Willard Mitt Romney

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Willard was Governor of Massachusetts from 2003 - 2007

Willard Mitt Romney

can we please get his name straight? It's Willard like the Rat movie

Dante IMDB Synopsis: Trapped in an isolated cult, Willard is bitten by a voracious parasite that transforms its victim into a deadly host, who spreads fear around the USA in a campaign to become the first member of the Holy Underwear Cult, to reach the Office of the Presidency. It is revealed as Cult revelation that Willard will become President and the Alien Saints of the Holy Underwear Cult will come down from the heavens and peace on earth will reign.


Willard. Willard Mitt Romney
Willard's record of accomplishments has always been clouded

Willard Mitt Romney... emerged as the public face of the Olympic effort, appearing in photographs, news stories and on Olympics pins.[119] Robert H. Garff, the chair of the organizing committee, later said that "It was obvious that he had an agenda larger than just the Olympics,"[119] and that Romney wanted to use the Olympics to propel himself into the national spotlight and a political career.[124][131] Garff believed the initial budget shortfall was not as bad as Romney portrayed, given there were still three years to reorganize.[124] Utah Senator Bob Bennett said that much of the needed federal money was already in place and an analysis by The Boston Globe stated that the committee already had nearly $1 billion in committed revenues.[124] Olympics critic Steve Pace, who led Utahns for Responsible Public Spending, thought Romney exaggerated the initial fiscal state in order to lay the groundwork for a well-publicized rescue.[131] Kenneth Bullock, another board member of the organizing committee and also head of the Utah League of Cities and Towns, often clashed with Romney at the time, and later said that Romney deserved some credit for the turnaround but not as much as he claimed:[119] Bullock said: "He tried very hard to build an image of himself as a savior, the great white hope. He was very good at characterizing and castigating people and putting himself on a pedestal."[124] Willard Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Willard's record of accomplishments has always been clouded

Willard Mitt Romney... emerged as the public face of the Olympic effort, appearing in photographs, news stories and on Olympics pins.[119] Robert H. Garff, the chair of the organizing committee, later said that "It was obvious that he had an agenda larger than just the Olympics,"[119] and that Romney wanted to use the Olympics to propel himself into the national spotlight and a political career.[124][131] Garff believed the initial budget shortfall was not as bad as Romney portrayed, given there were still three years to reorganize.[124] Utah Senator Bob Bennett said that much of the needed federal money was already in place and an analysis by The Boston Globe stated that the committee already had nearly $1 billion in committed revenues.[124] Olympics critic Steve Pace, who led Utahns for Responsible Public Spending, thought Romney exaggerated the initial fiscal state in order to lay the groundwork for a well-publicized rescue.[131] Kenneth Bullock, another board member of the organizing committee and also head of the Utah League of Cities and Towns, often clashed with Romney at the time, and later said that Romney deserved some credit for the turnaround but not as much as he claimed:[119] Bullock said: "He tried very hard to build an image of himself as a savior, the great white hope. He was very good at characterizing and castigating people and putting himself on a pedestal."[124] Willard Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your sig line is a falsehood. the main Function of Private equity firms is to provide loans to non publicly Trades Companies looking for investors, and hope to make a profit.

Loans that help the Companies grow and Hire.

th left is confident Obama is going to win they have to find any scrap to degrade Mitt. Its really just pathetic this early in the race.
Your sig line is a falsehood. the main Function of Private equity firms is to provide loans to non publicly Trades Companies looking for investors, and hope to make a profit.

Loans that help the Companies grow and Hire.


Private-equity firms are primarily focused on creating wealth for investors, not creating jobs.

yeah, spin, spin, spin...

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