Will Trump invade Venezuela?

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Food for thought:

Wag the Dog” is a 1997 film directed by Barry Levinson and starring Robert De Niro and Dustin Hoffman. The films follow an unnamed President, who gets embroiled in a sex scandal two weeks before the Presidential election. To help quell the situation, the President enlists the help of political consultant Conrad Brean, who determines that the best course of action is to distract the American people by constructing a fake diversionary war. Brean then enlists the help of Hollywood producer Stanley Motss to use the media to manipulate the public into believing that the US is at war with Albania. Despite the fact that many doubts are raised about the war, the efforts of Brean and Motss successfully distracted the American public from the President’s scandal and helped to rally support behind him during the closing days of the Presidential election. “Wag the Dog” explores themes such as the relationship between the media and politics, how the media shapes public opinion and the control that the mass media has within society. Additionally, examples of political communication theory can be used to explain the events in “Wag the Dog.”
Food for thought:

Wag the Dog” is a 1997 film directed by Barry Levinson and starring Robert De Niro and Dustin Hoffman. The films follow an unnamed President, who gets embroiled in a sex scandal two weeks before the Presidential election. To help quell the situation, the President enlists the help of political consultant Conrad Brean, who determines that the best course of action is to distract the American people by constructing a fake diversionary war. Brean then enlists the help of Hollywood producer Stanley Motss to use the media to manipulate the public into believing that the US is at war with Albania. Despite the fact that many doubts are raised about the war, the efforts of Brean and Motss successfully distracted the American public from the President’s scandal and helped to rally support behind him during the closing days of the Presidential election. “Wag the Dog” explores themes such as the relationship between the media and politics, how the media shapes public opinion and the control that the mass media has within society. Additionally, examples of political communication theory can be used to explain the events in “Wag the Dog.”
I cant see it. They will continue to sow dissent until the government falls. A bit like the Ukraine.
Why would Trump invade Venezuela?? They have oil but so do we.

They have nothing we really need or want. They do have starving people but we sure don't want them.
pursunat to Trump's last round of tweets,,,,

You freaks get more and more bizarre by the day!
Venezuela – Are We Stepping Into Something Again in Central America

Russian official warns Trump administration against military intervention in Venezuela @ Russian official warns Trump administration against military intervention in Venezuela

Sen. Rick Scott on Venezuela: Need to do everything we can to get Maduro out of there @ Sen. Rick Scott on Venezuela: Need to do everything we can to get Maduro out of there

Trump recognizes Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido as the nation’s interim president @ Trump recognizes Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido as the nation’s interim president

Violent protests erupt in Venezuela as President Trump backs opposition leader @ Violent protests erupt in Venezuela as President Trump backs opposition leader

US vice president to Venezuelan opposition: 'We are with you' @ https://news.yahoo.com/us-vice-president-venezuelan-opposition-162153244.html
Will Trump invade Venezuela?

Would you like him to?

He seems to be doing just the opposite. Pulling us out of foreign entanglements in which previous administrations have entangled us.
i would. Let's find out what Russia and China have available. Big News. Big fun-----and a lot of dead meatheads chanting " Yes sir America first"----without even knowing Venezuela is part of America.
Food for thought:

Wag the Dog” is a 1997 film directed by Barry Levinson and starring Robert De Niro and Dustin Hoffman. The films follow an unnamed President, who gets embroiled in a sex scandal two weeks before the Presidential election. To help quell the situation, the President enlists the help of political consultant Conrad Brean, who determines that the best course of action is to distract the American people by constructing a fake diversionary war. Brean then enlists the help of Hollywood producer Stanley Motss to use the media to manipulate the public into believing that the US is at war with Albania. Despite the fact that many doubts are raised about the war, the efforts of Brean and Motss successfully distracted the American public from the President’s scandal and helped to rally support behind him during the closing days of the Presidential election. “Wag the Dog” explores themes such as the relationship between the media and politics, how the media shapes public opinion and the control that the mass media has within society. Additionally, examples of political communication theory can be used to explain the events in “Wag the Dog.”
I hope not. I don't think he would do it as a distraction. Its a problem in Venezuela but its not OUR problem. We need to stay the hell out of it. Let the majority of South American countries deal with it.
Probably not. Venezuela would have to provoke something with us, but there is nothing they can really do.

When Chavez first seized power, America really needed Venezuelan oil, now after Trump's "Drill baby drill" policy we really don't.

As of today, it looks like the people are about ready to try Madura and have his head displayed on a pike. The only thing that can save him is if Communist Cuba intervenes. If they should do that, America should invade Cuba not Venezuela. But I don't think they will.

America is close friends with the Tremendous Republic of Brazil and their forward looking leader. Brazil is a neighbor and can help us out on that
From April, 2015:
“Venezuela: What Everyone Needs to Know...”

Ahead of Summit of the Americas, “Venezuela: What Everyone Needs to Know” | Democracy Now!

"Oil, however, remains the most identifiable image associated with Venezuela.

"Since its discovery in the first decades of the twentieth century, it has dominated the economy and society.

"On December 22, 1922, the Barroso N. 2 well on the shores of Lake Maracaibo in western Venezuela erupted, spewing 100,000 barrels a day, altering Venezuela and permanently transforming its relations with the world.

"By 1928, with dozens of United States and European oil companies and thousands of foreigners in the country, Venezuela became the world’s second leading exporter of oil, and the first by 1935. (Venezuela is currently the fifth largest exporter of oil in the world.)

"In the last decade, Venezuela’s oil company Petróleos de Venezuela (PdVSA) has expanded operations in the eastern Orinoco River basin, where heavy crude deposits have increased its certified reserves to 296 billion barrels, and its recoverable reserves are estimated at 513 billion barrels, an immense quantity that surpasses the holdings of Saudi Arabia as the principal petroleum reserves in the world.

"Venezuela also ranks first in Latin America and eighth in the world in certified natural gas reserves with 5.5 trillion cubic meters of gas.

"At many levels, oil continues to be the key that helps explain and elucidate contemporary Venezuelan society, culture, and history.

"Control of the Venezuelan state implies control over the nation’s purse strings, which overwhelmingly means oil and gas.

"This was the case when US oil companies operated in Venezuela, and it has been the case since the country nationalized oil in 1976."
A lot of Latin American countries have gone on record as supporting the guy claiming to be the acting president of the country. It'll be interesting if they actually do something instead of just talking.
Despite the dire predictions of some Trump did not get us into war with North Korea or China when he talked about pulling troops out of Syria and Afghanistan people flipped out so I see little to no chance there will be an invasion of Venezuela.
Food for thought:

Wag the Dog” is a 1997 film directed by Barry Levinson and starring Robert De Niro and Dustin Hoffman. The films follow an unnamed President, who gets embroiled in a sex scandal two weeks before the Presidential election. To help quell the situation, the President enlists the help of political consultant Conrad Brean, who determines that the best course of action is to distract the American people by constructing a fake diversionary war. Brean then enlists the help of Hollywood producer Stanley Motss to use the media to manipulate the public into believing that the US is at war with Albania. Despite the fact that many doubts are raised about the war, the efforts of Brean and Motss successfully distracted the American public from the President’s scandal and helped to rally support behind him during the closing days of the Presidential election. “Wag the Dog” explores themes such as the relationship between the media and politics, how the media shapes public opinion and the control that the mass media has within society. Additionally, examples of political communication theory can be used to explain the events in “Wag the Dog.”

Our CIA is all over that situation....this ain't Barry the Fairy keeping communists and terrorists in power anymore....Trump has made it clear to Maduro he can leave or die... Will we invade? Why not? We took Panama in a matter of hours and they had toilet paper to use when they heard our Blackhawks coming....

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