Will You Be Part of the Resistance?

I've already donated more than most marxist shitstains exist on in a year, to the DJT legal fund.
If the election is stolen, I'll be just as happy to laugh and point at the pedo Chinaman and his slutty shit ape for 4 years.
Trumpism, 2020. This is who they are.

In response, We The People have spoken. Again. This time it will stick.

So you supported the Dim resistance to Trump. The illegal spying, Russian Collusion, the violence, and hounding people in public places. Why am I not surprised......

More TrumpWorld fantasy. More Trumpism, 2020.

Good stuff.

Just the response I expected. The ends justify the means. Payback is hell. :D
I'm not surprised that you think of Biden and Harris as "pedo Chinaman and his slutty shit ape."

You Trumpsters are a disgrace. Go back to Stormfront.
BLM rightly told the Democrats they were white supremacists that were colonizing their movement.

Even the Marxists know what you are.
No I'm not bitter at all. In fact, I know that it really doesn't matter who wins. The rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer, and the middle class will get squeezed so the rich get theirs. It's always been this way. Irrefutable. Now tell me how class divisions should not be discussed. Hilarious.
I've already donated more than most marxist shitstains exist on in a year, to the DJT legal fund.
If the election is stolen, I'll be just as happy to laugh and point at the pedo Chinaman and his slutty shit ape for 4 years.
Trumpism, 2020. This is who they are.

In response, We The People have spoken. Again. This time it will stick.

So you supported the Dim resistance to Trump. The illegal spying, Russian Collusion, the violence, and hounding people in public places. Why am I not surprised......

More TrumpWorld fantasy. More Trumpism, 2020.

Good stuff.

Just the response I expected. The ends justify the means. Payback is hell. :D
I'm not surprised that you think of Biden and Harris as "pedo Chinaman and his slutty shit ape."

You Trumpsters are a disgrace. Go back to Stormfront.
You've obviously mistaken me for someone that gives a shit about what you think. You were lower than shit to me before the election and you're lower than shit to me after trying to steal the election. Nothing changed.

But I'm glad I can push your buttons ya sniveling little piece of shit. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Many Dems, Hollywood, and the Media took great pride in being part of what they called "the resistance" against President Trump.

So that begs the question: Will you be part of the resistance against Biden? Should those on the Right go after Biden with the same tactics and vehemence with which Trump was attacked? That would include illegal spying and wire taps, phony investigations, and daily lies usually started by the Media? How should those on the Right respond?

Please discuss. :)

Resistance? I'll pick up a weapon if the right people ask me to. I am too old to give a damm anymore and I don't want to die is a socialist fascist state established by the pigs and vermin in the democrat party..
The founding fathers said: "We Mutually Pledge To Each Other Our Lives, Our Fortunes And Our Sacred Honor." If they could do it so can I.
I've already donated more than most marxist shitstains exist on in a year, to the DJT legal fund.
If the election is stolen, I'll be just as happy to laugh and point at the pedo Chinaman and his slutty shit ape for 4 years.
Trumpism, 2020. This is who they are.

In response, We The People have spoken. Again. This time it will stick.

So you supported the Dim resistance to Trump. The illegal spying, Russian Collusion, the violence, and hounding people in public places. Why am I not surprised......

More TrumpWorld fantasy. More Trumpism, 2020.

Good stuff.

Just the response I expected. The ends justify the means. Payback is hell. :D
I'm not surprised that you think of Biden and Harris as "pedo Chinaman and his slutty shit ape."

You Trumpsters are a disgrace. Go back to Stormfront.
BLM rightly told the Democrats they were white supremacists that were colonizing their movement.

Even the Marxists know what you are.
I've already donated more than most marxist shitstains exist on in a year, to the DJT legal fund.
If the election is stolen, I'll be just as happy to laugh and point at the pedo Chinaman and his slutty shit ape for 4 years.
Trumpism, 2020. This is who they are.

In response, We The People have spoken. Again. This time it will stick.

So you supported the Dim resistance to Trump. The illegal spying, Russian Collusion, the violence, and hounding people in public places. Why am I not surprised......

More TrumpWorld fantasy. More Trumpism, 2020.

Good stuff.

Just the response I expected. The ends justify the means. Payback is hell. :D
I'm not surprised that you think of Biden and Harris as "pedo Chinaman and his slutty shit ape."

You Trumpsters are a disgrace. Go back to Stormfront.
You've obviously mistaken me for someone that gives a shit about what you think. You were lower than shit to me before the election and you're lower than shit to me after trying to steal the election. Nothing changed.

But I'm glad I can push your buttons ya sniveling little piece of shit. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Oh, calm down, snowflake.

You're a good Trumpster. It was a compliment. I appreciate your willingness to be what you are.
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I've already donated more than most marxist shitstains exist on in a year, to the DJT legal fund.
If the election is stolen, I'll be just as happy to laugh and point at the pedo Chinaman and his slutty shit ape for 4 years.
Trumpism, 2020. This is who they are.

In response, We The People have spoken. Again. This time it will stick.

So you supported the Dim resistance to Trump. The illegal spying, Russian Collusion, the violence, and hounding people in public places. Why am I not surprised......

More TrumpWorld fantasy. More Trumpism, 2020.

Good stuff.

Just the response I expected. The ends justify the means. Payback is hell. :D
I'm not surprised that you think of Biden and Harris as "pedo Chinaman and his slutty shit ape."

You Trumpsters are a disgrace. Go back to Stormfront.
You've obviously mistaken me for someone that gives a shit about what you think. You were lower than shit to me before the election and you're lower than shit to me after trying to steal the election. Nothing changed.

But I'm glad I can push your buttons ya sniveling little piece of shit. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Well said.:rofl:
Many Dems, Hollywood, and the Media took great pride in being part of what they called "the resistance" against President Trump.

So that begs the question: Will you be part of the resistance against Biden? Should those on the Right go after Biden with the same tactics and vehemence with which Trump was attacked? That would include illegal spying and wire taps, phony investigations, and daily lies usually started by the Media? How should those on the Right respond?

Please discuss. :)
I am trying to figure out how to resist--------
I can donate money and that is about it...I'd like to see an insurrection as well but republicans are much to "polite" to do anything worthwhile to actually resist at this point.
We are frogs being slowly boiled.....

If Biden takes the presidency--they will use their time to make sure no legitimate candidate is ever elected again. They will likely go after Trump and his head supporters as well for audits and fake criminal investigations....

Polite? We ain't polite when we don't need to be. But we can be damned polite when the time calls for it. Right now, we are very impolite. And will be until Rump leaves for good. At that point, we begin grooming our own Republican Presidential People and we do it politely. But before we can be polite, we have to get rid of the rump blight.
Maybe the best way to be part of the Resistance is for Republicans who live in secure Democratic districts to financially assist the more moderate candidates in a Democratic primary election.

For example, if a Republican lives in AOC's district, financially support AOC's primary opponent.

Some Democrats do NOT want massive immigration, defunding of the cops, releasing violent criminals, packing the Supreme Court, etc.

If enough moderate Democrats get elected, it would prevent the election of characters such as Nancy from becoming the Speaker.
Many Dems, Hollywood, and the Media took great pride in being part of what they called "the resistance" against President Trump.

So that begs the question: Will you be part of the resistance against Biden? Should those on the Right go after Biden with the same tactics and vehemence with which Trump was attacked? That would include illegal spying and wire taps, phony investigations, and daily lies usually started by the Media? How should those on the Right respond?

Please discuss. :)
I am trying to figure out how to resist--------
I can donate money and that is about it...I'd like to see an insurrection as well but republicans are much to "polite" to do anything worthwhile to actually resist at this point.
We are frogs being slowly boiled.....

If Biden takes the presidency--they will use their time to make sure no legitimate candidate is ever elected again. They will likely go after Trump and his head supporters as well for audits and fake criminal investigations....

Polite? We ain't polite when we don't need to be. But we can be damned polite when the time calls for it. Right now, we are very impolite. And will be until Rump leaves for good. At that point, we begin grooming our own Republican Presidential People and we do it politely. But before we can be polite, we have to get rid of the rump blight.
Your dumbass has never been polite.
Many Dems, Hollywood, and the Media took great pride in being part of what they called "the resistance" against President Trump.

So that begs the question: Will you be part of the resistance against Biden? Should those on the Right go after Biden with the same tactics and vehemence with which Trump was attacked? That would include illegal spying and wire taps, phony investigations, and daily lies usually started by the Media? How should those on the Right respond?

Please discuss.

Here's what's going to happen.

By 2024, most REPUBLICANS will deny they ever supported Trump. Kind of like how by 1976, most of them denied they ever supported Nixon. And Nixon actually won legitimate elections.
Many Dems, Hollywood, and the Media took great pride in being part of what they called "the resistance" against President Trump.

So that begs the question: Will you be part of the resistance against Biden? Should those on the Right go after Biden with the same tactics and vehemence with which Trump was attacked? That would include illegal spying and wire taps, phony investigations, and daily lies usually started by the Media? How should those on the Right respond?

Please discuss.

Here's what's going to happen.

By 2024, most REPUBLICANS will deny they ever supported Trump. Kind of like how by 1976, most of them denied they ever supported Nixon. And Nixon actually won legitimate elections.
With paper ballots and in person voting. That’s what made them legit.
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