Why would black people in 2017 be bothered by racism?


Gold Member
Jul 10, 2014
With all the opportunities for blacks today in regards to education and employment, why are so many blacks upset when it's reveal that a certain white person doesn't like blacks?

Don't they have that right? And why should a white person not liking blacks mess up a black persons day?

I'm confused
With all the opportunities for blacks today in regards to education and employment, why are so many blacks upset when it's reveal that a certain white person doesn't like blacks?

Don't they have that right? And why should a white person not liking blacks mess up a black persons day?

I'm confused
The guy next door is really upset that the DNC is trying to take control of his guns, and he is a Obamma voter who is a Bro and works everyday. I found it strange that he is upset since he is blk and supported OB until today, I have not read anything about gun take backs lately. Gonna have a talk next time I see him get the facts.
With all the opportunities for blacks today in regards to education and employment, why are so many blacks upset when it's reveal that a certain white person doesn't like blacks?

Don't they have that right? And why should a white person not liking blacks mess up a black persons day?

I'm confused
It earns. The poor victims get something special one more time.
And why would a NBA star be bothered by a random white racist? Lol
With all the opportunities for blacks today in regards to education and employment, why are so many blacks upset when it's reveal that a certain white person doesn't like blacks?

Don't they have that right? And why should a white person not liking blacks mess up a black persons day?

I'm confused

Just seen on HLN some dumb ass tagged lebron James home...with racist crap..

When you allow yourself to be offended by someone who is racist towards you, it gives you an opportunity to be a victim. Being a victim allows you to shame the other person. So, it's actually a mild form of emotional manipulation, a way to "get back" at the racist. It's a very childish, immature way to react.

The correct response to racism is to not be even remotely phased by it. That way you don't give any of your power away to the racist.
With all the opportunities for blacks today in regards to education and employment, why are so many blacks upset when it's reveal that a certain white person doesn't like blacks?

Don't they have that right? And why should a white person not liking blacks mess up a black persons day?

I'm confused

They're trapped in their heads.

Obama did try to fan the flames of racism, but really only during his 2nd term.

He's not going to undo the progress all the years and thousands of people put into the

Civil Rights movement.
With all the opportunities for blacks today in regards to education and employment, why are so many blacks upset when it's reveal that a certain white person doesn't like blacks?

Don't they have that right? And why should a white person not liking blacks mess up a black persons day?

I'm confused
The guy next door is really upset that the DNC is trying to take control of his guns, and he is a Obamma voter who is a Bro and works everyday. I found it strange that he is upset since he is blk and supported OB until today, I have not read anything about gun take backs lately. Gonna have a talk next time I see him get the facts.
Wow! I thought Trump was president. Shows you what I know.
Everybody is at least a tiny bit racist. Human nature.
They are not "racist." That is a politicized term used by elites and politicians to divide and conquer the masses.

The sociological, biological, and anthropological term is "IN-GROUP favoritism, or in-group preference." It operates in other species and sub-species as well. Politicians and social scientist would have you believe it is unnatural, that there is something wrong with you if you favor folks your own age or people that have like hobbies as you. It is all a lie. People with similar backgrounds, age, position in life, similar interests and language, ethnicity, etc. are naturally going to favor you, and be favored by you, it is part of nature.

Evolution of in-group favoritism : Scientific Reports
Everybody is at least a tiny bit racist. Human nature.
Just a little? I do not like White people because they are interfering with the population on how we live. I do not like Black people because they are always the victims of whatever, I don't like Chinesel people because there are too many of them on this world. I dont like South Americans because they want a better life..MINE. I don't like people who are half breeds because they get to check the box "other", I don't like American Indians because the say they were here first, which is a lie they came from China. That should cover the world as far as I can tell.
You guys don't even have a clue what FBJ is talking about do you.

That was bad.
Everybody is at least a tiny bit racist. Human nature.
Just a little? I do not like White people because they are interfering with the population on how we live. I do not like Black people because they are always the victims of whatever, I don't like Chinesel people because there are too many of them on this world. I dont like South Americans because they want a better life..MINE. I don't like people who are half breeds because they get to check the box "other", I don't like American Indians because the say they were here first, which is a lie they came from China. That should cover the world as far as I can tell.
You left out why you hate yourself.

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