Women being played for fools by democrat party males....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I posted this as a response to democrat males, pretending to be women, winning at female sports....taking the awards, the scholarships and everything else from the actual female athletes....

What does this show us?

Women vote democrat.....then democrat males sexually assault them....now democrat men pretending to be women are taking their sports, their scholarships and their awards.....and likely will still vote for these democrat males to keep abusing them.....

But...they can still kill their babies....so that democrat males won't have to support them.....
I posted this as a response to democrat males, pretending to be women, winning at female sports....taking the awards, the scholarships and everything else from the actual female athletes....

What does this show us?

Women vote democrat.....then democrat males sexually assault them....now democrat men pretending to be women are taking their sports, their scholarships and their awards.....and likely will still vote for these democrat males to keep abusing them.....

But...they can still kill their babies....so that democrat males won't have to support them.....

I posted this as a response to democrat males, pretending to be women, winning at female sports....taking the awards, the scholarships and everything else from the actual female athletes....

What does this show us?

Women vote democrat.....then democrat males sexually assault them....now democrat men pretending to be women are taking their sports, their scholarships and their awards.....and likely will still vote for these democrat males to keep abusing them.....

But...they can still kill their babies....so that democrat males won't have to support them.....
Women have always had to fight to have something they want. Men have always engaged in conspiracies with other men to avoid women's decisions. It's called the battle of the sexes.

Women were born to be mothers, loving companions, homemakers, and peacemakers.

Unfortunately, some women's solution was to kick male balls out of government, and what is left is what we have now--people at each other's throats 24-7-365. And the most brutal of females taunt those of us who believe in traditional lives, and the pride we took in raising our own children to adulthood.
I posted this as a response to democrat males, pretending to be women, winning at female sports....taking the awards, the scholarships and everything else from the actual female athletes....

What does this show us?

Women vote democrat.....then democrat males sexually assault them....now democrat men pretending to be women are taking their sports, their scholarships and their awards.....and likely will still vote for these democrat males to keep abusing them.....

But...they can still kill their babies....so that democrat males won't have to support them.....
Wow! Has the Dems taken an official stance on transsexuals in sports?

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