake the bread are you making sure the oven's are in compliance with OSHA/the fire department, county health?
NOW after completing all the rules and regulations...
How many hours do you spend planting the wheat? Where did you get the wheat seed by the way?
Did you use a horse to harvest the wheat or did you cut by hand? If you did it would take a day for you to harvest an acre of wheat.
Once it is harvested it would take another day or more to grind the wheat with what???
NOW as far as the chickens. I've raised chickens. They don't subsist on pecking the ground. Takes feed.
Have you ever wrung a chicken's neck to kill it? I have! Plus there are so many other trivial tasks involved.
But again you are obviously very very ignorant or else you would NEVER have made the stupid comparison!

Finally after all this is done how many hours have you spent meeting compliance issues, planting seeds, harvesting wheat,etc.?
How many hours used in raising the chickens, feeding them,etc.
And all the while I've not mentioned the weather!

So please don't be so totally ignorant of the process that makes it possible for millions of us to within 15 minutes plunk down $2.00 for a chicken sandwich
at McDonalds!
None of this negates the fact that to by a mas produced sandwich you must work full time.

All walks of life take work. And btw, the guy who conducted the study is trying to justify robbing people for chicken licenses.

YES you are again right! All walks of life take work. BUT hundreds of years ago that's all you did was work to raise the food to live on!
And that's the point! You would NOT BE AWAKE Right now hundreds of years ago typing a comment when your "work" allows you to spend
8 hours physically not challenging like farming or raising chickens. You don't do that today.
NOW you have time to do the stupid things you do because of this capitalism process called market demand!
From an online post by Cato Institute researcher and editor Chelsea German, Sept. 25:
What would life be like without exchange or trade?
Recently, a man decided to make a sandwich from scratch.
He grew the vegetables, gathered salt from seawater, milked a cow, turned the milk into cheese, pickled a cucumber in a jar, ground his own flour from wheat to make the bread, collected his own honey, and personally killed a chicken for its meat.
This month, he published the results of his endeavor in an enlightening video:
making a sandwich entirely by himself cost him 6 months of his life and set him back $1,500. . .
The inefficiency of making even something as humble as a sandwich by oneself,
without the benefits of market exchange, is simply mind-boggling.
There was a time when everyone grew their own food and made their own clothes.
It was a time of unimaginable poverty and labor without rest.
$1,500 Sandwich Illustrates How Exchange Raises Living Standards

So when you grossly ignorant people primarily FFOs that have no idea where the meat comes from
for the McDonald's chicken now comprehend WHY the concept of a business that exists because of the desire to earn a profit from selling a chicken sandwich has made Western civilization the envy of the
rest of the uncivilized world?

You people that continually bash capitalism, businesses, i.e. like Obama does, do you finally understand
why you are able to sit at a computer munching on a sandwich that cost less then $2.00 that took little or
no effort for you to eat?
Maybe for the first time you'll recognize that your current life style is totally dependent on that evil concept ...capitalism!!!
Ah this is how they pay CEO's a salary in one hour that a worker that actually MAKES the sandwich makes in a year....impressive!

YOU are so f...king stupid!
ONE CEO meaning CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER responsible for 1,000s of employees and you equate the two???
YOU idiots honestly think a worker that makes the sandwiches could MAKE decisions that impact 1,000s of workers lives? Shareholders money?
Millions of dollars in asset management and YOU stupidly equate the salary of a CEO to a sandwich maker??

This is again is a great example of how people like you are so grossly ignorant!
Comparing the training, the education, the experiences of a seasoned executive who sleeps on average less then the "sandwich maker" because of
decisions that have to made that will affect 1,000s of sandwich makers!
But dummies like you NEVER see that because YOU are a sandwich maker and will never ever with that ignorance be anything more!
Management just rearrange the furniture every now and then. They are expendable.

Who then makes decisions?
Obviously YOU'VE NEVER been in that position.
Decisions as to where millions of dollars will be spent. Decisions affecting 1,000s of lives.
Who will make those decisions? The sandwich maker?
From an online post by Cato Institute researcher and editor Chelsea German, Sept. 25:
What would life be like without exchange or trade?
Recently, a man decided to make a sandwich from scratch.
He grew the vegetables, gathered salt from seawater, milked a cow, turned the milk into cheese, pickled a cucumber in a jar, ground his own flour from wheat to make the bread, collected his own honey, and personally killed a chicken for its meat.
This month, he published the results of his endeavor in an enlightening video:
making a sandwich entirely by himself cost him 6 months of his life and set him back $1,500. . .
The inefficiency of making even something as humble as a sandwich by oneself,
without the benefits of market exchange, is simply mind-boggling.
There was a time when everyone grew their own food and made their own clothes.
It was a time of unimaginable poverty and labor without rest.
$1,500 Sandwich Illustrates How Exchange Raises Living Standards

So when you grossly ignorant people primarily FFOs that have no idea where the meat comes from
for the McDonald's chicken now comprehend WHY the concept of a business that exists because of the desire to earn a profit from selling a chicken sandwich has made Western civilization the envy of the
rest of the uncivilized world?

You people that continually bash capitalism, businesses, i.e. like Obama does, do you finally understand
why you are able to sit at a computer munching on a sandwich that cost less then $2.00 that took little or
no effort for you to eat?
Maybe for the first time you'll recognize that your current life style is totally dependent on that evil concept ...capitalism!!!
Ah this is how they pay CEO's a salary in one hour that a worker that actually MAKES the sandwich makes in a year....impressive!

YOU are so f...king stupid!
ONE CEO meaning CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER responsible for 1,000s of employees and you equate the two???
YOU idiots honestly think a worker that makes the sandwiches could MAKE decisions that impact 1,000s of workers lives? Shareholders money?
Millions of dollars in asset management and YOU stupidly equate the salary of a CEO to a sandwich maker??

This is again is a great example of how people like you are so grossly ignorant!
Comparing the training, the education, the experiences of a seasoned executive who sleeps on average less then the "sandwich maker" because of
decisions that have to made that will affect 1,000s of sandwich makers!
But dummies like you NEVER see that because YOU are a sandwich maker and will never ever with that ignorance be anything more!
So a person's title now entitles them to an hourly salary of what one of the workers makes in a year but the effort a person puts in to his or her work doesn't....hmm thought you republitards were all about hard work paying off etc and all that happy shit? Guess not eh? Its simple,simpleton. ANYONE that works a job should be paid a wage they can pay rent,bills,take care of a family on. If that ain't happening how about Daddy's little boy take a fucking pay cut from 15k an hour to oh 5k an hour. Sure it won't kill him. The workers don't need to find a new job or improve their skills blah blah blah the ceo's simply need to pay the people making,selling,transporting THEIR CRAP more money since they are obviously SO RICH that they can afford outrageously high greedy salaries for themselves but nothing but scrap wages for the workers. If not then can't say I didn't tell you so when the workers finally stand up burn your stores the ground and march en mass to the gated communities you live in smash the gates and take up residence and take what is rightfully theirs by force. :)

WHAT workers are you talking about ?
These FACTS regarding minimum wage workers?

Of the 3.5 million working at minimum wage:

50.6% or 1,797,000 were mostly employed teenagers age 16 to 24 years
Tables 1 - 10; Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2012
Do you understand that over 50% are teenagers working at jobs that require no skills! Just be on time. Be on the job. And take orders!
Once these unskilled teenagers learn these fundamentals, then they are worth investing more.
But for just less then 2 million people you are willing to put out of work these 2 million people?

Because you see all these 2 million under 24 year olds skills can be replaced you dumb f...ks!!!

Minimum-wage offensive could speed arrival of robot-powered restaurants
When I first started at McDonald’s making 85 cents an hour, everything we made was by hand,” Rensi said — from cutting the shortcakes to stirring syrups into the milk for shakes. Over the years, though, ingredients started to arrive packaged and pre-mixed, ready to be heated up, bagged and handed out the window.
“More and more of the labor was pushed back up the chain,” said Rensi, who went on to become chief executive of the company in the 1990s. The company kept employing more grill cooks and cashiers as it expanded, but each one of them accounted for more of each store’s revenue as more sophisticated cooking techniques allowed each to become more productive.
Many chains are already at work looking for ingenious ways to take humans out of the picture, threatening workers in an industry that employs 2.4 million wait staffers, nearly 3 million cooks and food preparers and many of the nation’s 3.3 million cashiers.
All that innovation helps restaurants streamline other parts of their operations — and draw more customers. Electronic menus can be constantly updated so that items that are out of stock can be removed. Connecting the point of the sale to the oven’s operating system allows precise amounts of food to be cooked, which helps cut down on costs. Other inventions save energy, reduce maintenance and better dispose of grease.
Minimum-wage offensive could speed arrival of robot-powered restaurants
Smash the robots smash the store whatever....same thing to the workers being screwed by rich selfish greedy bastards.
I have a little farm. I make and grow lots of stuff.

Do you think everyone can have their own farm? How do you grow a tractor on a farm? Television? Refrigerator? Computer?
Its not a tractor farm. I use solar panels for fridge and computer. Geez, it's not rocket science.

It doesn't take 6 months to make a sandwich. It takes daily work to have daily meals. Just the same as it does to buy a sandwich from mcdonalds.

Difference is, working daily to buy mcdonalds etc is soul destroying but working daily on your own food is calming.

Do you have chickens? Do you have a county/city/EPA permit to raise chickens?
Do you have EPA checking the flow of contaminated water from your chicken pens?
How about county health have they checked your hen houses to see there are no lice,etc...?
Finally when you kill the chickens to make your sandwich do you dispose of the entrails properly and not just burying them?
How about the bread? Do you have an acreage where grow the wheat? Once the wheat is harvested do you mill the wheat to get the flour?
Then when you bake the bread are you making sure the oven's are in compliance with OSHA/the fire department, county health?
NOW after completing all the rules and regulations...
How many hours do you spend planting the wheat? Where did you get the wheat seed by the way?
Did you use a horse to harvest the wheat or did you cut by hand? If you did it would take a day for you to harvest an acre of wheat.
Once it is harvested it would take another day or more to grind the wheat with what???
NOW as far as the chickens. I've raised chickens. They don't subsist on pecking the ground. Takes feed.
Have you ever wrung a chicken's neck to kill it? I have! Plus there are so many other trivial tasks involved.
But again you are obviously very very ignorant or else you would NEVER have made the stupid comparison!

Finally after all this is done how many hours have you spent meeting compliance issues, planting seeds, harvesting wheat,etc.?
How many hours used in raising the chickens, feeding them,etc.
And all the while I've not mentioned the weather!

So please don't be so totally ignorant of the process that makes it possible for millions of us to within 15 minutes plunk down $2.00 for a chicken sandwich
at McDonalds!
None of this negates the fact that to by a mas produced sandwich you must work full time.

All walks of life take work. And btw, the guy who conducted the study is trying to justify robbing people for chicken licenses.

YES you are again right! All walks of life take work. BUT hundreds of years ago that's all you did was work to raise the food to live on!
And that's the point! You would NOT BE AWAKE Right now hundreds of years ago typing a comment when your "work" allows you to spend
8 hours physically not challenging like farming or raising chickens. You don't do that today.
NOW you have time to do the stupid things you do because of this capitalism process called market demand!
Its NOT one hundred years ago. And I do have chickens and eggs.
From an online post by Cato Institute researcher and editor Chelsea German, Sept. 25:
What would life be like without exchange or trade?
Recently, a man decided to make a sandwich from scratch.
He grew the vegetables, gathered salt from seawater, milked a cow, turned the milk into cheese, pickled a cucumber in a jar, ground his own flour from wheat to make the bread, collected his own honey, and personally killed a chicken for its meat.
This month, he published the results of his endeavor in an enlightening video:
making a sandwich entirely by himself cost him 6 months of his life and set him back $1,500. . .
The inefficiency of making even something as humble as a sandwich by oneself,
without the benefits of market exchange, is simply mind-boggling.
There was a time when everyone grew their own food and made their own clothes.
It was a time of unimaginable poverty and labor without rest.
$1,500 Sandwich Illustrates How Exchange Raises Living Standards

So when you grossly ignorant people primarily FFOs that have no idea where the meat comes from
for the McDonald's chicken now comprehend WHY the concept of a business that exists because of the desire to earn a profit from selling a chicken sandwich has made Western civilization the envy of the
rest of the uncivilized world?

You people that continually bash capitalism, businesses, i.e. like Obama does, do you finally understand
why you are able to sit at a computer munching on a sandwich that cost less then $2.00 that took little or
no effort for you to eat?
Maybe for the first time you'll recognize that your current life style is totally dependent on that evil concept ...capitalism!!!
Ah this is how they pay CEO's a salary in one hour that a worker that actually MAKES the sandwich makes in a year....impressive!

YOU are so f...king stupid!
ONE CEO meaning CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER responsible for 1,000s of employees and you equate the two???
YOU idiots honestly think a worker that makes the sandwiches could MAKE decisions that impact 1,000s of workers lives? Shareholders money?
Millions of dollars in asset management and YOU stupidly equate the salary of a CEO to a sandwich maker??

This is again is a great example of how people like you are so grossly ignorant!
Comparing the training, the education, the experiences of a seasoned executive who sleeps on average less then the "sandwich maker" because of
decisions that have to made that will affect 1,000s of sandwich makers!
But dummies like you NEVER see that because YOU are a sandwich maker and will never ever with that ignorance be anything more!
Management just rearrange the furniture every now and then. They are expendable.

Who then makes decisions?
Obviously YOU'VE NEVER been in that position.
Decisions as to where millions of dollars will be spent. Decisions affecting 1,000s of lives.
Who will make those decisions? The sandwich maker?
Yes, the sandwich maker can make decisions.
I have a little farm. I make and grow lots of stuff.

Do you think everyone can have their own farm? How do you grow a tractor on a farm? Television? Refrigerator? Computer?
Its not a tractor farm. I use solar panels for fridge and computer. Geez, it's not rocket science.

It doesn't take 6 months to make a sandwich. It takes daily work to have daily meals. Just the same as it does to buy a sandwich from mcdonalds.

Difference is, working daily to buy mcdonalds etc is soul destroying but working daily on your own food is calming.

Do you have chickens? Do you have a county/city/EPA permit to raise chickens?
Do you have EPA checking the flow of contaminated water from your chicken pens?
How about county health have they checked your hen houses to see there are no lice,etc...?
Finally when you kill the chickens to make your sandwich do you dispose of the entrails properly and not just burying them?
How about the bread? Do you have an acreage where grow the wheat? Once the wheat is harvested do you mill the wheat to get the flour?
Then when you bake the bread are you making sure the oven's are in compliance with OSHA/the fire department, county health?
NOW after completing all the rules and regulations...
How many hours do you spend planting the wheat? Where did you get the wheat seed by the way?
Did you use a horse to harvest the wheat or did you cut by hand? If you did it would take a day for you to harvest an acre of wheat.
Once it is harvested it would take another day or more to grind the wheat with what???
NOW as far as the chickens. I've raised chickens. They don't subsist on pecking the ground. Takes feed.
Have you ever wrung a chicken's neck to kill it? I have! Plus there are so many other trivial tasks involved.
But again you are obviously very very ignorant or else you would NEVER have made the stupid comparison!

Finally after all this is done how many hours have you spent meeting compliance issues, planting seeds, harvesting wheat,etc.?
How many hours used in raising the chickens, feeding them,etc.
And all the while I've not mentioned the weather!

So please don't be so totally ignorant of the process that makes it possible for millions of us to within 15 minutes plunk down $2.00 for a chicken sandwich
at McDonalds!
None of this negates the fact that to by a mas produced sandwich you must work full time.

All walks of life take work. And btw, the guy who conducted the study is trying to justify robbing people for chicken licenses.

YES you are again right! All walks of life take work. BUT hundreds of years ago that's all you did was work to raise the food to live on!
And that's the point! You would NOT BE AWAKE Right now hundreds of years ago typing a comment when your "work" allows you to spend
8 hours physically not challenging like farming or raising chickens. You don't do that today.
NOW you have time to do the stupid things you do because of this capitalism process called market demand!
Well at least Id get some sleep.
From an online post by Cato Institute researcher and editor Chelsea German, Sept. 25:
What would life be like without exchange or trade?
Recently, a man decided to make a sandwich from scratch.
He grew the vegetables, gathered salt from seawater, milked a cow, turned the milk into cheese, pickled a cucumber in a jar, ground his own flour from wheat to make the bread, collected his own honey, and personally killed a chicken for its meat.
This month, he published the results of his endeavor in an enlightening video:
making a sandwich entirely by himself cost him 6 months of his life and set him back $1,500. . .
The inefficiency of making even something as humble as a sandwich by oneself,
without the benefits of market exchange, is simply mind-boggling.
There was a time when everyone grew their own food and made their own clothes.
It was a time of unimaginable poverty and labor without rest.
$1,500 Sandwich Illustrates How Exchange Raises Living Standards

So when you grossly ignorant people primarily FFOs that have no idea where the meat comes from
for the McDonald's chicken now comprehend WHY the concept of a business that exists because of the desire to earn a profit from selling a chicken sandwich has made Western civilization the envy of the
rest of the uncivilized world?

You people that continually bash capitalism, businesses, i.e. like Obama does, do you finally understand
why you are able to sit at a computer munching on a sandwich that cost less then $2.00 that took little or
no effort for you to eat?
Maybe for the first time you'll recognize that your current life style is totally dependent on that evil concept ...capitalism!!!

Supporting the ACA is not bashing capitalism or business. You nutters need to take the vice grips off of your heads as they have been squeezed a bit too hard and all that seems to be left is mush.

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