Wind And Solar Are Bailing Out Texas Amid Record Heat

Nothing....for it to be used as a fuel all of the water has to be there's nothing to freeze.
You are missing the point. Water can condense in the lines during temperature extremes. I personally know of several roads in my locale where the people at the bottom of a long hill experienced water coming into their homes via their gas lines from condensate, and on several similar roads. On several occasions, froze.
"Texas is, by rhetoric, anti-renewables . . . "

By rhetoric? What the heck does that even mean? Where did that professor get that idea? From some European anti-US convention he attended?

Texas has long been out front in wind power. Whenever I drive west, I always pass by large windmill farms.

The problem when we had that freeze was too much alternative energy, not not enough.

lol they never heard of T Boone Pickens and his several billion investment in wind farming. The think a couple of hippies smoking weed and driving around in a minivan installed all that stuff. They also failed to mention why wind and solar got to provide all that; they killed off several new nuclear power plants the Feds blocked.
Wind turbines didn't fare so well in Feb. 2021--they weren't much help at all in that weather event.
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What was never reported was that Texas had it's power { Electric utility
demand } suppressed.By Government fiat.A board of 6 members { only
2 from Texas } made the call to share power among a group of states.
Texas was denied their fair share.Alex Jones of Infowars had the
binding legal paperwork { got leaked to certain press } which spelled out
how power during a crisis was to be shared.Meaning texas had to share
whatever power they had on reserve.
Texas has been under attack by the Corrupt fed for years.
Like the way under Biden border agents on horseback were informed
they were being investigated and disciplined for " whipping " Illegals
crossing the Rio Grande with family and food.

Earth Is An Oil-Producing Machine — We're Not Running Out​

"Engineering and Technology Magazine reported this week that BP — the company that once wanted to be known as "Beyond Petroleum" rather than "British Petroleum" — is saying "the world is no longer at risk of running out of resources."

"This information backs up the idea that Earth is actually an oil-producing machine. We call energy sources such as crude oil and natural gas fossil fuels based on the assumption that they are the products of decaying organisms, maybe even dinosaurs themselves. But the label is a misnomer. Research from the last decade found that hydrocarbons are synthesized abiotically."

Psst: They don't want you to know this.
You are missing the point. Water can condense in the lines during temperature extremes. I personally know of several roads in my locale where the people at the bottom of a long hill experienced water coming into their homes via their gas lines from condensate, and on several similar roads. On several occasions, froze.
What kind of gas were they using?

I think somebody hasn't been doing proper maintenance on their systems or they're using a mixture that they shouldn't.
At any rate....freezing of the gas lines shouldn't occur if they're doing dehydration like they're supposed to.
By regulation there never should be any water in the gas lines.
At worst there would be condensation on the outside of pipes with no insulation.
This can happen on HVAC systems where the suction line wasn't properly insulated.
What kind of gas were they using?

I think somebody hasn't been doing proper maintenance on their systems or they're using a mixture that they shouldn't.
At any rate....freezing of the gas lines shouldn't occur if they're doing dehydration like they're supposed to.
By regulation there never should be any water in the gas lines.
At worst there would be condensation on the outside of pipes with no insulation.
This can happen on HVAC systems where the suction line wasn't properly insulated.
Ehanol may be good for Farmers who plant corn but never for those
running gasoline engines.They gum-up gas engines big time.
Plus we're on course to have the Government Up Ethanol to
15 % vs. the standard 5 %.
Ehanol may be good for Farmers who plant corn but never for those
running gasoline engines.They gum-up gas engines big time.
Plus we're on course to have the Government Up Ethanol to
15 % vs. the standard 5 %.
This is what happens when you have folks that don't know what they're doing making the laws.
Ethanol burns up food. It's total crap.
We're going to need that feed corn to feed ourselves and our livestock.
What kind of gas were they using?

I think somebody hasn't been doing proper maintenance on their systems or they're using a mixture that they shouldn't.
At any rate....freezing of the gas lines shouldn't occur if they're doing dehydration like they're supposed to.
By regulation there never should be any water in the gas lines.
At worst there would be condensation on the outside of pipes with no insulation.
This can happen on HVAC systems where the suction line wasn't properly insulated.
Natural Gas, dude....for home heating and cooking.

Condensation would form on the inside with warmer NG and colder ground on the pipes outside.....physics.
Natural Gas, dude....for home heating and cooking.

Condensation would form on the inside with warmer NG and colder ground on the pipes outside.....physics.
As I said before....there shouldn't be any moisture in the lines. That's how you get rusted pipes.
If it's melting ice and it's leaking into your house then you have a leaky wall in your basement or crawlspace.
It won't cut off the flow of natural gas.
As I said before....there shouldn't be any moisture in the lines. That's how you get rusted pipes.
If it's melting ice and it's leaking into your house then you have a leaky wall in your basement or crawlspace.
It won't cut off the flow of natural gas.
It will if there's enough condensation draining down from a hill, a mile or so long. It has happened. Condensate migrates into the house gas lines and kills the flame. I know people where this has happened and more than once.

Why are drip legs required in some locales then?
But unlike previous extreme weather events in Texas which led to deadly blackouts, the grid is holding up remarkably well this week. Several experts told CNN that it's owed in large part to strong performances from wind and solar, which generated 27 gigawatts of electricity during Sunday's peak demand -- close to 40% of the total needed.

I actually LOVE to bust this propaganda bubble. Especially when it's CNN. Here's the Current wind map of Texas at 10PM Central time. If ya need help reading WIND BARBS -- here's the key.

At the moment - outside of MAYBE 20 knot wind in an isolated thundercell - the ENTIRE STATE HAS NO MEANINGFUL wind energy. And in regards to what happened for 4 or 6 hours YESTERDAY - the EXTREME UNRELIABILITY and flakiness of relying on TOO MUCH wind in Texas will literally pile up body bags.

current texas wind speed.png

Game OVER --- NO SUN -- NO WIND --- EQUALS DEAD PEOPLE. Dont be stupid. Dont be a propaganda parrot. Figure this out for yourself.
I actually LOVE to bust this propaganda bubble. Especially when it's CNN. Here's the Current wind map of Texas at 10PM Central time. If ya need help reading WIND BARBS -- here's the key.

At the moment - outside of MAYBE 20 knot wind in an isolated thundercell - the ENTIRE STATE HAS NO MEANINGFUL wind energy. And in regards to what happened for 4 or 6 hours YESTERDAY - the EXTREME UNRELIABILITY and flakiness of relying on TOO MUCH wind in Texas will literally pile up body bags.

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Game OVER --- NO SUN -- NO WIND --- EQUALS DEAD PEOPLE. Dont be stupid. Dont be a propaganda parrot. Figure this out for yourself.
People don't realize extreme heat makes for a huge lack of wind. I think wind months are spring and fall, when global cooling and heating are on the move.
People don't realize extreme heat makes for a huge lack of wind. I think wind months are spring and fall, when global cooling and heating are on the move.

Really cool to have 40Gwatts of power generation sitting idle til spring and fall.. Typical SW wind field produces 40% of yearly power on just about 60 days of the year.
It will if there's enough condensation draining down from a hill, a mile or so long. It has happened. Condensate migrates into the house gas lines and kills the flame. I know people where this has happened and more than once.

Why are drip legs required in some locales then?
Bull shit.
You would have more problems than frozen gas lines if that was happening. Natural gas lines are usually buried 18-24 inches under the ground. A cold snap isn't going to freeze ice around lines buried that deep in Texas.

If you're house is that humid then it's a matter of airflow and holes in the walls.

The massive power outage was independent from anything that happened in isolated homes.
But first let's shut down all the renewable sources and watch the grid collapse.
You're arguing for using horse and buggy technology.

Outside of Hydro or geothermal MINING -- there's not a single renewable that does not require a REDUNDANT back-up generation source. SOlar is only there for about 8 (maybe 10 in some places/seasons) hours a day and wind is FLAKY AS HELL. There for 3 hours going gonzo -- then GONE for 3 days.

DOnt need to experiment with your shutdown. Happens every NIGHT and day somewhere. Because wind/solar are NOT ALTERNATIVES -- they are supplements. And their use as supplements is limited to the times of PEAK DEMAND. Like around 12 noon. At 10PM however, when solar is BEDDY-BYE and wind typically dies down -- the grid DEMAND IS STILL about 80% of daytime peak. So more than 10 or 15% of solar to lower PEAK problems works. Anymore than that require RELIABLE LONG TERM (days or even weeks in some locations) PRIMARY generation like hydro or nat gas that can come on/off line quickly,

What other "renewable" alternatives you got there in the lefty Bag of Tricks???

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