Will a military coup save america?


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

JOE CORTINA IS AN EX GREEN BERET, a former airborne special operations officer and US Army Training Center commander.

Joe Cortina’s subsequent experiences as an intelligence investigator and anti-terrorist adviser brought him to such hotbeds of turmoil as the State of Israel, adjacent Middle East nations, and Central America.

Joe Cortina’s Web Site, “My Name Is Joe Cortina,” is a showcase of crimes committed against humanity by the Zionist global elite. Here.

Will A Military Coup Save America? | Real Jew News
No, a Military Coup will not save America.

But the Military resisting the implementation of Martial Law will.
No, a Military Coup will not save America.

But the Military resisting the implementation of Martial Law will.

I think that would be a coup...
No, a Coup d'etat is is the sudden, illegal deposition of a government, usually by a small group of the existing state establishment, typically the military, to depose the extant government and replace it with another body, civil or military.

How was Nicolai Chauchesku deposed? His Military disobeyed his orders to oppress his own people. Dictators have no power without a strong security force to back them up.

That's why I'm saying, the Military should resist it. If not, that's what State Militia's are for, that's what your 2nd Amendment is for.
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