Will They Receive Welfare?


Trump/Vance Ticket-- Too Big to Rig
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 16, 2010
Central Coast
FOXNews.com - Administration's 'Silent Raids' Lead to Firings, Not Deportations

The Obama administration’s new approach to dealing with companies that hire illegal immigrants results in firings, not deportations, the New York Times reported Friday.

Instead of immigration sweeps at factories and farms which used to lead to illegal workers being shipped out of the country, the administration’s new policy—government conducted audits labeled “silent raids” by employers—usually only result in the workers losing their jobs, the Times said.

The Times article comes just over a week after the president delivered his highly anticipated speech on immigration reform, which was criticized on both ends of the political spectrum.In these audits, federal agents examine company records to find illegal workers on the payroll, forcing “businesses to fire every suspected illegal immigrant… not just those who happened to be on duty at the time of a raid,” the Times said. This makes it more difficult for companies to hire undocumented workers to fill these positions in the future, the article explained.

These audits reach more companies than the Bush raids, employers said. This year alone, Immigration and Customs Enforcement have facilitated the firing of thousands of immigrants and “levied a record $3 million in civil fines,” the Times reported.

This current policy is a contrast to the Bush-era work-site roundups where undocumented employees were deported en masse. It also represents the current government opinion that treating the nation’s 11 million illegal immigrants as criminals would overwhelm the system. Mucho mas: FOXNews.com - Administration's 'Silent Raids' Lead to Firings, Not Deportations

But won't it cost more for them to receive all entitlements forever? What does the taxpayer who will be supporting them have to say about this, providing there are taxpayers left?
Regardless of what ought to happen to the immigrants, the business people that hired them should be prosecuted and jailed and fined out of business. And if it can be shown the business paid below legal wages or failed to adhere to workplace safety laws, the business owners/executives should do extra hard time.
Regardless of what ought to happen to the immigrants, the business people that hired them should be prosecuted and jailed and fined out of business. And if it can be shown the business paid below legal wages or failed to adhere to workplace safety laws, the business owners/executives should do extra hard time.

"Fined out of Business" is a little extreme you asswipe.

This year alone, Immigration and Customs Enforcement have facilitated the firing of thousands of immigrants and “levied a record $3 million in civil fines,” the Times reported.
Good question about the welfare. Technically they should not be able to receive it but i would bet that many will.

I think a combination of record examination AND deportation round-up's should be used. Catch the illegals on hand and deport them and fire the rest.
It's against the law for illegal immigrants to receive welfare. Not only that, if it's discovered that a household receiving welfare has an illegal immigrant living there, by law, their welfare is supposed to be stopped.

The right loves government conspiracy. After reading right wingers saying such nonsense I went and looked it up. It's not hard.

Not only that, after hearing right wingers go on about Obama's death panels, which was "end of life counseling, I discovered that Sarah Palin, while governor, proclaimed April 16th 2008, “Healthcare Decisions Day,” which, of course, was "end of life counseling.

Since you guys are writing on this board, you have the Internet. That means you have "Google".

USE IT!!!!

Knowing the truth will not only make you a better person, people will stop laughing. Unless they are really gone right wingers. They laugh at me all the time. But what do you expect from people who believe "Noah's Ark" really happened.
Anchor babies can collect benefits. If parents have no income, they can live off the couple hundred a month they get for their children. Many states provide other benefits to the adults as well. Happens all the time. They still live better than in Mexico. Otherwise they'd go back.
When shamnesty goes thru, we will see illegals NOT doing the jobs that other Americans won't do. Hmmm Working the fields or watching Maury? Tough one. Not.
Anchor babies can collect benefits. If parents have no income, they can live off the couple hundred a month they get for their children. Many states provide other benefits to the adults as well. Happens all the time. They still live better than in Mexico. Otherwise they'd go back.
When shamnesty goes thru, we will see illegals NOT doing the jobs that other Americans won't do. Hmmm Working the fields or watching Maury? Tough one. Not.
Is that what became of all the illegals that Ronnie granted amnesty? I doubt it.
I don't know what those illegals did 20 years ago. Nor is that relevant to the conversation except to argue that we must learn from history. Is that what you were trying to say ravi?

It becoming increasingly obvious that the stonewalling and complete disregard to the public and the law is simply political. Perhaps that's what he meant by "transparency"

Will they consider the impact on UI HC and SS when all these people are added to the rolls? Of course not. They'll just start taxing oxygen.
they will just get another set of false papers you can't ask to see.....and get another job.....
I don't know what those illegals did 20 years ago. Nor is that relevant to the conversation except to argue that we must learn from history. Is that what you were trying to say ravi?

It becoming increasingly obvious that the stonewalling and complete disregard to the public and the law is simply political. Perhaps that's what he meant by "transparency"

Will they consider the impact on UI HC and SS when all these people are added to the rolls? Of course not. They'll just start taxing oxygen.
Why isn't it relevant? Pretending that they will all start collecting welfare is rather dishonest...how do you hope to solve a problem by starting out from a position of dishonesty?
Dishonesty? Those that are working under the table or are unemployed are already collecting welfare if they have anchor babies. In some sanctuary cities, they do not even need a meal ticket. That is fact.

I know how hard some of these immigrants work (legal and illegal). I see them in the fields and on the fishing boats doing the jobs that - gasp - Americans won't do. If given a choice, many will opt for entitlements. I don't know what welfare pays in other states, but here in NJ, you'd hardly know the non-working were poor.

So ravi - what did Ronnie do wrong and how can Obama avoid the same mistake? That was what you've been trying to say, right? Educate us.
Well duh. The fired workers will most likely receive Unemployment Checks and spur Pelosi-Style job growth.
Anchor babies can collect benefits. If parents have no income, they can live off the couple hundred a month they get for their children. Many states provide other benefits to the adults as well. Happens all the time. They still live better than in Mexico. Otherwise they'd go back.
When shamnesty goes thru, we will see illegals NOT doing the jobs that other Americans won't do. Hmmm Working the fields or watching Maury? Tough one. Not.
Is that what became of all the illegals that Ronnie granted amnesty? I doubt it.

Reagan granting amnesty was wrong. I guess Obama needs not grant amnesty to prove he is better that Regan. Two wrongs and all that you know.
It's against the law for illegal immigrants to receive welfare. Not only that, if it's discovered that a household receiving welfare has an illegal immigrant living there, by law, their welfare is supposed to be stopped.

The right loves government conspiracy. After reading right wingers saying such nonsense I went and looked it up. It's not hard.

Not only that, after hearing right wingers go on about Obama's death panels, which was "end of life counseling, I discovered that Sarah Palin, while governor, proclaimed April 16th 2008, “Healthcare Decisions Day,” which, of course, was "end of life counseling.

Since you guys are writing on this board, you have the Internet. That means you have "Google".

USE IT!!!!

Knowing the truth will not only make you a better person, people will stop laughing. Unless they are really gone right wingers. They laugh at me all the time. But what do you expect from people who believe "Noah's Ark" really happened.

I thought you said that the federal government could not force states and cities to check immigration status. If they cannot check immigration status, how are they supposed to know who is an illegal alien and is not eligible for welfare?
Putting the employERS in prison would help.

In fact, that would end the problem more efficiently than any wall that we can build.

Why doesn't either of our parties do that?

Because they think GREED is good, folks.

They worship the alter of Mammon.
The govt loves when a plan comes together. Now all of the unemployed will start doing home invasions in order to eat and you idiots will beg them to protect you and let them remove the 3 or 4 rights you may have left.

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