“World’s Largest Open Air Concentration Camp” in Gaza


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
“World’s Largest Open Air Concentration Camp” in Gaza Has Too Many Cars

March 8, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield


As you already know, the “People of Gaza” are being starved to death by Israel. There’s no food, there’s no water, even the sun is gone. All that’s left are a few luxury hotels, a water park (which was eventually torched by Islamists for being immoral) and a shopping mall.

But now the starving people of Gaza are plagued by another serious first world problem. They have too many cars.


Tragic, isn’t it.

Look at what Israel has done to these people. The Zionist Entity has glutted them with so many Mercedes that the starving car dealers of Gaza can only sell them at sixty grand each.

If you have a strong heart and can refrain from weeping, gaze upon this tragic scene at at a car dealership in Gaza. The language is Arabic, but the feeling of hanging around a dodgy car dealership checking out stolen cars that were repainted is a universal human experience that requires no words.


?World?s Largest Open Air Concentration Camp? in Gaza Has Too Many Cars
who, in your drug altered mind, do you mean to refer to as Al Nabi?
who, in your drug altered mind, do you mean to refer to as Al Nabi?

I do not know Farsi-----ask roudy

Well you posted it, irony91, who, in your drug altered mind, do you mean to refer to as Al Nabi?

jos---here is a language lesson for you---- "navi" in hebrew means "prophet"---
in arabic lots of things pronounced with a "V" sound come out as a '
"B" sound ----like the name YAACOV in hebrew comes out something
like YAACUB in arabic so "navi" in hebrew becomes "nabi"
in arabic Maybe someday you will exceed your fellow iranians and
learn the arabic alphabet and how to speak and read in arabic. I do not
use mind altering drugs----other than coffee with contains some caffeine---
Caffeine stimultes the brain to wakefulness----but then so does sunlight
so who are you referring to as Al Nabi

"al nabi" is a rendering into english letters of the word arab muslims use
for the criminal who pillaged and murdered and raped jews in Khaybar
in 629 AD I do not do arabic script---but have been told that it
was derived from farsi script
who, in your drug altered mind, do you mean to refer to as Al Nabi?

I do not know Farsi-----ask roudy
farsi is the most beautiful poetic language i know of

the language of rumi, hafez, and all the worlds greatest poets

they make shakespeare look like a teenage scribbler by comparison

wish i knew more than a few words that have found their way into hindi and urdu
so who are you referring to as Al Nabi

"al nabi" is a rendering into english letters of the word arab muslims use
for the criminal who pillaged and murdered and raped jews in Khaybar
in 629 AD I do not do arabic script---but have been told that it
was derived from farsi script
I don't think al Nabi is a Farsi word, irose. Farsi words don't start with "al", that's Arabic and almost the equivalent of "el" in Spanish.
who, in your drug altered mind, do you mean to refer to as Al Nabi?

I do not know Farsi-----ask roudy
farsi is the most beautiful poetic language i know of

the language of rumi, hafez, and all the worlds greatest poets

they make shakespeare look like a teenage scribbler by comparison

wish i knew more than a few words that have found their way into hindi and urdu
That was before the filth of Islam came to Perisa and tried to erase an ancient beautiful civilization based on the principles of the Zoroastrian religion "good thoughts, good words, good deeds".

Watch this eye opening video. This is the same Shah of Persia that Pope Benedict quoted from, which caused riots all over the Muslim world:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6fAWSyu38Y&sns=em]Iranian response to Arab Islam - YouTube[/ame]
Here's what the IDF say's is the situation in Gaza...

Israeli naval blockades stop Gazans from fishing, a main source of food in the Strip. Air blockades prevent freedom of movement. Israel does not allow building materials into the area, forbids exports to the West Bank and Israel, and (other than emergency humanitarian cases) prohibits movement between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. It controls the Palestinian economy by periodically withholding import taxes. Its restrictions have impeded the expansion and upgrading of the Strip’s woeful sewage infrastructure, which could render life in Gaza untenable within a decade. The blocking of seawater desalination has turned the water supply into a health hazard. Israel has repeatedly demolished small power plants in Gaza, ensuring that the Strip would have to continue to rely on the Israeli electricity supply. Daily power shortages have been the norm for several years now. Israel’s presence is felt everywhere, militarily and otherwise.

By relying on factual misconceptions, political leaders, deliberately or not, conceal information that is critical to our understanding of events. Among the people best qualified to correct those misconceptions are the individuals who have been charged with executing a state’s policies—in this case, Israeli soldiers themselves, an authoritative source of information about their government’s actions. I am a veteran of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), and I know that our first-hand experiences refute the assumption, accepted by many, including President Obama, that Gaza is an independent political entity that exists wholly outside Israel. If Gaza is outside Israel, how come we were stationed there? If Gaza is outside Israel, how come we control it?
Award winning Gazan journalist, is tortured by Israeli security forces for reporting the truth about what's going on in Gaza.

This summer, at age 24, I was honored to learn that I had become the youngest journalist to receive the Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism, named for the famed American war reporter and awarded to journalists who counter propaganda with the truth. Although Israel has sealed Gaza's 1.5 million Palestinians in what many now call the world's largest open-air prison, Dutch MP Hans Van Baalen lobbied the Israeli government to let me leave Gaza to receive my award in person. Upon my return from London, I was surrounded by Israeli security officers. I was stripped naked at gunpoint, interrogated, kicked and beaten for more than four hours. At one point I fainted and then awakened to fingernails gouging at the flesh beneath my eyes. An officer crushed my neck beneath his boot and pressed my chest into the floor. Others took turns kicking and pinching me, laughing all the while. They dragged me by my feet, sweeping my head through my own vomit. I lost consciousness. I was told later that they transferred me to a hospital only when they thought I might die.

Today, I have difficulty breathing. I have abrasions and scratches on my chest and neck. My hands don't function well; typing is difficult. My doctor informed me that due to nerve damage from one kick, I may be unable to father children and will need to have an operation.
Israeli's are just evil people who don't deserve a country.

Somebody help these people! They’re having to make do with 2012 Hyundai Sonatas! Where are their Caddies? Meanwhile the Mercedes, once a staple of the Arab world, is being turned down by the suffering people of Gaza.

About 40 cars a week are brought in to Gaza through the Kerem Shalom land crossing, according to the report. Dealers have had to lower their prices between $2,000 to $8,000, depending on model and type due to the saturation in the sector.

Ismail Bran, chairman of the Car Dealers Association of Gaza, pointed to the Mercedes as a good example of what is happening. ”Estimated at $65,000, a dealer is fortunate to be able to sell a Mercedes at $60,000 under the current circumstances,” he said.

?World?s Largest Open Air Concentration Camp? in Gaza Has Too Many Cars
what sort of "nerve damage" prevents men from fathering
children? especially "ONE KICK"?? spermatogenesis
is not mediated by nerves he needs to see another doctor
so who are you referring to as Al Nabi

"al nabi" is a rendering into english letters of the word arab muslims use
for the criminal who pillaged and murdered and raped jews in Khaybar
in 629 AD I do not do arabic script---but have been told that it
was derived from farsi script
I don't think al Nabi is a Farsi word, irose. Farsi words don't start with "al", that's Arabic and almost the equivalent of "el" in Spanish.

Roudy---I know that NABI is not farsi----but I though jos wanted me
to EXPLAIN in farsi ------since you know both farsi and arabic---
"al nabi" is a rendering into english letters of the word arab muslims use
for the criminal who pillaged and murdered and raped jews in Khaybar
in 629 AD I do not do arabic script---but have been told that it
was derived from farsi script
I don't think al Nabi is a Farsi word, irose. Farsi words don't start with "al", that's Arabic and almost the equivalent of "el" in Spanish.

Roudy---I know that NABI is not farsi----but I though jos wanted me
to EXPLAIN in farsi ------since you know both farsi and arabic---
Well I know that Muslims speak of the slaughter of the Jews of Khaybar with pride.

Honestly, my family and I have seen so much anti Semetism, intolerance and barbarism from Muslims, I wouldn't even know where to begin. It's a fact of life you accept and learn to navigate, if you're a non Muslim living in a Muslim country. It's like living in a jungle with wild animals.

Somebody help these people! They’re having to make do with 2012 Hyundai Sonatas! Where are their Caddies? Meanwhile the Mercedes, once a staple of the Arab world, is being turned down by the suffering people of Gaza.

About 40 cars a week are brought in to Gaza through the Kerem Shalom land crossing, according to the report. Dealers have had to lower their prices between $2,000 to $8,000, depending on model and type due to the saturation in the sector.

Ismail Bran, chairman of the Car Dealers Association of Gaza, pointed to the Mercedes as a good example of what is happening. ”Estimated at $65,000, a dealer is fortunate to be able to sell a Mercedes at $60,000 under the current circumstances,” he said.

?World?s Largest Open Air Concentration Camp? in Gaza Has Too Many Cars
David Horowitz is one of the most fucked-in-the-head, Israeli kiss-asses on the planet.

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