Would this liberal mother fucker just die....


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
World's second richest man Warren Buffett thinks it's a mistake to eliminate the estate tax
Billionaire Warren Buffett told CNBC on Tuesday it's a mistake to eliminate the estate tax as part of the Republican approach to tax reform.
The estate tax(Death Tax) is a 3rd taxation on money that a person earns. Mostly this money is found in small businesses and farms, where lets say a farm is worth 10 million dollars, so 50% of that farm is now taxed. The children who inherit the farm has to find the money to pay the taxes so if they don't have the cash, they have to sell the farm and in comes Warren pays the kids the 10 mil, kids pay off the taxes and splits the cash between them. But Warren is now sitting on land that he can develop into housing and this is where a lot of Warrens fortune came from. A liberal using the government to take the money from hard working people, then he becomes richer for it. Now you understand why Warren doesn't want the Death Tax to go away.

Warren Buffett Benefited From Death Tax | Human Events

By the way, Warren is giving most of his Billions to Charity, not the government, but don't you find it hypocritical, but it typical of any uber wealthy liberal. When he dies, each of his kids will get 1 billion dollars. Mighty White of Warren..
Fuck him. Why don't he just give all his shit to the government now?
Warren Buffett’s Nifty Tax Loophole
What is astounding about those numbers is not the 17.3% tax rate, but that Buffett’s $39.8 million of taxable income is only about 0.05% of his reported net worth ($71 billion according to Forbes, which put him third on its list of the 400 wealthiest people in the world for 2015).
It is all about the power. The more they have the more power they can use that power and influence. Also it is a game, to get the liberal tards believing that he actually cares for them, but then shoves it in their faces, that he isn't.
Giving everything to the rich and allowing the lower 80% of our population to become poorer is no way to run a country.

nobody gave Buffett his money he earned it. The idea of stealing what he earned to make the poor richer is 100% stupid and perfectly liberal. It cripples the poor for generations. Why are liberals too slow to understand this? The idea is to teach the poor how to earn money not to steal money for them to cripple them. Do you understand?
The rich profit more off wars also...So they should pay more..

The rich profit on the reality that we have a stable economic system, roads, police, etc. They use all these things more...

Fuck yeah they should pay more.

Some bum on the street doesn't use 1/1,000th of what someone with 10 million uses. That is reality.

That liberal fucker understands reality...Conservative savages that want to worship the super rich over the rest of society are clueless idiots.
The rich profit on the reality that we have a stable economic system, roads, police, etc. They use all these things more...
no they don't!!! THe poor and the rich get national defense the poor get all the welfare. Everybody depends on infrastructure etc. Anti science????

our problem is the rich pay too much and liberal leeches think they can get rich by stealing from them. Really, they should learn how to earn money too, rather than steal it at gun point.
[...Conservative savages that want to worship the super rich over the rest of society are clueless idiots.

super rich like Gates Jobs Musk Brin Zukerburg Bezos Gates create everything so we should worship them. without them we would be back in stone age. 1+1=2 with no jobs and nothing to buy. Do you understand?
Some bum on the street doesn't use 1/1,000th of what someone with 10 million uses. That is reality.

of course that s not true a bum is 100% dependent on the rich for the street he sleeps on and the welfare he gets while the rich pay their own way and for the way of millions of others. They are the Gods of our society without whom we would all be back in the stone age and the bums would all be dead.
..Conservative savages that want to worship the super rich over the rest of society are clueless idiots.

you spew hate rather than science or reason. I'm embarrassed for you. If you hate conservativism/libertarianism why not develop a reason and then share it with us. It seems the hate and violence is to cover up your inability to be scientific or logical. I dare you to try.

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