Wisconsin Unions to Businesses- you are with us or against us, period


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
The Bay Area Soviet
Well, I think this is one of there reasons why the fractured rules of collective bargaining and all of the supra state and fed. advantages etc. they receive, has to be rethought.

Imagine the pressure they bring to bare in negotiations with pols on their benefits, salaries etc. if they are this brazen in public.

There are or may be other reasons one has sppted. Walker, and, one may be ambivalent as to the rigmarole as to unions etc. , but, this is what I would expect from Tony Soprano or well….Trumka, not from an agency interested in pursing and inspiring serious sppt..

If I were one of this bus. I would tell them go F themselves on principal alone for threatening me, no matter how I felt as to the issue.

March 10, 2011
Mr. Tom Ellis, President
Marshall & Ilsley Corporation
770 N. Water Street
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Dear Mr. Ellis:
As you undoubtedly know, Governor Walker recently proposed a “budget
adjustment bill” to eviscerate public employees’ right to collectively bargain in
Wisconsin. ..

As you also know, Scott Walker did not campaign on this issue when he ran for
office. If he had, we are confident that you would not be listed among his largest
contributors. As such, we are contacting you now to request your support.

The undersigned groups would like your company to publicly oppose Governor
Walker’s efforts to virtually eliminate collective bargaining for public employees in
Wisconsin. While we appreciate that you may need some time to consider this
request, we ask for your response by March 17. In the event that you do not
respond to this request by that date, we will assume that you stand with
Governor Walker and against the teachers, nurses, police officers, fire fighters,
and other dedicated public employees who serve our communities.

In the event that you cannot support this effort to save collective bargaining,
please be advised that the undersigned will publicly and formally boycott the
goods and services provided by your company. However, if you join us, we will
do everything in our power to publicly celebrate your partnership in the fight to
preserve the right of public employees to be heard at the bargaining table.
Wisconsin’s public employee unions serve to protect and promote equality and
fairness in the workplace. We hope you will stand with us and publicly share that

In the event you would like to discuss this matter further, please contact the
executive Director of the Wisconsin Professional Police Association, Jim Palmer,
at 608.273.3840.

Thank you in advance for your consideration. We look forward to hearing from
you soon.

James L. Palmer, Executive Director
Wisconsin Professional Police Association
Mahlon Mitchell,President
Professional Fire Fighters
Jim Conway, President
International Association of Fire Fighters Local 311
John Matthews, Executive Director
Madison Teachers, Inc.
Keith Patt, Executive Director
Green Bay Education Association
Bob Richardson, President
Dane County Deputy Sheriffs Association
Dan Frei, President
Madison Professional Police Officers Association

heres the link with signatures


and the source

UNIONS THREATEN BUSINESS | Newsradio 620 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin News, Talk, Sports, Weather | Charlie Sykes
to each his own.

Yup. And my 'own' includes support for freedom and a free market. :thup:

Uh. Career politicians colluding with public employee unions by negotiating on the same side of the table to extract excessive benefits and campaign donations financed by taxpayers is not a Free Market.

You must've read a different letter than the one in the OP.

All that one said is they're going to boycott a particular business. That's so free market it would make Milton Freidman blush.
Trajan, what did you find Soprano-esque about that letter?

I have no issue with their intention or threat to boycott [the] businesses who sppt. Walker. They however are not doing that, they are demanding that they repudiate Walker and sppt them as well. That's crossing a line.

( full disclosure; I have issues also with say; protesters showing up at peoples homes, getting fired from their jobs because of causes they politically sppt. , all of which has happened [ not here but in similar situations], yet the msm ignores this all)
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Yup. And my 'own' includes support for freedom and a free market. :thup:

Uh. Career politicians colluding with public employee unions by negotiating on the same side of the table to extract excessive benefits and campaign donations financed by taxpayers is not a Free Market.

You must've read a different letter than the one in the OP.

All that one said is they're going to boycott a particular business. That's so free market it would make Milton Freidman blush.

you're right I did read a different letter, from you, because you didn't read the letter HERE, maybe in an alternate forum somewhere ;) because thats not what that letter says, here, in this thread, in my OP......
Who told you to say "Soprano-esque"? Because your attempt to label that letter as such is a huge fail.
Trajan, what did you find Soprano-esque about that letter?

It crosses the line into extortion: "prove you're with us, or else!" Anyone sends a business I control any such "demand, my response will be a public release of said letter, with the following reply appended: "GO TO HELL!" What company was that again? I want to send them some business! I'll gladly do business with any firm that refuses to cave to extortion; my kind of people!
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You are with us or with the terrorists.

Sounds like they stole that line from Republicans just before the Iraqi invasion.
Who told you to say "Soprano-esque"? Because your attempt to label that letter as such is a huge fail.

Who told you to respond to this therad?:rolleyes:..

having grown up in Brooklyn, I recognize wise guys and the language they use...Trumka is exactly what he appears to be and his history has made him, a thug.
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Read the letter from the OP again.

Yup, still just a boycott. Exactly the kind of free market mechanism Milton Friedman argued works better than government regulations.

Surprised to see alleged free market conservatives getting their panties in a twist over it. :dunno:
Read the letter from the OP again.

Yup, still just a boycott. Exactly the kind of free market mechanism Milton Friedman argued works better than government regulations.

Surprised to see alleged free market conservatives getting their panties in a twist over it. :dunno:

I don't what know what to say, I don’t like being snarky, so, I’ll just say it appears to me manifold, your comprehension skills are off, I’ll break it down;
As such, we are contacting you now to request your support.

The undersigned groups would like your company to publicly oppose Governor
Walker’s efforts to virtually eliminate collective bargaining for public employees in

In the event that you do not respond to this request by that date, we will assume that you stand with Governor Walker and against the....

In the event that you cannot support this effort to save collective bargaining,
please be advised that the undersigned will publicly and formally boycott the
goods and services provided by your company.

And they even promise a quid pro quo. In addition to not boycotting them...

However, if you join us, we will do everything in our power to publicly celebrate your partnership
Read the letter from the OP again.

Yup, still just a boycott. Exactly the kind of free market mechanism Milton Friedman argued works better than government regulations.

Surprised to see alleged free market conservatives getting their panties in a twist over it. :dunno:

Bullshit! A letter with a demand to actively and publicly support a cause, or else, complete with a "drop dead" date, or we'll ALL work to deny you our business, and publicly ask everyone else to follow, and that's a mere boycott? What would it take to make that extortion, Mani? A death threat? A threat to blow up the office? That's not a demand to stop doing or supporting something "we think is unfair"; that's a demand to "join us, publicly, or else"; it's like "contribute to our candidate or else". That may not meet the strict criminal definition of extortion (neither does the way "wise guys" ask for protection money), but it sure meets the moral one! I haven't spent much time up North, but I've seen enough to know the thuggery that's tolerated up there when I see it. We do not put up with that down here, which is why unions don't do well here; ask any union goon about how we "receive" the type in the South.
Read the letter from the OP again.

Yup, still just a boycott. Exactly the kind of free market mechanism Milton Friedman argued works better than government regulations.

Surprised to see alleged free market conservatives getting their panties in a twist over it. :dunno:

I don't what know what to say, I don’t like being snarky, so, I’ll just say it appears to me manifold, your comprehension skills are off, I’ll break it down;
As such, we are contacting you now to request your support.

In the event that you cannot support this effort to save collective bargaining,
please be advised that the undersigned will publicly and formally boycott the
goods and services provided by your company.

And they even promise a quid pro quo. In addition to not boycotting them...

However, if you join us, we will do everything in our power to publicly celebrate your partnership

Are you being intentionally dense?

Name one boycott where those organizing it were not looking for specific remedial action from the target of their boycott? Isn't that the entire purpose of a boycott?

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