Women in Utah getting gun concealed carry permits....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep...women are one of the biggest growth areas in gun ownership in the country, they are tired of feeling powerles in the face of criminals that democrats keep letting out of jail...

There’s been a surge in the number of Utah women who carry guns — here’s why

“Gun culture has been very male-dominated. It’s been a boys’ club,” she said. “I think that’s finally starting to change.”

Just 22 percent — roughly 1 in 5 — of all the 714,000 valid concealed carry permits ever issued by the Utah Department of Public Safety are held by women. The rate has slowly risen each year from 14 percent of the total in 2013.

But for the 30,000 issued in 2017, women constituted nearly two-thirds of new holders. Never for a single year in the past decade has the female proportion been so high, according to data obtained by The Salt Lake Tribune from the Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification.

So who are these women, and why are they taking up arms?

So....this woman gets a carry permit...she must be crazy...right?

In her early 30s, Camp took over as manager of a collection agency in South Salt Lake. Angry debtors often sent her death threats.

When she’d leave work at 8 p.m., walking to her car in the dark and mostly empty parking lot, Camp worried. Would the woman who owed $128 be waiting for her? Would the man who hadn’t paid his medical bills know what time she left the office each night?

She wanted to be able to defend herself. She wanted not to feel scared.

“I couldn’t rely on anybody else to protect me,” Camp said. She got her first concealed-carry gun 18 years ago.

“Now I hate going anywhere without it. I feel naked.”

In 2012, Camp started a local chapter of The Well Armed Woman, a national club for female firearm owners, in Utah. At the first meeting, 35 women showed up. Thirty had never held a gun before.

Six years later, there are nine chapters and 300 members in the state. Most, Camp said, are searching for a sense of security and a shot at self-defense in a 9 mm handgun. Just like she did.


In 2017, more than 19,000 female gun owners completed the training and got a Utah concealed-carry permit. That’s 64 percent of what the Utah Department of Public Safety issued (though more than half went to out-of-state residents).

Never before had it crossed 60 percent. It came closest in the years directly after a gunman opened fire at Connecticut’s Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, and teachers flocked to concealed-carry classes. It comes now after a string of deadly mass shootings: 58 people slaughtered at a Las Vegas concert, 26 at a Texas church, 17 at a Florida high school.

Tiffany Sowder, a teacher in Weber County, believes “it’s not a matter of if but when” a similar attack happens in Utah. She wants to be prepared.

She carries a .380-caliber pistol on her right side, tucked above the back pocket of her pants and covered by long blouses so it won’t show when she lifts her arm to write on the whiteboard. As an educator, Sowder grapples with whether she’ll also need to be a bodyguard to her students. She wants to protect them as she would her own children.

Liberals get off on helpless dead victims.
Yep...women are one of the biggest growth areas in gun ownership in the country, they are tired of feeling powerles in the face of criminals that democrats keep letting out of jail...

There’s been a surge in the number of Utah women who carry guns — here’s why

“Gun culture has been very male-dominated. It’s been a boys’ club,” she said. “I think that’s finally starting to change.”

Just 22 percent — roughly 1 in 5 — of all the 714,000 valid concealed carry permits ever issued by the Utah Department of Public Safety are held by women. The rate has slowly risen each year from 14 percent of the total in 2013.

But for the 30,000 issued in 2017, women constituted nearly two-thirds of new holders. Never for a single year in the past decade has the female proportion been so high, according to data obtained by The Salt Lake Tribune from the Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification.

So who are these women, and why are they taking up arms?
Yep...women are one of the biggest growth areas in gun ownership in the country, they are tired of feeling powerles in the face of criminals that democrats keep letting out of jail...

There’s been a surge in the number of Utah women who carry guns — here’s why

“Gun culture has been very male-dominated. It’s been a boys’ club,” she said. “I think that’s finally starting to change.”

Just 22 percent — roughly 1 in 5 — of all the 714,000 valid concealed carry permits ever issued by the Utah Department of Public Safety are held by women. The rate has slowly risen each year from 14 percent of the total in 2013.

But for the 30,000 issued in 2017, women constituted nearly two-thirds of new holders. Never for a single year in the past decade has the female proportion been so high, according to data obtained by The Salt Lake Tribune from the Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification.

So who are these women, and why are they taking up arms?

"So who are these women, and why are they taking up arms?"

Empowered women who refuse to be objectified as "victims" by the Democrats?

Women who are taking on the responsibility for their own self-protection, and not relying on a government which never seems to be in the right place at the right time?

Yep...women are one of the biggest growth areas in gun ownership in the country, they are tired of feeling powerles in the face of criminals that democrats keep letting out of jail...

POWER TO THE WOMAN! There is nothing sexier than a well-armed woman who knows how to field strip an AK47 or H&K417 in no time flat.

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