CDZ Will the Kavanaugh accuser be the first #metoo millionaire?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Much like al gore became the first Green fascist billionaire, will the accuser of Kavanaugh become the first #metoo millionaire, making her money on a book deal, with movie rights, speaking fees and appearance fees at all the democrat big events?

If you see this idea that she will be a #metoo millionaire....I started it...
I heartily endorse any way of capitalizing or profiting on other people's stupidity. In fact, I depend on the ignorance of others: How else am I going to separate widows and orphan children from their priceless family heirlooms for mere pennies on the dollar?

Like I told a friend of mine who's a police officer: "If it wasn't for ignorant people, we'd both be out of a job..."
I think there’s a 50 50 chance she doesn’t show or it is behind closed doors. She may turn out to be a zero not a hero. All the women that have been truly raped will be very bitter to the dems if this thing goes south.

I am sure she is going to show up.....she and her handlers are working out how to make the most of her appearance, preparing her for the questions....waiting for the democrat operatives to report back on wether they found a house that will match her description and wether they have managed to find someone in the Girl's Prep school year book who will also accuse Kavanaugh...
I think there’s a 50 50 chance she doesn’t show or it is behind closed doors. She may turn out to be a zero not a hero. All the women that have been truly raped will be very bitter to the dems if this thing goes south.

Do the Democrats realize that if your scenario plays out like that, it could mean the end of the #MeToo craze?

I hope so.
I think there’s a 50 50 chance she doesn’t show or it is behind closed doors. She may turn out to be a zero not a hero. All the women that have been truly raped will be very bitter to the dems if this thing goes south.

There is no way she doesn't show..... there is real money to be made by taking down kavanaugh....
Yeah but if she had been drinking, if she can’t remember,the date, if she can’t remember the location, if she can’t remember,who was in the room then what does she have. I am not a male shrinking violet who would be intimidated by these feminists. Hell one dem female sen. said on tv for men to shut up. Who does she think she is? A rape charge is extremely serious, just,as,a false rape charge is extremely serious. I’ve had a bellyfull of men are always guilty and women are always innocent. Every case should be decided on its own merits. The dems are in just as much jeopardy here as republicans.
Yeah but if she had been drinking, if she can’t remember,the date, if she can’t remember the location, if she can’t remember,who was in the room then what does she have. I am not a male shrinking violet who would be intimidated by these feminists. Hell one dem female sen. said on tv for men to shut up. Who does she think she is? A rape charge is extremely serious, just,as,a false rape charge is extremely serious. I’ve had a bellyfull of men are always guilty and women are always innocent. Every case should be decided on its own merits. The dems are in just as much jeopardy here as republicans.

Exactly....just ask the Duke Lacrosse team or Tawana Brawley....
Ok, you sure,you don’t want some of my odds. Feinstein just backpeddled saying she doesn’t know if some of these allegations are untrue. And fords lawyer just demanded no appearance before committee until fbi investigates Kavanaugh. This is going down the toilet real fast. Put up or shut up.
Much like al gore became the first Green fascist billionaire, will the accuser of Kavanaugh become the first #metoo millionaire, making her money on a book deal, with movie rights, speaking fees and appearance fees at all the democrat big events?

If you see this idea that she will be a #metoo millionaire....I started it...
After some of the dishonestly labeled true stories coming out of Hollywood such as " truth " or " jfk " I have no doubt they will try to make movies about this.

Expect to see one where the names are changed slightly and the disclaimer says any similarity is coincidental.
Much like al gore became the first Green fascist billionaire, will the accuser of Kavanaugh become the first #metoo millionaire, making her money on a book deal, with movie rights, speaking fees and appearance fees at all the democrat big events?

If you see this idea that she will be a #metoo millionaire....I started it...
After some of the dishonestly labeled true stories coming out of Hollywood such as " truth " or " jfk " I have no doubt they will try to make movies about this.

Expect to see one where the names are changed slightly and the disclaimer says any similarity is coincidental.

They will have the movie ready for the 2020 election...along with the Russia stole the election movie...

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