Woman demands cops protect her from bad Burger King service


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
"You're supposed to protect me" is what she said when the Sheriff's Dept refused to come to Burger King for this soccer mom who didn't like how they made her cheeseburger. She was pissed because the BK staff didn't make her Western Burger right, and then got shitty customer service. And she called the cops. HILAROUS when you listen to the dispatcher tell her dumbass no.

Sadly, this attitude of running to the govt for our every annoyance and gripe is our new reality.

Real 911 Phone Calls - Messed Up Burger King Order
that HAS to be a democrat, if she's a republican, I will revoke her privledge.
"You're supposed to protect me" is what she said when the Sheriff's Dept refused to come to Burger King for this soccer mom who didn't like how they made her cheeseburger. She was pissed because the BK staff didn't make her Western Burger right, and then got shitty customer service. And she called the cops. HILAROUS when you listen to the dispatcher tell her dumbass no.

Sadly, this attitude of running to the govt for our every annoyance and gripe is our new reality.

Real 911 Phone Calls - Messed Up Burger King Order

Sadly yes..

Is it because people are taught in school that Government is the answer to everything?

Or is that teaching from the Democrat Mantra?


My gawd, you wingnuts are really, really, really fucking dumb.
Dont know if she was a Dem or Rep. But I know for sure she's a fucking moron.

"You're supposed to protect me". Amazing. Thats her answer to the cops when they say "Ma'am we aren't coming down there to enforce your Western Whopper Burger".
"You're supposed to protect me" is what she said when the Sheriff's Dept refused to come to Burger King for this soccer mom who didn't like how they made her cheeseburger. She was pissed because the BK staff didn't make her Western Burger right, and then got shitty customer service. And she called the cops. HILAROUS when you listen to the dispatcher tell her dumbass no.

Sadly, this attitude of running to the govt for our every annoyance and gripe is our new reality.

Real 911 Phone Calls - Messed Up Burger King Order

She should just have taken out her AK-47 and killed everyone there. That would have been the proper way to take things into her own hands.
Surely any arbitrator would accept the defense of we [naturally] assumed it was a prank if the caller objected to the police putting the phone down on her?

In any case, and regardless of political allegiance, she should be flogged as a consequence of her naivity.
The consummate Democrat, the ultimate Nanny State worshipper, brains consisting of nothing more substantial than baby's diarrhea. How far would America have managed to make it had the orginal colonists come bearing her werewithal only? We probably have our answer with the Jamestown colony itself. Sadly, we have to note that Amerrica used to consist of sterner stuff.

As heard doing the 2008 presidential campaign:
Woman screaming; "He's going to pay for my groceries!!!!!"
Man questioning; 'Where's he going to get the money?"
Woman screaming; "From his stash!!!!!!!!!!"
I just can't fathom why she thought calling on law enforcement would yield results. She's either touched in the head or comes from California.
Yes. Dumbasses come in all shapes, forms, colors and political affiliations.

Any bitch who calls cops to protect her from a jacked up fast food order is living in the Twilight Zone.

Hell, when I eat at McD's, Wendys, BK, or any fast food joint, I expect the order to get fucked up. I know the folks there work for minimum wage, so I dont EXPECT them to give much of a shit about my order. Fair enough. I get what I pay for. I dont show up at BK and want a $5 meal, and then expect 5-star service and Outback food quality. I wanna pay almost nothing. So I expect shitty food and indifference from the staff.

People gotta start to realize some realistic things. I dont expect the 17 year old kid flipping the burgers for min wage to care that much about my food. Please dont spit in it or wipe your ass with it. Just fry that fucker, throw some ketchup and a stale bun on it, and I'll eat it whether you put all the right shti on it or not. If I want great service and an outstanding burger, I'll drop $15 on one at a nicer place.

This bitch doesn't grasp that reality though.
An obvious democrat. The government is Big Daddy and the poor victim will call upon the parent to mediate disputes in all cases.
I just can't fathom why she thought calling on law enforcement would yield results. She's either touched in the head or comes from California.

One reason is this: Lots of mayors and politicians have directed their police chiefs to adopt a philosophy called "Community Policing". That puts the cops in the role of....well, basically nanny. They'll show up for ANYTHING. In fact, I'd argue that at least 60% of police departments nationwide WOULD have responded to that call, called it a "disturbance" and possibly even done a police report.

PD's that have adopted "Community Policing" force their street level cops to attend HOA meetings, to go to 911 calls where kids wont get out of bed to go to school and the mom is frustrated, to respond because the crickets are too loud (Personally done that one). A friend of mine actually got dispatched to a call of a "big bird chasing a little one" in the sky. Yes, he really did. WTF is he supposed to do?

Anyway, these communties get used to using the PD as the on-call govt resource. Sure, it's a cop, but he's become the role of 24/7 local govt representative. He fills the role of cop, nanny, social service, mental health, guidance counselor, marriage counselor, and community "bad guy" who goes to tell the upstairs neighbor that they are "walking too loud" b/c the guy on 1st floor hears him.

It's pretty ridiculous, but some communities have created this atmosphere.

Thank stupid politicians who adopt this policy, because they MUST have an answer to ALL problems when people stop them in the street. Dont like how the neighbor leaves the dog oustide while they are at work (fenced in)? Call the cops. No matter the annoyance, they'll say "call us", and send an officer over to work it out. Whether it's criminal or not.
I'll bet you 8 to 5, she's not only a Democrat...she's a goddamned Obamabot.

Help! Poe Lease! I need you to point yo gun at that man and make him fix my hamburger right! Obama say he gone take care of erabody!:lol:
I just can't fathom why she thought calling on law enforcement would yield results. She's either touched in the head or comes from California.

One reason is this: Lots of mayors and politicians have directed their police chiefs to adopt a philosophy called "Community Policing". That puts the cops in the role of....well, basically nanny. They'll show up for ANYTHING. In fact, I'd argue that at least 60% of police departments nationwide WOULD have responded to that call, called it a "disturbance" and possibly even done a police report.

PD's that have adopted "Community Policing" force their street level cops to attend HOA meetings, to go to 911 calls where kids wont get out of bed to go to school and the mom is frustrated, to respond because the crickets are too loud (Personally done that one). A friend of mine actually got dispatched to a call of a "big bird chasing a little one" in the sky. Yes, he really did. WTF is he supposed to do?

Anyway, these communties get used to using the PD as the on-call govt resource. Sure, it's a cop, but he's become the role of 24/7 local govt representative. He fills the role of cop, nanny, social service, mental health, guidance counselor, marriage counselor, and community "bad guy" who goes to tell the upstairs neighbor that they are "walking too loud" b/c the guy on 1st floor hears him.

It's pretty ridiculous, but some communities have created this atmosphere.

Thank stupid politicians who adopt this policy, because they MUST have an answer to ALL problems when people stop them in the street. Dont like how the neighbor leaves the dog oustide while they are at work (fenced in)? Call the cops. No matter the annoyance, they'll say "call us", and send an officer over to work it out. Whether it's criminal or not.

Sounds like a nightmare. I don't think I'd be able to control myself under such a host of bizarre, handicapping directives.

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