Woo-Hoo! Look who's an anti-Semite now!

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Don’t like it because we exist?
Tibetans exist, no problem.
Congolese exist, no problem.
Swedes exist, no problem.
Hoosiers exist, no problem.
The Kiwanis exist, no problem.
Jews exist, no problem.
Jews using our military to wage their endless and murderous wars. Big problem.
Jews using their ruthlessness and nepotism to steal the wealth of my people, big problem.
Jews aggregating the media influence to themselves and then using it to attack my culture. Big problem.
Jews using deceit to open the borders of my country to the worlds teeming billions. Big Problem.

See, Shlomo, you fucking sac of worm pus, IT'S YOUR FUCKING BEHAVIOR EVERYONE HATES. YOU AREN'T, IN FACT, VICTIMS, you turd.
It sounds like the problem is with you and your abnormal belief system. You believe that a certain small ethnic group controls your wealth, borders, military and are atacking “your culture” with no evidence to support it. There are medical terms for this.

". . .abnormal belief system. . ."

North Korea Says U.S. Must Stop Defending Israel, Which is 'Destroying' Middle East

Poor little Israel. So misunderstood. So victimized. So innocent. Now even crazy North Korea hates Jews and is just jealous of Jewish success and is really a nation of Nazis and there needs to be a hundred new movies about the Holocaust (the German one, not the eleven-times-worse Jewish one in Russia 30 years earlier) proving how Jews are NEVER to blame for anything; it's everyone else who's wrong Kim, you fat fuckin' anti-Semite! Hahahaha

My sister is a Holocaust teacher and my dad's entire family was wiped out in the Holocaust, and if there were a thousand more movies, it still would not be enough. Absolutely inhuman. As for the Soviet Union, Jews suffered there too. I marched in "Free Soviet Jews" rallies as a youngster.
North Korea Says U.S. Must Stop Defending Israel, Which is 'Destroying' Middle East

Poor little Israel. So misunderstood. So victimized. So innocent. Now even crazy North Korea hates Jews and is just jealous of Jewish success and is really a nation of Nazis and there needs to be a hundred new movies about the Holocaust (the German one, not the eleven-times-worse Jewish one in Russia 30 years earlier) proving how Jews are NEVER to blame for anything; it's everyone else who's wrong Kim, you fat fuckin' anti-Semite! Hahahaha

Tell us please how the Jewish people are “ destroying” the Middle East
Why don't you fucks ever look at yourselves for chrissake.
You people haven;t changed since you were running around Deuteronomy
You're still the same pack of blood-soaked primitives you were
You are an embarrassment to humanity.

Funny. What am I now, a Jew? Before that, some jackass had me made out a Russian. Before that I was told I'm a Ukrainian. Where do all you brain-damaged people come from---- are you all off the same bus? Has it ever occurred to all you Jew Haters that they were just minding their own business until they were chased off their original land and persecuted, and they have been chased and persecuted ever since. Now they have a place in the Middle East for a long time now and if you'd just leave them alone there would be peace! But no, you heathens force them to put up walls, force them to put up fences, and still you throw bombs at them, you launch rockets. You riot and protest inches from their border, you even dig tunnels underneath trying to get in! You force them to stay on guard 24/7 with everyone walking around carrying a rifle on watch for the next terrorist to sneak in to blow themselves up with as many Jews as they can take. If you damned Jew-haters could just stop with your hatred and violence for a change, there would be peace on this planet! Israel doesn't go out looking for a fight, but you keep starting one with them and started, they damn well will finish it.
You pathetic hook-nosed, little-dick Hebe. It's everybody else, isn't it? The whole world woke up one morning with a genetic mutation that suddenly made everybody hate the Jews for no reason whatever. What is it about you people that makes you alone among humans absolutely incapable of taking a good honest look at yourselves. YOU are the bloodthirsty warmongers. YOU are the ruthless amoral in-group tribalists. YOU are the poison to any nation that makes the fatal mistake of tolerating you amongst them. Your own fucking magic book comes right out and says it, and you STILL can't see yourselves honestly. Or, worse, you can.

Deuteronomy 20:10-11 King James Version (KJV)
10 When thou comest nigh unto a city to fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it.
11 And it shall be, if it make thee answer of peace, and open unto thee, then it shall be, that all the people that is found therein shall be tributaries unto thee, and they shall serve thee.
12 And if it will make no peace with thee, but will make war against thee, then thou shalt besiege it:
13 And when the Lord thy God hath delivered it into thine hands, thou shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword:
14 But the women, and the little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the spoil thereof, shalt thou take unto thyself; and thou shalt eat the spoil of thine enemies, which the Lord thy God hath given thee.​

I mean, your blood-gulping shit of a God, Jehovah, can't get much more blatant than that.


How weak and disgusting can a people be? How vile and worthy of the dung heap? How much more of a pus-filled boil on the face of the earth can you get?

And you know what one of you stinking kikes will do rather than say, uh, yeah, maybe we should dabble in a little introspection? You'll attack me for pulling scripture out of context. It happens over and over. That's how laughable you are. That's how weak and disgustingly juvenile your primitive race and culture is.

This Christian piece of SHIT had posted this many times before. We are always told not to take the Koran literally. Why is this any different? He’s such a Scumbag he believes the Jewish people are s race
He is permanently banned, some resurrected an old thread.
North Korea Says U.S. Must Stop Defending Israel, Which is 'Destroying' Middle East

Poor little Israel. So misunderstood. So victimized. So innocent. Now even crazy North Korea hates Jews and is just jealous of Jewish success and is really a nation of Nazis and there needs to be a hundred new movies about the Holocaust (the German one, not the eleven-times-worse Jewish one in Russia 30 years earlier) proving how Jews are NEVER to blame for anything; it's everyone else who's wrong Kim, you fat fuckin' anti-Semite! Hahahaha

My sister is a Holocaust teacher and my dad's entire family was wiped out in the Holocaust, and if there were a thousand more movies, it still would not be enough. Absolutely inhuman. As for the Soviet Union, Jews suffered there too. I marched in "Free Soviet Jews" rallies as a youngster.

Your rhetoric is to get sympathy...YET if your family have suffered as you say,then your sister and your fathers family need to look at themselves and say,why are we supporting what has happened to the Palestinians....all your family that have died...would be disappointed with you Forever...because you agree with the Zionists,Liars they are.

I would be interested in your sisters exposae on the Holocaust,or is it the sanitized Zionist version...With Respect to those of your Family who perished Fore,Steven
North Korea Says U.S. Must Stop Defending Israel, Which is 'Destroying' Middle East

Poor little Israel. So misunderstood. So victimized. So innocent. Now even crazy North Korea hates Jews and is just jealous of Jewish success and is really a nation of Nazis and there needs to be a hundred new movies about the Holocaust (the German one, not the eleven-times-worse Jewish one in Russia 30 years earlier) proving how Jews are NEVER to blame for anything; it's everyone else who's wrong Kim, you fat fuckin' anti-Semite! Hahahaha

My sister is a Holocaust teacher and my dad's entire family was wiped out in the Holocaust, and if there were a thousand more movies, it still would not be enough. Absolutely inhuman. As for the Soviet Union, Jews suffered there too. I marched in "Free Soviet Jews" rallies as a youngster.

Your rhetoric is to get sympathy...YET if your family have suffered as you say,then your sister and your fathers family need to look at themselves and say,why are we supporting what has happened to the Palestinians....all your family that have died...would be disappointed with you Forever...because you agree with the Zionists,Liars they are.

I would be interested in your sisters exposae on the Holocaust,or is it the sanitized Zionist version...With Respect to those of your Family who perished Fore,Steven
There I love,is nothing amusing(funny see your smilie you put) to Forever Young or Myself...show a bit of Respect
He is permanently banned, some resurrected an old thread.

Thank you ! ♥️
It is not for Coyote "to allow himself sweet kisses or for you to influence him in this way, Ilove"LOL steve

All I say is Israel and all countries should be made to eliminate all Nuclear Weapons....ALL....FULL STOP

You’re extremely stupid. What else is new? I obviously didn’t influence anybody; The board was just informed today that this poster was banned. Common sense would suggest it was before today.
Nobody is going to eliminate their Nuclear Weapons including the United States. You are a Jackass. :cool::cool:
He is permanently banned, some resurrected an old thread.

Thank you ! ♥️
It is not for Coyote "to allow himself sweet kisses or for you to influence him in this way, Ilove"LOL steve

All I say is Israel and all countries should be made to eliminate all Nuclear Weapons....ALL....FULL STOP

You’re extremely stupid. What else is new? I obviously didn’t influence anybody; The board was just informed today that this poster was banned. Common sense would suggest it was before today.
Nobody is going to eliminate their Nuclear Weapons including the United States. You are a Jackass
The first sentence was a JOKE, the second was not...so you get off by your post above and thinking that Forever's prose about his family and my response was Funny...……..You are your A TYPICAL ZIONIST TRASH...AKA The Village Bike or Bloodc t
He is permanently banned, some resurrected an old thread.

Thank you ! ♥️
It is not for Coyote "to allow himself sweet kisses or for you to influence him in this way, Ilove"LOL steve

All I say is Israel and all countries should be made to eliminate all Nuclear Weapons....ALL....FULL STOP

You’re extremely stupid. What else is new? I obviously didn’t influence anybody; The board was just informed today that this poster was banned. Common sense would suggest it was before today.
Nobody is going to eliminate their Nuclear Weapons including the United States. You are a Jackass
The first sentence was a JOKE, the second was not...so you get off by your post above and thinking that Forever's prose about his family and my response was Funny...……..You are your A TYPICAL ZIONIST TRASH...AKA The Village Bike or Bloodc t

My first sentence that you’re stupid? I agree; you are a joke. I never even commented on anyone’s family. You are filled with nothing but Hate you piece of Shit
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