Will Ted Cruz's Lies End His Presidential Run

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Jan 25, 2016

Canadian born Ted Cruz can't seem to tell the truth even if his miserable life depends on it but his latest lie may finally be the lie that ends him politically.

Liar Ted recently claimed that he lost his health insurance and he blamed Obama.

Not since Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have we seen a more prolific liar than Canadian born Ted Cruz. It's too bad that liar Ted did not take a 100 mph hockey puck to his lying throat because had that happened we would not have to spend half our lives fact checking this slick lying criminal.

Ted Cruz’s recent claim in New Hampshire that he does not have health insurance has been revealed to be a complete and total lie. It turns out that Cruz and his family have always had coverage.

While campaigning in New Hampshire on Thursday, Sen. Cruz claimed that he was currently without health insurance, “You know who one of those millions of Americans who’s lost their health care because of Obamacare? That would be me. I don’t have health care right now. I had purchased an individual policy, and Blue Cross Blue Shield canceled all their individual policies in the state of Texas effective December 31st. So our health care got canceled. We got a notice in the mail. Blue Cross Blue Shield was leaving the market.”
His didn’t make sense because people don’t get only a single letter in the mail and dropped. What Cruz was describing did not sound real because it wasn’t.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the Cruz campaign was forced to admit that he had been moved to another plan.

Cruz spokeswoman Catherine Frazier said Friday that Mr. Cruz’s insurance broker had told him that he lost his health coverage when his Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas preferred provider organization or PPO, policy terminated on Dec. 31.

But Mr. Cruz had in fact been automatically enrolled by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas in another, narrower-network “health maintenance organization” plan that kept him covered in January.

Customers don’t get one letter and dropped. If the customer does not pick a new plan in the marketplace, their insurance provider moves them to a new plan automatically.

Like most establishment Republicans, Cruz has to lie to attack the Affordable Care Act. Since the law is working, the GOP has to lie and invent dire circumstances to paint a picture of failure.


The truth about Ted Cruz’s health insurance situation actually and unfortunately makes the case for Obamacare. Cruz was not tossed off of his insurance. He was not left uninsured. Unlike the old system, his insurance company didn’t get to drop him and say sorry about your luck.

Ted Cruz has no conscience. He will lie about anything if he thinks it will help get elected president. The problem with Cruz’s lie about Obamacare is that it proves that the law is working.
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I don't know why anyone would need to lie to attack ObunglesCare....the thing is a disaster

This is not about Obamacare. This thread is about Ted Cruz and his habitual lying. Start your own thread about Obamacare. Clearly you are trying to hijack this discussion. That's very pathetic.
Politifact Texas has found 67% of the Cruz comments they've questioned to be untruthful. The man is a pathological liar, yet claims to be devoutly Christian. Pretty sad.
I don't know why anyone would need to lie to attack ObunglesCare....the thing is a disaster

This is not about Obamacare. This thread is about Ted Cruz and his habitual lying. Start your own thread about Obamacare. Clearly you are trying to hijack this discussion. That's very pathetic.

Your OP mentioned Obamacare, in fact more than once, therefore it is indeed about Obamacare. New to this?
I don't know why anyone would need to lie to attack ObunglesCare....the thing is a disaster

This is not about Obamacare. This thread is about Ted Cruz and his habitual lying. Start your own thread about Obamacare. Clearly you are trying to hijack this discussion. That's very pathetic.

Your OP mentioned Obamacare, in fact more than once, therefore it is indeed about Obamacare. New to this?

Stop trying to hijack this discussion. Nobody is stopping you from starting a thread about Obama care. This thread is about a lying sack of shit named Ted Cruz and one of his many lies.

The fact is, Ted Cruz got caught in another whopper. HE LIED and he lied because he's a known liar.Ted really needs to be arrested and jailed for his lies. Hopefully President Trump will send Canadian Ted to GITMO and personally water board him.
I dunno, is the FBI investigating? That could pull some dem voters for the guy.....
No different than their opponents on the other side of the aisle.

This is about Ted Cruz's habitual lying not about what his opponents are doing. Please take your ADD meds.

Junior, I don't trust ANY of the candidates in the race this year,

ALL of them are lying.

get a grip

It's funny when anyone accuses the right of lying....given they have Cankles
And they try to do it with a straight face.. Like they actually have credibility.

How sad.
I don't know why anyone would need to lie to attack ObunglesCare....the thing is a disaster

This is not about Obamacare. This thread is about Ted Cruz and his habitual lying. Start your own thread about Obamacare. Clearly you are trying to hijack this discussion. That's very pathetic.

Your OP mentioned Obamacare, in fact more than once, therefore it is indeed about Obamacare. New to this?

Stop trying to hijack this discussion. Nobody is stopping you from starting a thread about Obama care. This thread is about a lying sack of shit named Ted Cruz and one of his many lies.

The fact is, Ted Cruz got caught in another whopper. HE LIED and he lied because he's a known liar.Ted really needs to be arrested and jailed for his lies. Hopefully President Trump will send Canadian Ted to GITMO and personally water board him.

Again your own OP mentions Obamacare, I suggest you don't try and dictate what I do and learn that what you put in your OP becomes fair game
Obama care is the ultimate bait and switch game.

Kinda like how they are making Humana outrageously expensive so the old folks will be forced onto regular Medicare
Is there a website to donate to Ted's medical care?

I'm worried about this guy....

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