Willard soldiers on


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
But that prized moment was largely overshadowed by controversy over Romney's comments several hours earlier at a Jerusalem fundraiser with top donors, including casino magnate and "super PAC" donor Sheldon Adelson. It was similar to the furor that surrounded Romney days earlier in England, after he questioned the country's readiness for the Olympics just before he was to be a guest at the opening ceremony. London's mayor publicly pummeled Romney for the impolitic remarks.

In Jerusalem, Romney had mused about the reasons for economic disparities between neighboring countries — a topic that drew his interest during his business career. He compared the gross domestic product per capita of Israel and the lesser economic heft of neighboring Palestinian areas, and noted that he had seen a similar contrast in other next-door nations including the U.S. and Mexico, and Chile and Ecuador.

"If you could learn anything from the economic history of the world it's this: Culture makes all the difference," he told donors in Jerusalem after citing books he'd read on the subject. "As I come here and I look out over this city and consider the accomplishments of the people of this nation, I recognize the power of at least culture and a few other things."

Though Romney had made similar comments before, his remarks took on particular significance in the tony setting of the King David Hotel, during a trip in which he had neither visited Palestinian areas nor requested a meeting with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. (He did reconnect with Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, whom he has met on previous trips, as well as meeting with Israeli leaders.)

Palestinian representatives reacted angrily to the comment. Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said Romney had ignored the effects of Israeli government policy, which for years has favored economic development in Jewish areas, and the continued Israeli occupation of parts of the West Bank, which has disrupted commerce and communications in Palestinian areas.

"Oh, my God, this man needs a lot of education," Erekat said in a telephone interview Monday. "What he said about the culture is racism." The income disparity is due to "Israeli occupation," Erekat added.

Mitt Romney's Jerusalem controversy underscores travel risk - latimes.com

Whoa, this could get ugly.

But I guess (at least and allegedly) he's kissing up to the 'right people,' yeah?

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