Wind power hits 57% mark in Colorado


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Wind power hits 57% mark in Colorado
By Steve Hargreaves @CNNMoney August 6, 2012: 5:18 AM ET

Wind power hits 57% mark in Colorado - Aug. 6, 2012

Xcel's Ponnequin Wind Farm on the Colorado-Wyoming border. The wind farm helped the utiltiy produce 57% of its power from wind one night this spring - a U.S. record.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- During the early morning hours of April 15, with a steady breeze blowing down Colorado's Front Range, the state's biggest utility set a U.S. record -- nearly 57% of the electricity being generated was coming from wind power.

As dawn came and the 1.4 million customers in Xcel Energy's service district began turning on the lights, toasters and other appliances, the utility's coal and natural gas-fired power plants ramped up production and brought wind's contribution back closer to its 2012 average of 17%.

Utilities have long been wary of placing too much finicky renewable power on the grid.

"A lot of utilities don't want to contract large amounts of wind because it's volatile," said Amy Grace, a wind analyst at Bloomberg New Energy Finance. "Anything over 25%, and utilities get nervous."

Colorado's overnight high-water mark demonstrated that utilities can indeed incorporate cleaner power sources into the mix.

It also provides hope that, under the right conditions and policies, wind will be able to provide a significantly larger share of the nation's power than its current 3% rate.

Related: IEA calls for $36 trillion more in clean energy investments

"It certainly can be replicated, as long as you have a robust, diverse grid," said Elizabeth Salerno, head of data and analysis at the American Wind Energy Association. "Other folks have some catching up to do."

One thing that helped Xcel (XEL, Fortune 500) reach such a high number was geography. Colorado is a windy state -- although it's not the windiest.

According to a wind resources map published by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas all have stronger winds.

Xcel credited its record wind rate with advances in technology.

The company recently updated its weather forecasting ability with tools that allow it to more accurately predict the strength and duration of the wind.
A single wind turbine costs around 3 million not counting maintenance. Are we supposed to cheer when a gaggle of windmills run for a single day under ideal conditions and produce half the power to 1.4 million people? The world is upside down in the liberal mind.
Obama blocks wind farm deal...
US blocks Chinese firm's investment in wind farms
28 September 2012 - A foreign business deal has not been blocked in the US since 1990
President Barack Obama has stopped a Chinese company from building wind turbines in the US state of Oregon, citing national security concerns, his administration said. Ralls Corp, a private Chinese firm, had acquired four wind farm projects near a US naval facility earlier this year. This is the first foreign investment to be blocked in the US for 22 years. It comes as the US lodged a trade dispute against China just weeks ahead of November's presidential election. The move forces Ralls Corp to divest its stake in the projects, which were located near restricted airspace used by the military base.

The president's order came after an investigation into the wind farms by the US Committee on Foreign Investments (CFIUS) said there was no way to mitigate the national security risks posed by the Chinese company's plans. The White House order said: "There is credible evidence that leads me to believe that Ralls Corporation... might take action that threatens to impair the national security of the United States." The order also targeted Sany Group, the company that makes the turbine generators. The military has said it uses the Oregon base to test unmanned drones and other equipment for electronic warfare. The aircraft fly as low as 200ft (60m) at speeds of as much as 300mph (500km/h).

Correspondents say the development could disgruntle China, whose trade advantage over the US has become a focus of Mr Obama's battle for re-election against Republican contender Mitt Romney. Mr Romney has repeatedly accused the president of being too lenient with what he has called China's unfair trade practices. Earlier this week, the Romney campaign released a video claiming that China is stealing American ideas and jobs, and accusing Mr Obama of doing little to stop it. Mr Romney has said that on his first day in office he would use an executive order to label Beijing a currency manipulator.

The Obama campaign has in turn claimed that Mr Romney outsourced jobs to China during his time as a private equity chief. Meanwhile, on the campaign trail, Mr Obama has highlighted his record with China, reminding voters that he filed more trade cases against Beijing in one administration than his predecessor, George W Bush, did in two terms. This month, the Obama administration filed a complaint with the World Trade Organization against Chinese subsidies for its car industry. The Obama campaign has also criticised Mr Romney for investing in Chinese firms.

BBC News - US blocks Chinese firm's investment in wind farms
Wait until no one wants to build Nat Gas or Coal plants anymore.. Not if they have to be idled every time the wind blows for more than 20 minutes.. The cheering will die WAY down when folks start dying and losing their jobs..
Wind power is a failure.

Wind Power's Just Too Expensive To Actually Use - Forbes

Yes, that is a very low return. To a reasonable approximation it’s half a percent return, 0.5%. And that really isn’t good enough when even the Government’s cost of funding is around 3.9% at present. So wind power just does not make sense on any financial grounds at all. But perhaps it does make sense on environmental grounds?

7. Under the most favourable assumptions for wind power, the Wind
Scenario will reduce emissions of CO2 relative to the Gas Scenario by 23
million metric tons in 2020 – 2.8% of the 1990 baseline – at an average cost
of £270 per metric ton at 2009 prices. The average cost is far higher than
the average price under the EU’s Emissions Trading Scheme or the floor
carbon prices that have been proposed by the Department of Energy
and Climate Change (DECC).

Ah, no, it doesn’t even meet that test, of being expensive but still worth it for environmental reasons
Wait until no one wants to build Nat Gas or Coal plants anymore.. Not if they have to be idled every time the wind blows for more than 20 minutes.. The cheering will die WAY down when folks start dying and losing their jobs..

I hope he's lying on an operating table when suddenly there is a calm.
Kennedy opposed the proposed Cape Wind project, which would be the country's first off-shore wind farm. Kennedy owns a home 4.7 miles from the proposed wind farm, and referred to the project's builder as a "special interest developer."

So glad you all agree with Ted Kennedy on this issue.
What would happen if 50% of all of our energy came from solar, wind, wave or hydro?

You wouldn't have any energy. The available energy would be limited and very expensive. No doubt directed to services instead of consumers.
What would happen if 50% of all of our energy came from solar, wind, wave or hydro?

We would have a VERY SIGNIFICANT chance that 10 times a month --- the grid would go down completely during the night... And GreenPeace would be in your face for putting cuisinarts on the sea bed..

ALL of things you mentioned are STATISTICAL entities. You are in virgin territory when you propose we make such sucker bets with the whole of society as a consequence.
All new homes in California are required to have Smart Meters, so far older homes do not have to be retrofitted with the new meters. A smart meter can be shut off remotely to make sure electricity is distributed according to the needs of the community. Entire neighborhoods can lose power with a flick of the switch. It can be used to power down a single home if that home is an energy hog, or a block, or a city.

With smart meters you don't get to put solar panels on your roof and avoid losing power. The smart meter regulates all energy going into the home. Using solar panels will just redirect the power back to the grid. Same with generators. An emergency generator won't save your life if its 125 and you live in the middle of the desert. The smart meter will just redirect the generator's power back into the grid. It will result is significant savings for power companies. Especially where the people stupidly installed alternative energy supplies thinking it will keep them going when the power fails.
But once you install it, it's FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

Nothing is free my friend, but if MadCow keeps running her mouth will have plenty of wind...:D

One utility company one night and half of the energy to 1.4 million customers. Something to cheer about? What about the other 364 days those monster useless windmills have to be serviced by a little army of maintenance people?

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