Would you be interested in supporting a humane equivalent to the abortion mills?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
One of PP's main arguments against abolition is that they provide many other services for women's health in addition to the 10% abortion figure, from providing free condoms to referring to healthcare providers that perform mammograms. Depriving them of their non-profit status won't just remove a significant chunk of their annual profit but it will also somehow force women to buy their birth control from somewhere else. It occurred to me that the most direct way to undermine this argument is to support and maintain a parallel health service that actually does adhere to ethical guidelines, health and safety standards, and all of that other evil conservative nonsense they spend so much time fighting. It wouldn't be simple, though. We would have to unite our fractured base, network with the crisis centers nad friendly medical providers, defend the project from the inevitable legal and physical attacks by the industry and possibly government... It would be a lifetime's worth of work for a LOT of people.
One of PP's main arguments against abolition is that they provide many other services for women's health in addition to the 10% abortion figure, from providing free condoms to referring to healthcare providers that perform mammograms. Depriving them of their non-profit status won't just remove a significant chunk of their annual profit but it will also somehow force women to buy their birth control from somewhere else. It occurred to me that the most direct way to undermine this argument is to support and maintain a parallel health service that actually does adhere to ethical guidelines, health and safety standards, and all of that other evil conservative nonsense they spend so much time fighting. It wouldn't be simple, though. We would have to unite our fractured base, network with the crisis centers nad friendly medical providers, defend the project from the inevitable legal and physical attacks by the industry and possibly government... It would be a lifetime's worth of work for a LOT of people.

As has been pointed out....there are 9,000 clinics that do just that.....and they have that other thing....what's it called...oh yeah...adoption.....just change 3 letters and you have the solution.....
Why should the government fund PP (or NPR)? If they provide such valuable services, why can't they support themselves?

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