Women dont care about the past 4 years


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
I love how they dismiss people.....it's amazing how liberals look at people.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIZmLVYTHVI]Obama Campaign Says Women Don't Care About What Happened Over Last Four Years - YouTube[/ame]
What we’ve seen the last 4 years is a slow, tedious economic recovery hampered by partisan obstructionism in the House and by Senate republicans.

Women aren’t ‘ignoring’ the last four years, they correctly understand the calamity that was the December 2007 Recession and its aftermath, and the economic disaster left Obama. They also correctly understand it’s idiocy to expect any president to ‘fix’ the economy in only four years.

And they correctly perceive the president to be an actual advocate of privacy rights and the consistent application of the law to benefit all Americans, not merely a few.
Democrats thinks about women the same they do black people

they are all just plain stupid

and you want to belong to that party:lol:
What we’ve seen the last 4 years is a slow, tedious economic recovery hampered by partisan obstructionism in the House and by Senate republicans.

Women aren’t ‘ignoring’ the last four years, they correctly understand the calamity that was the December 2007 Recession and its aftermath, and the economic disaster left Obama. They also correctly understand it’s idiocy to expect any president to ‘fix’ the economy in only four years.

And they correctly perceive the president to be an actual advocate of privacy rights and the consistent application of the law to benefit all Americans, not merely a few.

We saw that despite the fact that Republicans tried to work with Obama and that the Democrats had a blank check for two years.

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