Willie Horton: When Called On Legal Policies.....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. When America is governed by conservatives, it uses the language of good and evil, language regarded by the left as "Manichean"; and even worse, religious. And, in fact, it is: the Judeo-Christian traditions label actions as ‘good’ or ‘evil,’ due to morality and/or self-control; the Left sees the results as due to material inequality, i.e., violent crime due to poverty.

2. A distinguishing characteristic of Liberals and Leftists is an aversion to recognizing or acknowledging evil and its permutations,…the proclivity to appease evil and ignore the sad facts of life. Childish, it is a form of wishful thinking.

3. An example is the greatest, fairest, and most legitimate political ad ever used, and the convulsive tempest of the Liberal reaction: the Willie Horton ad.

4. To this day, academics, i.e., Liberals, use it as an example of how race is used in an ugly way in American politics.

a. The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, the same one that OK’d gay marriage, ruled that prison furloughs had to be extended to first-degree murderers. This, due to Governor Michael Dukakis eliminating the death penalty.

b. Furloughs: outside visits to prepare convicts who would be released back into the community. Certainly not those with a life sentence.

c. Wait….don’t Liberals say that life in prison without the possibility of parole is just as good as capital punishment? Anyway….

d. Even the Massachusetts legislature realized the ruling was insane…and passed a law prohibiting the furloughs. But, with the support of the usual suspects, the ACLU, the Democrat Governor Dukakis vetoed the bill. Off goes a savage murderer, Willie Horton.

e. Horton was in prison because he “robbed Joseph Fournier, a 17-year-old gas station attendant, and then fatally stabbed him 19 times after he had cooperated by handing over all of the money in the cash register. His body was dumped in a trash can. Fournier died from blood loss…. But Willie Horton did not care if you gave it to him or not. As he would demonstrate at least twice, giving him what he asked for would not make any difference. … He did it for pleasure… Michael Dukakis opened up the prison doors in Massachusetts…he went to Maryland and broke into a home and tied a man to a joist in the basement, slashed his chest and stomach with a knife, then beat and raped his fiancee while she screamed and screamed and screamed. Willie Horton was a killer, a rapist, a torturer, a kidnapper, a brute.” Article: The killer and the candidate: how Willie Horton and George Bush rewrote... | AccessMyLibrary - Promoting library advocacy

5. Having no defense to blunt the truth of events, what could Liberals so?….Of course! Democrats screamed ‘racism.’ Well, one may claim such, except that the Bush commercial never mentioned race, or even showed Willie Horton.
Here it is:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmwhdDv8VrM]1988 George Bush Sr. "Revolving Door" Attack Ad Campaign - YouTube[/ame]

On the other hand….Bush supporters produced this commercial…. the National Security PAC, not directly by the Bush/Quayle campaign.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io9KMSSEZ0Y&feature=related]Willie Horton 1988 Attack Ad - YouTube[/ame]

“But when Bush supporters ran an anti-Dukakis TV commercial playing on fears of black criminals, it took three weeks for the campaign to disapprove.” George Bush and Willie Horton - NYTimes.com

6. When Cliff Barnes and Angela Miller, the couple that Horton attacked, recovered, they flew to Boston to request a meeting with Democrat Dukakis, hoping for an apology, perhaps some explanation. Democrat Dukakis refused to admit that furloughing remorseless murderers was a mistake…and hid from the couple. He issued a statement reaffirming his strong support for furloughing first-degree murderers.

a. Yet the Horton ad had gone down in Liberal history as the most beastly, monstrous act of racist demagoguery in campaign history. That’s the take-away from the incident.

But....that's what Liberals do when the insanity of their views is exposed.....

It's important to know the facts. And vote accordingly.
Just ONCE, I would like to open up a thread of yours and read an original thought in the OP that does not spring from a lengthy, tedious, verbose and more often than not boring, series of cut and paste paragraphs.

I mean this seriously, PC - not as an invitation to a flame fest. You have a good mind when it is not being muddied up by hurling insults and/or trying to bend some cut and paste manifesto into the point you would like to make about something.
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Just ONCE, I would like to open up a thread of yours and read an original thought in the OP that does not spring from a lengthy, tedious, verbose and more often than not boring, series of cut and paste paragraphs.

I mean this seriously, PC - not as an invitation to a flame fest. You have a good mind when it is not being muddied up by hurling insults and/or trying to bend some cut and paste manifesto into the point you would like to make about something.

Georgie....I know you better than you know yourself!

Let me translate your post:

"Just ONCE, I would like to open up a thread of yours and read an original thought in the OP that does not spring from a lengthy, tedious, verbose and more often than not boring, series of cut and paste paragraphs...that doesn't shake the foundations of my Leftist perspectives!!"

All of you Liberal/Progressives feel that way!

The great Wm. F. Buckley said it best:
"Though liberals do a great deal of talking about hearing other points of view, it sometimes shocks them to learn that there are other points of view. ... "

Need proof?

The OP is constructed to point out that Liberals deal with any criticism by bending it so they can cry "racism."

Did you find any errors in the OP?

Can you counter it or rebut the precis?

And, in fact, haven't you grown up accepting the catechism that the Willie Horton kerfluffle was all about "racism"?
The situation was really about crime and how the Liberal judicial perspective injures society.

That's what you really dislike, isn't it.
Just ONCE, I would like to open up a thread of yours and read an original thought in the OP that does not spring from a lengthy, tedious, verbose and more often than not boring, series of cut and paste paragraphs.

I mean this seriously, PC - not as an invitation to a flame fest. You have a good mind when it is not being muddied up by hurling insults and/or trying to bend some cut and paste manifesto into the point you would like to make about something.

Georgie....I know you better than you know yourself!

Let me translate your post:

"Just ONCE, I would like to open up a thread of yours and read an original thought in the OP that does not spring from a lengthy, tedious, verbose and more often than not boring, series of cut and paste paragraphs...that doesn't shake the foundations of my Leftist perspectives!!"

All of you Liberal/Progressives feel that way!

The great Wm. F. Buckley said it best:
"Though liberals do a great deal of talking about hearing other points of view, it sometimes shocks them to learn that there are other points of view. ... "

Need proof?

The OP is constructed to point out that Liberals deal with any criticism by bending it so they can cry "racism."

Did you find any errors in the OP?

Can you counter it or rebut the precis?

And, in fact, haven't you grown up accepting the catechism that the Willie Horton kerfluffle was all about "racism"?
The situation was really about crime and how the Liberal judicial perspective injures society.

That's what you really dislike, isn't it.

I am aware of the point you are trying to make in the OP. My point is, that you don't have to do it by quoting some lengthy, way-too-involved article addressing the issue you want to discuss. I am not on this thread to argue about alleged liberal mis-use of the race card. Rather, I am here to discuss your posting techniques on this board.

WAY too much cut and paste and WAY too little original thought. Most people don't have the patience or the inclination to wade through your cut and pastes, let along try to decipher the connection between the content of same and the thread title or the point you are attempting to make.

How about a thread titled: "Liberal Propensity to Cry 'Racism' In Response to Any Criticism" followed up by an OP that makes a brief reference to the Willy Horton case, a link, and your argument that this is a good example of the thread title? NO cut and paste in the OP. Links encourage people to go there and read up at their own speed and on their own time. Cut and paste forces people to wade through lots and lots of crapola - something most people simply won't do.

End result? Ineffective threads.
Just ONCE, I would like to open up a thread of yours and read an original thought in the OP that does not spring from a lengthy, tedious, verbose and more often than not boring, series of cut and paste paragraphs.

I mean this seriously, PC - not as an invitation to a flame fest. You have a good mind when it is not being muddied up by hurling insults and/or trying to bend some cut and paste manifesto into the point you would like to make about something.

Georgie....I know you better than you know yourself!

Let me translate your post:

"Just ONCE, I would like to open up a thread of yours and read an original thought in the OP that does not spring from a lengthy, tedious, verbose and more often than not boring, series of cut and paste paragraphs...that doesn't shake the foundations of my Leftist perspectives!!"

All of you Liberal/Progressives feel that way!

The great Wm. F. Buckley said it best:
"Though liberals do a great deal of talking about hearing other points of view, it sometimes shocks them to learn that there are other points of view. ... "

Need proof?

The OP is constructed to point out that Liberals deal with any criticism by bending it so they can cry "racism."

Did you find any errors in the OP?

Can you counter it or rebut the precis?

And, in fact, haven't you grown up accepting the catechism that the Willie Horton kerfluffle was all about "racism"?
The situation was really about crime and how the Liberal judicial perspective injures society.

That's what you really dislike, isn't it.

I am aware of the point you are trying to make in the OP. My point is, that you don't have to do it by quoting some lengthy, way-too-involved article addressing the issue you want to discuss. I am not on this thread to argue about alleged liberal mis-use of the race card. Rather, I am here to discuss your posting techniques on this board.

WAY too much cut and paste and WAY too little original thought. Most people don't have the patience or the inclination to wade through your cut and pastes, let along try to decipher the connection between the content of same and the thread title or the point you are attempting to make.

How about a thread titled: "Liberal Propensity to Cry 'Racism' In Response to Any Criticism" followed up by an OP that makes a brief reference to the Willy Horton case, a link, and your argument that this is a good example of the thread title? NO cut and paste in the OP. Links encourage people to go there and read up at their own speed and on their own time. Cut and paste forces people to wade through lots and lots of crapola - something most people simply won't do.

End result? Ineffective threads.

1. " My point is, that you don't have to do it by quoting some lengthy, way-too-involved article addressing the issue you want to discuss."
You might like to rethink that in the light of my point, that it is perspective rather than form, or length,etc.

2. Why do I say that?
The longest part is the article explaining the crime Horton committed in Maryland.

3. The part that takes the most time?
The two vids which show that the Bush commercial didn't even refer to Horton.

So....well constructed post if I do say so!
Georgie....I know you better than you know yourself!

Let me translate your post:

"Just ONCE, I would like to open up a thread of yours and read an original thought in the OP that does not spring from a lengthy, tedious, verbose and more often than not boring, series of cut and paste paragraphs...that doesn't shake the foundations of my Leftist perspectives!!"

All of you Liberal/Progressives feel that way!

The great Wm. F. Buckley said it best:
"Though liberals do a great deal of talking about hearing other points of view, it sometimes shocks them to learn that there are other points of view. ... "

Need proof?

The OP is constructed to point out that Liberals deal with any criticism by bending it so they can cry "racism."

Did you find any errors in the OP?

Can you counter it or rebut the precis?

And, in fact, haven't you grown up accepting the catechism that the Willie Horton kerfluffle was all about "racism"?
The situation was really about crime and how the Liberal judicial perspective injures society.

That's what you really dislike, isn't it.

I am aware of the point you are trying to make in the OP. My point is, that you don't have to do it by quoting some lengthy, way-too-involved article addressing the issue you want to discuss. I am not on this thread to argue about alleged liberal mis-use of the race card. Rather, I am here to discuss your posting techniques on this board.

WAY too much cut and paste and WAY too little original thought. Most people don't have the patience or the inclination to wade through your cut and pastes, let along try to decipher the connection between the content of same and the thread title or the point you are attempting to make.

How about a thread titled: "Liberal Propensity to Cry 'Racism' In Response to Any Criticism" followed up by an OP that makes a brief reference to the Willy Horton case, a link, and your argument that this is a good example of the thread title? NO cut and paste in the OP. Links encourage people to go there and read up at their own speed and on their own time. Cut and paste forces people to wade through lots and lots of crapola - something most people simply won't do.

End result? Ineffective threads.

1. " My point is, that you don't have to do it by quoting some lengthy, way-too-involved article addressing the issue you want to discuss."
You might like to rethink that in the light of my point, that it is perspective rather than form, or length,etc.

2. Why do I say that?
The longest part is the article explaining the crime Horton committed in Maryland.

3. The part that takes the most time?
The two vids which show that the Bush commercial didn't even refer to Horton.

So....well constructed post if I do say so!

Well, if you say so. Maybe it's me personally - I, for one, don't like to wade through lengthy articles when the point can so often be made in a much briefer manner. I suspect I am not alone in this regard. Anyway, what is it they say - a mind is a terrible thing to waste? My take is that you are tending to overthink and overpresent many of the points you want to make but far be it from me to tell you how to post here.

Actually, it isn't that far from me after all, is it?

That's enough on that for now - I don't want to hijack your thread here. Give me several hours to wade through the OP and I'll get back to you as to why you are full of it. Again. ;)
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