Why with OUR LIVES and our way of life threatened, is Obama keeping these secret???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The Iran Nuke Documents Obama Doesn’t Want You to See
Seventeen unclassified Iran deal items have been locked in ultra-secure facilities ordinarily used for top secret info. Why is the Obama administration trying to bury this material?

The Iran Nuke Documents Obama Doesn t Want You to See - The Daily Beast

The Obama people are crazy.
They KNOW Iran has called for the destruction of America/Israel/any INFIDELS!
They also know the ONLY reason there were any negotiations were because of the SANCTIONS!
So why would ANY ANY LOGICAL sane people give up the ONLY tool that brings negotiations away...
i.e. the SANCTIONS? In doing so then releasing $100 billion that everyone EVERYONE including the
Iranians KNOW a portion will be used to provide weapons to ISIS and other Islamic terrorist groups
to fulfill the following "fatwa". "The following text is the second fatwa originally published on February 23, 1998, to declare a holy war, or jihad, against the West and Israel. It is signed by Osama bin Laden, head of al Qaeda; Ayman al-Zawahiri, head of Jihad Group in Egypt, and several other Islamic terrorist groups.

The ruling to kill the Americans and their allies -- civilians and military -- is an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it, in order to liberate the al-Aqsa Mosque and the holy mosque [Mecca] from their grip, and in order for their armies to move out of all the lands of Islam, defeated and unable to threaten any Muslim.

This is in accordance with the words of Almighty God, "and fight the pagans all together as they fight you all together," and "fight them until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in God."

We -- with God's help -- call on every Muslim who believes in God and wishes to be rewarded to comply with God's order to kill the Americans and plunder their money wherever and whenever they find it. We also call on Muslim ulema, leaders, youths, and soldiers to launch the raid on Satan's U.S. troops and the devil's supporters allying with them, and to displace those who are behind them so that they may learn a lesson.

We have over 3000 fully deliverable nuclear warheads that can all reach destinations in under 40 minutes. We also have a shocking amount of military hardware in place that can be used globally on short notice.

Stop being afraid. We are NOT in danger.

Not all Iranians speak in one voice or are of one opinion, so I urge you to also stop thinking in such simple terms.
We have over 3000 fully deliverable nuclear warheads that can all reach destinations in under 40 minutes. We also have a shocking amount of military hardware in place that can be used globally on short notice.

Stop being afraid. We are NOT in danger.

Not all Iranians speak in one voice or are of one opinion, so I urge you to also stop thinking in such simple terms.

Right... so we WAIT for Iranian mullah to say he had a vision that called upon a Iranian funded dirty bomb to be set off in say Washington D.C. on November 1,2015.
What good will deliverable warheads do then?
Iranian leaders depend on their religious beliefs and YOU of all people should be concerned more with that religious driven mentality then what at least I lived through in my early cold war years of MAD...Mutual Assured Destruction doctrine which was why there are 3,000 warheads today!
hm likes simplistic answers because he is a concrete thinker.

We are fully capable of dealing with a nuclear Iran.

The treaty gives us a 5 to 8 year window to destabilize the mullahs.

hm, there is no chance of a dirty bomb any time in the next few years.
hm likes simplistic answers because he is a concrete thinker.

We are fully capable of dealing with a nuclear Iran.

The treaty gives us a 5 to 8 year window to destabilize the mullahs.

hm, there is no chance of a dirty bomb any time in the next few years.

Then why are these Seventeen unclassified Iran deal items have been locked in ultra-secure facilities ordinarily used for top secret info.
Why is the Obama administration trying to bury this material?
If this is so secure, such a solid best deal, are these documents so classified?
What is there to hide from everyone including the Iranians???
WHAT are the under the table deals?
And you are so naive just as Obama et.al. ! You really believe that some of the $100 billion won't be used to provide weapons to kill Americans?
My goodness you are just plain naive!

Khamenei told the crowd that he would not allow Iran to give in to Western demands. The crowd began to chant “death to America,” and Khamenei responded in kind:

Of course yes, death to America, because America is the original source of this pressure.” The ayatollah said to the crowd.
“They insist on putting pressure on our dear people’s economy,” he said, referring to economic sanctions aimed at halting Iran’s nuclear program.
“What is their goal? Their goal is to put the people against the system,” he said. “The politics of America is to create insecurity,”

The remarks were made just after U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said that “genuine progress” was developing with Iran to ensure that the country does not obtain a nuclear weapon:
“It’s time to make hard decisions,” Kerry said. “We want the right deal that would make the world, including the United States and our closest allies and partners, safer and more secure. And that is our test.”
This is the Hateful Quote From the Supreme Leader of Iran About America From This Past Weekend

Hard to deal with reality I know but what was the reason Iran came to the table? Sanctions.
What was given up first? Sanctions! Piss poor negotiations!
Super uber uber top secret documents

That you can easily find on the internet

Oye vey youre a whiner, god damn
Super uber uber top secret documents

That you can easily find on the internet

Oye vey youre a whiner, god damn

So why would this head line state: " Seventeen unclassified Iran deal items have been locked in ultra-secure facilities ordinarily used for top secret info"
if they can be easily found?
If it is so easy then an idiot like you should really shine and show me up!! Show me or SHUT UP!
Your questions and the OP have no meaning, hm. Trot along.

So if these Seventeen unclassified Iran deal items have been locked in ultra-secure facilities ordinarily used for top secret info why?
If they are so unimportant to my existence why are they not readily available?
Please are you that totally naive and ignorant to believe a known called out LIAR as Obama again and again?

Politifact awards ‘Lie of the Year’ to Obama
Your questions are meaningless in terms of the OP. You have to show "why" those 17 documents need to be revealed. Other than "I want to know", which is meaningless, you have to show cause. You have not.
A decision to release funds used and widely accepted to be a fact by a STATE known to fund terrorists.

Ministry of Intelligence and Security[edit]
Iran is believed to use the Ministry of Intelligence and Security to gather intelligence to plan terrorist attacks. The ministry is believed to use liaison activities with supported terrorist groups and Islamic fundamentalist movements. The ministry itself is believed to carry out some terrorism mostly directed at political dissidents.[7]
During the 1980s and 1990s, a wave of kidnappings, bombings, and assassinations of Western targets, particularly American and Israeli, occurred in Lebanon and other countries. The attacks, attributed to Hezbollah, have included:
In July 2012, The Times of India reported that New Delhi police have concluded that terrorists belonging to a branch of Iran’s military, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, were responsible for an attack on 13 February 2012, during which a bomb explosion targeted an Israeli diplomat in New Delhi, India, wounding one embassy staff member, a local employee, and two passers-by. According to the report, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards may have planned other attacks on Israeli targets around the world as well.[12][13]

Iran does not recognize Israel as a state. The United States State Department states Iran provides support for Hamas, Hezbollah and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Israel.

Iran supplies political support and weapons to Hamas,[14] an organization classified by Israel, the United States, Canada, the European Union, Egypt, Australia and Japan as a terrorist organization. Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian National Authority, has said "Hamas is funded by Iran. It claims it is financed by donations, but the donations are nothing like what it receives from Iran".[15] From 2000 to 2004, Hamas was responsible for killing nearly 400 Israelis and wounding more than 2,000 in 425 attacks, according to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From 2001 through May 2008, Hamas launched more than 3,000 Qassam rockets and 2,500 mortar attacks into Israel.[16]

  • 1998 United States embassy bombings[edit]
    On November 8, 2011, Judge John D. Bates ruled in federal court that Iran was liable for the 1998 United States embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. In his 45-page decision, Judge Bates wrote that "Prior to their meetings with Iranian officials and agents Bin Laden and al Qaeda did not possess the technical expertise required to carry out the embassy bombings in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam."[49]

    September 11[edit]
    The U.S. indictment of bin Laden filed in 1998 stated that al-Qaeda "forged alliances . . . with the government of Iran and its associated terrorist group Hezbollah for the purpose of working together against their perceived common enemies."[43] On May 31, 2001, Steven Emerson and Daniel Pipes wrote in The Wall Street Journal that "Officials of the Iranian government helped arrange advanced weapons and explosives training for Al-Qaeda personnel in Lebanon where they learned, for example, how to destroy large buildings."[50]

    The 9/11 Commission Report stated that 8 to 10 of the hijackers on 9/11 passed through Iran and their travel was facilitated by Iranian border guards.[43][51] The report also noted that "a senior operative of Hezbollah" (Imad Mughniyah) was on the flights that convoyed the future hijackers from Saudi Arabia to Tehran, along with associates that Kenneth Timmerman describes as "Iranian agents".[51][52] The extent of Iranian involvement has been questioned due to major differences between the religious ideologies of Iran and al Qaeda;[53] according to the 9/11 Commission report, Mughniyah's presence on flights carrying the hijackers to Iran may have been a "remarkable coincidence."[51] After the commission called for "further investigation" into a possible Iranian role in the attacks, President George W. Bush demanded that Iran sever its ties with al-Qaeda, while saying that in his view, "There was no direct connection between Iran and the attacks of September 11."[52]

    Judge George B. Daniels ruled in a federal district court in Manhattan that Iran bears legal responsibility for providing "material support" to the 9/11 plotters and hijackers in Havlish, et al. v. Osama bin Laden, Iran, et al.[54][55]Included in Judge Daniels' findings was that Iran "used front companies to obtain a Boeing 757-767-777 flight simulator for training the terrorists", Ramzi bin al-Shibh traveled to Iran in January 2001, and an Iranian government memorandum from May 14, 2001 demonstrates Iranian culpability in planning the attacks.[54] Defectors from Iran’s intelligence service testified that Iranian officials had "foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks."[53]

    Riyadh compound bombings[edit]
    According to Seth G. Jones and Peter Bergen, the 2003 Riyadh compound bombings were planned by al Qaeda operatives in Iran, with apparent Iranian complicity.[44][56] In May 2003, then-State Department official Ryan Crockerprovided information on the upcoming attack to Iranian officials, who apparently took no action.[34]

    January 2009 sanctions[edit]
    In January 2009, the United States Treasury Department placed sanctions on four al-Qaeda operatives based in Iran. These include Mustafa Hamid, Muhammad Rab'a al-Sayid al-Bahtiyti, Ali Saleh Husain, and Sa'ad bin Laden, one of Osama bin Laden's sons. Stuart Levey, Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, said that:

    “ It is important that Iran give a public accounting of how it is meeting its international obligations to constrain al Qaida... Designations have a far reaching impact, deterring would-be donors from providing financial support to terrorism and leaving al Qaida leadership struggling to identify much-needed funding resources.[57]
    July 2011 sanctions[edit]
    In July 2011, the United States Treasury Department reported that Iran has been allowing al-Qaeda to channel money and operatives throughout the country. In response, the Treasury Department placed sanctions on six alleged cooperatives, including Ezedin Abdel Aziz Khalil, who was described as an important al-Qaeda facilitator based in Iran. The department said that Khalil was allowed to operate in Iran since 2005, and has been transporting money and terrorist recruits into Iran from the Middle East, and then to Pakistan. David Cohen, undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, noted that by revealing these connections, "We are illuminating yet another aspect of Iran’s unmatched support for terrorism."[58]

    October 2012 sanctions[edit]
    In October 2012, the United States Treasury Department designated Adel Radi Saqr al-Wahabi al-Harbi, a deputy to the al Qaeda facilitator Muhsin al-Fadhli, who is based in Iran, and placed him under sanctions. Al-Harbi was accused of helping the travel of terrorists from Iran to Afghanistan or Iraq for al-Qaeda, as well as seeking money to support terrorism. The Treasury Department said that the al-Qaeda network used by al-Harbi operates according to an agreement with the Iranian government, under which al-Qaeda can operate and travel freely throughout Iran and to use Iran as a key transit point.[59]

    al Qaeda in Syria[edit]
    In February 2014, the US Treasury Department stated that Iran was helping al Qaeda transfer fighters into Syria, with key smuggler Olimzhon Adkhamovich Sadikov providing "visas and passports to numerous foreign fighters".[46]

    al Qaeda in Yemen[edit]
    In March 2015, a federal judge found Iran, along with Sudan, complicit in the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole by AQ, stating, "Iran was directly involved in establishing Al-Qaeda’s Yemen network and supported training and logistics for Al-Qaeda in the Gulf region", and that “Iran used Lebanese Hizballah . . . as its primary ‘facilitator’ for providing training and communications support".[60]
Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

All the above readily available to me a layperson. BUT my tax dollars are being used to HIDE documents regarding the above Terrorist funding STATE.
All of these above activities traced back to a STATE that declares Americans as targets to be killed.
So YES I have a vital interest in knowing WHY I can't see documents that will help a KNOWN terrorist state possibly kill me!
Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz is an MIT nuclear physicist and more of an expert on these issues than everyone on this forum combined.

ZAKARIA: So the main objections that I've heard to the deal are - go as follows: There are people like Alan Kuperman who say the centrifuges - first of all, there should have been more centrifuges disconnected, and more importantly, they are not destroyed; they are merely disconnected - that Iran still has in a storage room somewhere these thousands of centrifuges that it could reconnect very quickly and that therefore your breakout time scenarios are unreasonable - that they could actually much more quickly race to the amount of fissile material to make a bomb. Is that fair?

MONIZ: It - that is actually incorrect. I read that as well - it is incorrect. The issue of rebuilding centrifuges and infrastructure is in fact part of the breakout calculations that our laboratory scientists have done.

I might add that these negotiations were constantly supported by the nation's top nuclear scientists and engineers, and it was simply incorrect that those factors weren't included.

ZAKARIA: The big objection that has gotten popular attention is this idea that Iran has up to 24 days to comply with a request for an inspection of a suspected site. Now first I want to clarify. When Ben Rhodes, the president's - one of the president’s top aides - said that the inspectors will have anytime/anywhere access, he said specifically to Iran's known nuclear sites.

Is that in fact true, that the sites that are declared nuclear facilities - Natanz, Arak, Fordo - there will be 24/7 anytime/anywhere access?

MONIZ: That is correct. The IAEA, the international inspectors, can have daily access to these facilities.
This 24-day process is what would apply to undeclared sites that we, the international community, the IAEA suspect is having undeclared nuclear activities.

ZAKARIA: You know, this is obviously a big deal for the United States, for the world, but personally this is - this must be a big deal for you in the sense that you are an MIT nuclear physicist. You ran a particle accelerator lab. Your credibility is on the line. Are you confident that this deal achieves the - that this deal blocks Iran's path to a nuclear weapon?

MONIZ: I'm very confident - again, blocks the path, or if they choose to just go after it, to detect it and to have plenty of time to respond.

Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz on Fareed Zakaria GPS talks the Iran deal and if he can get a skeptical Congress to accept it CNN Press Room - CNN.com Blogs
Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz is an MIT nuclear physicist and more of an expert on these issues than everyone on this forum combined.

ZAKARIA: So the main objections that I've heard to the deal are - go as follows: There are people like Alan Kuperman who say the centrifuges - first of all, there should have been more centrifuges disconnected, and more importantly, they are not destroyed; they are merely disconnected - that Iran still has in a storage room somewhere these thousands of centrifuges that it could reconnect very quickly and that therefore your breakout time scenarios are unreasonable - that they could actually much more quickly race to the amount of fissile material to make a bomb. Is that fair?

MONIZ: It - that is actually incorrect. I read that as well - it is incorrect. The issue of rebuilding centrifuges and infrastructure is in fact part of the breakout calculations that our laboratory scientists have done.

I might add that these negotiations were constantly supported by the nation's top nuclear scientists and engineers, and it was simply incorrect that those factors weren't included.

ZAKARIA: The big objection that has gotten popular attention is this idea that Iran has up to 24 days to comply with a request for an inspection of a suspected site. Now first I want to clarify. When Ben Rhodes, the president's - one of the president’s top aides - said that the inspectors will have anytime/anywhere access, he said specifically to Iran's known nuclear sites.

Is that in fact true, that the sites that are declared nuclear facilities - Natanz, Arak, Fordo - there will be 24/7 anytime/anywhere access?

MONIZ: That is correct. The IAEA, the international inspectors, can have daily access to these facilities.
This 24-day process is what would apply to undeclared sites that we, the international community, the IAEA suspect is having undeclared nuclear activities.

ZAKARIA: You know, this is obviously a big deal for the United States, for the world, but personally this is - this must be a big deal for you in the sense that you are an MIT nuclear physicist. You ran a particle accelerator lab. Your credibility is on the line. Are you confident that this deal achieves the - that this deal blocks Iran's path to a nuclear weapon?

MONIZ: I'm very confident - again, blocks the path, or if they choose to just go after it, to detect it and to have plenty of time to respond.

Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz on Fareed Zakaria GPS talks the Iran deal and if he can get a skeptical Congress to accept it CNN Press Room - CNN.com Blogs

The "expert" also testified UNDER OATH to Congress... that:
Kerry was asked by Senator Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR)

, “have you read either of these two side deals between the IAEA and Iran?”
Kerry answered, “No, I haven’t read it,” and that he hadn’t read any read any prior drafts of the side deals.
He added, “I’ve been briefed through our team that met with the IAEA.”

When asked if anyone on his team had read the agreements, Kerry stated, “I believe one person may have read it at the facility, but doesn’t have it, they don’t possess it.” Cotton then asked Kerry who had read the text of the side deals, to which he told him “it’s possible, I don’t know for sure, but it’s possible Wendy Sherman may have. But I don’t know that for sure.”

Cotton then questioned Moniz on whether he had read the text of the agreements, Moniz, like Kerry, said that he hadn’t read them or any prior version.
Moniz was also “unsure” if anyone at the Department of Energy had read the side agreements as well.

Cotton then turned back to Kerry, and inquired whether besides Sherman, “has, to your knowledge, anyone else in the United States government reviewed the text of these agreements?” Kerry responded, “Not that I’m aware of. I don’t know. I don’t think so.”
Kerry Moniz We Haven t Read the Side Deals With Iran Not Sure If Any Other US Official Has - Breitbart
The republican congress has been given the docs

But in the case of the side agreements with the IAEA, Congress and the executive branch may not have all the facts. In Wednesday's closed session, Kerry sparred with Pompeo, who last weekend traveled with Republican Senator Tom Cotton to Vienna to meet with IAEA officials. Those agency representatives told the lawmakers the that two secret side deals covered how the IAEA would be able to inspect the Parchin military complex and how the IAEA and Iran would resolve concerns about the possible military dimensions of Iran’s nuclear program.

The briefing for lawmakers was classified, but the Kerry-Pompeo exchange was not. Pompeo pressed Kerry on the details of the side agreements between the IAEA and Iran. Kerry acknowledged he didn’t know all of the specifics.

A statement distributed by the State Department on Wednesday disputed the characterization that the agreements between Iran and the IAEA were "secret." Instead, it described them as "technical arrangements" and said U.S. experts were "comfortable with the contents," which the State Department would brief to Congress if asked.
Congress Alarmed by Iran Pact s Secret Understandings - Bloomberg View

Where in the above do you see that the GOP was given those documents?????
hm, just keep to the treaty provisions and Iran will not get a nuke for another five years at least.

Do it your way, and they have it by November.
The US is not going to bomb Iran anytime soon, hm.

Don't need to. Don't lift the sanctions. That simple. Stop funding terrorism. Stop building nuclear energy for what reason by the way???
Dude, the only nation with any interest in continuing the sanctions despite the agreement is Israel and it's neocon servants here. Sanctions are dead.

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