Will Trump Believe The Muslims Or The CIA???

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Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
CIA concludes Saudi crown prince 'ordered Jamal Khashoggi murder'

So it has been concluded by our own and Trump's own CIA that the Saudi prince-dictator ordered the murder of a US resident on Turkish soil -- Our initial response to that was, "but the Saudis are rich and they buy our weapons and stuff" -- Turkish officials came forward and said they could prove who killed Khashoggi (US Resident #1), Trump's response to that was "The Saudi prince said he didn't do it and he said it very strong and powerfully, oh so powerful". From the article: "Citing sources familiar with the matter, The Post claims that the CIA came to its conclusion after examining multiple sources of information. Another senior US official reportedly told US news channel CNN, that the conclusion is based on a recording provided by the Turkish government and other evidence."

Now Mike Pompeo's CIA have concluded that indeed it was the Saudi prince who had a US resident murdered -- to make things even more complicated, Trump is actively trying to find a way to hand over another long time US resident (US Resident #2) to Turkey so he too can be tortured and murdered. Why? To appease Turkey so Turkey will not make such a big fuss over Saudi Arabia murdering US resident #1 on their soil -- So apparently, if we give Turkey US Resident #2 to murder, then Saudi murdering US Resident #1 would go away -- maybe we can just let Turkey come on over and murder US Resident #2 on our soil, why not?

Also, there is the issue of the slaughter in Yemen and how we are so willfully complicit in the slaughter of innocent Yemeni civilians...There is growing bipartisan support to require Trump to cut off military support to the Saudis due to the fact they keep having a habit of murdering innocent children and how being in this quagmire (that started before Trump, so you can blame Obama if you like) has lead to us helping Al-Queda, again -- since AQ is Suni like the Saudis and the people we are fighting in Yemen are Shia( like Iran) -- what are we gaining from killing people in Yemen? In fact, we are bombing 8 different countries right now and we only have constitutional authorization to be in 2 of them -- but obviously, the desires of defense contractors comes before the constitution....So in all of this, who do you and your cult leader believe? The word of those dirty evil terrorist muslims who practice Islam? Or our own CIA?
^^^^^ Seek a mental health specialist. ..... :cool:
Let me know one single thing I said that is wrong

I'll wait while you try to find ways to simultaneously suck conservative dick while also dealing with the bitter after taste of knowing no matter how well you suck it, they still hate you and your religion....
^^^^^ Seek a mental health specialist. ..... :cool:
Let me know one single thing I said that is wrong

I'll wait while you try to find ways to simultaneously suck conservative dick while also dealing with the bitter after taste of knowing no matter how well you suck it, they still hate you and your religion....
You've spent a lot of time in prison, haven't you?
"Citing sources familiar with the matter..."

I always find it fascinating when the historic arch enemy of the political left is all of a sudden the most reliable source of information available.
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on the same old topic

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