Would Like To Upgrade Membership


Ariel Looney
May 22, 2010
south Texas
but PayPal is being a PayPhuker,
and I'm not that comfortable using them.

What other options are there?

but PayPal is being a PayPhuker,
and I'm not that comfortable using them.

What other options are there?


You can work in a soup kitchen 10 hours a week and post details under "General Forums at USMB." It inspires other USMB posters to do likewise and is enjoyed by all.

You can do mailers at your church and post it under "Religion Forums at USMB," for which you will be roundly persecuted and designated a village idiot by the faithful atheist attack squadron who lives here.

You can do volunteer work for ACORN who will turn it into a Union-paid job in a matter of 2 phone calls if you vote 30 times for a Democrat in a precinct chairman who doesn't check identifications. The liberals will put you in contact with other cushy deals for Democrats, but the Republicans will put you on ignore and barf when they see your nom de plume. It's a box of chocolate covered insects what you will get back.

You can volunteer to be an usher at an RNC charity ball, for which you will get little acknowlegement, but the Democrats will put you on their lists, "No help," "Shun posts," "Scorch earth under (your handle)," etc.

Any other questions? :badgrin:
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Should I take ^that^ as a resounding "No!" ???

The thing is, there is no option for JUST paying with my CC ~

I MUST create a PP acc't, which I already have,
but which I use for business related purchases.

Even ^that^ I'd be willing to bite the bullet on,
but THEN they want ANOTHER CC,
I suppose, in case my purchase goes over the amount available on my primary card,
and which may have something to do with the fact that I'm using a Debit card
rather than an actual credit card,

but here's the deal :

I am NOT comfortable having some imminently hackable "service" company

being in possession of all of my banking info.

If I could just use my card, no problem, but like I said, <THAT is not an option...
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Should I take ^that^ as a resounding "No!" ???

The thing is, there is no option for JUST paying with my CC ~

I MUST create a PP acc't, which I already have,
but which I use for business related purchases.

Even ^that^ I'd be willing to bite the bullet on,
but THEN they want ANOTHER CC,
I suppose, in case my purchase goes over the amount available on my primary card,
and which may have something to do with the fact that I'm using a Debit card
rather than an actual credit card,

but here's the deal :

I am NOT comfortable having some imminently hackable "service" company

being in possession of all of my banking info.

If I could just use my card, no problem, but like I said, <THAT is not an option...
Fyrenza, kidding aside, I'm truly glad you're here. Please take this matter up by contacting one of the USMB administrators. & BTW, PayPal is one of if not the best-secured credit type companies for online transactions, imho and to the best of my knowledge.
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If you have to use Paypal and you're paranoid like me, create a separate bank account just for Paypal and don't keep a lot of money in it, like 10 bucks. Add in money when you're ready to go shopping.
I'm so sorry!

Peach PM'ed me the address, yesterday,
and the check will go out,

Thanx to all of y'all for your replies and help!
I didn't know you had to pay anything. No one asked e for a credit card number and I don't think I will give them one. I never saw anything that said I have to pay. How much is it supposed to be?
If you have to use Paypal and you're paranoid like me, create a separate bank account just for Paypal and don't keep a lot of money in it, like 10 bucks. Add in money when you're ready to go shopping.
I use PayPal but only for making payments. I have no account with PayPal that any money can be taken from.

PayPal has my credit card and they draw on that when I use PayPal to buy something. I'm not concerned about a possible hijack because that would be between PayPal and VISA.

The only problem I'm aware of with PayPal is if you get scammed by some crooked vendor forget about any compensation from PayPal. So when using PayPal be very careful about whom you're paying money to. I was ripped off once but it was only for $20, so I consider it an inexpensive but valuable lesson.
I didn't know you had to pay anything. No one asked e for a credit card number and I don't think I will give them one. I never saw anything that said I have to pay. How much is it supposed to be?

Regular Membership is Free.
I might upgrade my membership...will have to see what the minimum donation is. Do we get a bolded username for doing that?
I didn't know you had to pay anything. No one asked e for a credit card number and I don't think I will give them one. I never saw anything that said I have to pay. How much is it supposed to be?

Regular Membership is Free.

i regularly give via paypal but don't like the requiremnt to be put on a revolving account. why can't someone do something about that?
I sent this board $50 a few years ago.

Never heard word one back from the administration.

Didn't get upgraded, either.

Mentioned it to the admins at that time.

They never responded.

So donating to this organization seems like a total waste of money to me.
I sent this board $50 a few years ago.

Never heard word one back from the administration.

Didn't get upgraded, either.

Mentioned it to the admins at that time.

They never responded.

So donating to this organization seems like a total waste of money to me.

Keep pushing them to respond. But if they don't acknowledge your donation, I wouldn't donate again.
There is a difference between a "Paid Subscription" and a "Donation".

Paid subscription can be found in the USER CP on the left side of the screen, towards the bottom of that list on the left side, under "Miscellaneous".
I've mailed checks to USMB in the past...can't remember when or how much....but it worked. I suppose it's about time to send them another.

I'll get right on that!:D

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