Wingnut tries to punk #OWS, gets punked himself


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Conservative Filmmaker Allegedly Passes Out Bongs To Occupy Wall Street Protesters

Video blogger Joey Boots caught Maloney purportedly distributing the drug paraphernalia at the demonstration and interrogated him about what he was doing with the items. “Do you have bongs and marijuana leaf pictures and stickers and Che Guevara?” Boots grilled Maloney, as transcribed by Raw Story‘s David Edwards. “Are you giving it out? Do you have it in that backpack?”

“Over there they gave out bongs,” exclaimed an Occupy Wall Street protester. “He’s like, ‘You answer, here’s a bong.’ Trying to get that one shot. All they had was bongs, peace signs with marijuana and Che Guevara rolling papers. Three things when Fox News gets it, they’ll just clip that then it’s just like protesters accept it.”

“Are we going to expect to see those pictures on Fox News?” Boots yelled out.

“I don’t know if they’ll pick it up, maybe you’ll see it on CNN,” responded the rabble-rousing conservative filmmaker. “I’m giving them away because I’m a nice guy and I like giving stuff away.”

Maloney is most notable for producing the James O’Keefe-esque documentary Indoctrinate U about political correctness at American universities.
Watch Maloney get caught on tape apparently trying to punk protesters below, via

any hints on cleaning a bong?
The word 'allegedly' is irrelevant to fools.

Kind of like when they were high fiving the 'news' that Gaddafi had 'fled Libya', allegedly. LMAO.
Partisan Rightwingnuts think we are so stupid to believe their crap. The silent Majority is now finding their voice with the Occupy Wall Street movement, and the 99% are standing up to the Bullies and Misguided mouth pieces for the wealthy in the Tea Party. The cheesy tactics by some conservatives to brand the 99% movement as a communist hippie uprising will fall on deaf ears within the masses, as many of the 99% brave protesters are intelligent college educated Americans who know better than to listen to rightwing propaganda and lies. The majority of Americans are standing united with the 99%ers and are rejecting the lies coming out of the rightwing.

The time has come, and the majority of Americans are progressively moving forward and beyond old rightwing trickle down failed policies that only serve to make the rich richer, and the poor poorer; all on the backs of the middle class.
The word 'allegedly' is irrelevant to fools.

Kind of like when they were high fiving the 'news' that Gaddafi had 'fled Libya', allegedly. LMAO.
You didn't watch the video did you, skank? There is no 'allegedly'. He admits it.

News organizations automatically default to using the word 'allegedly' to cover their ass.

I would think that a 'writer' would know that. :lol:
The word 'allegedly' is irrelevant to fools.

Kind of like when they were high fiving the 'news' that Gaddafi had 'fled Libya', allegedly. LMAO.
You didn't watch the video did you, skank? There is no 'allegedly'. He admits it.

News organizations automatically default to using the word 'allegedly' to cover their ass.

I would think that a 'writer' would know that. :lol:
The word 'allegedly' is irrelevant to fools.

Kind of like when they were high fiving the 'news' that Gaddafi had 'fled Libya', allegedly. LMAO.

Just had to get your digs in, huh? I'm still waiting for the "room temperature IQ" statement. You disappoint me. Everyone who doesn't agree with you is a fool, moron, idiot, dumbass, or they have a room temperature IQ.

Would it hurt you to step out of the safety of partisanship, for one?

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