Would that it were so easy


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
The Associated Press: Walker to mend political divide with brats, beer

Gov. Scott Walker, fresh from becoming the nation's first governor to survive a recall election, wants to go about mending Wisconsin's political divide in an egalitarian way: over brats and beer.
"Now it is time to move on and move forward in Wisconsin," Walker said in his speech. "Tomorrow is the day after the election, and tomorrow we are no longer opponents."

Who knew he was that clueless.
Lemme see if I understand your point:

GOP wins, Dems whine they must represent all the people and be bipartisan.
GOP wins and wants to reach across the aisle, Dems whine it isn't enough.
Dems win and declare "elections have consequences."
Dems win and then whine GOP is blocking them when they can enact any legislation they want.

You are one clueless stupid broad.

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Wow, who knew that trying to mend fences equals being clueless?

I guess President Obama was clueless when he held his "beer summit".
You're right, Walker is clueless... People who wake up every day pissed off at the world can't be mollified.

You'd know.

I retire every evening and get up every day grateful and happy....It's the best revenge to dour pissed off little authoritarian hack weenies, like the squealing little shits in Madison. :lol:
Wow, who knew that trying to mend fences equals being clueless?

I guess President Obama was clueless when he held his "beer summit".

No. Thinking that the day after, we'd all be one big happy family is stupidity of monumental depths.

then I guess he's stupid for believing in "forgive and forget" instead of "fuck you forever".

Really? The day after is forgive & forget time? I had no idea.
Most people do "forgive and forget" after an election. That hasn't stopped the GOP from going as far as questioning the citizenship of the POTUS. 3 1/2 years later the GOP still can't get over the fact that Obama is president.
then I guess he's stupid for believing in "forgive and forget" instead of "fuck you forever".

Really? The day after is forgive & forget time? I had no idea.

So what is the accepted time frame for holding a grudge? A week? A month? Forever and ever amen?

Is there a time limit on mourning, too?

Natural is natural. We forgive when it's time. And I'd know, because I'm not one for holding a grudge, as anybody can see between my first and second stay here.
Most people do "forgive and forget" after an election. That hasn't stopped the GOP from going as far as questioning the citizenship of the POTUS. 3 1/2 years later the GOP still can't get over the fact that Obama is president.

The GOP is not questioning his citizenship.

Only a pack of single brain cell retards are doing that, when they are not busy talking about thermite or moon landing hoaxes. :cuckoo:
The Associated Press: Walker to mend political divide with brats, beer

Gov. Scott Walker, fresh from becoming the nation's first governor to survive a recall election, wants to go about mending Wisconsin's political divide in an egalitarian way: over brats and beer.
"Now it is time to move on and move forward in Wisconsin," Walker said in his speech. "Tomorrow is the day after the election, and tomorrow we are no longer opponents."

Who knew he was that clueless.

yep... people who think they can fix things with a beer summit are the dumbest of the dumb...

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