Why Trump will likely win in 2020

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City

This screen capture explains it perfectly.

The left are so wildly disconnected from average Americans that they might as well be on Mars.

The above example of everyday Americans bitch slapping the elite leftists is what we are likely going to witness in the next election

CNN’s Savidge Goes to Democratic Stronghold in Minnesota Finds Everyone Is Voting for Trump

CNN’s Martin Savidge traveled to the iron range area of Minnesota this week. The Iron Range near Lake Superior is traditionally a Democratic stronghold. Not anymore. Miners and working families are voting for Trump.

Nobody wants this coercive socialist crap that the Dems are peddling.

Democratic voter on President Trump: “He’s our guy”

Democrats put the miners out of work.
Trump brought the jobs back.


CNN’s Savidge Goes to Democratic Stronghold in Minnesota Finds Everyone Is Voting for Trump

CNN’s Martin Savidge traveled to the iron range area of Minnesota this week. The Iron Range near Lake Superior is traditionally a Democratic stronghold. Not anymore. Miners and working families are voting for Trump.

Nobody wants this coercive socialist crap that the Dems are peddling.

Democratic voter on President Trump: “He’s our guy”

Democrats put the miners out of work.
Trump brought the jobs back.
The Democrat party no longer represents the interests of the American people. They represent the people of earth's interest in American politics. China, cartels, radical Islamist... even pray for recession.

and boy they really really hate Israel.
President Trump BETTER be re-elected because Democrats HATE America and are doing everything they can to turn America into an OPEN borders, European style, SOCIALIST state!!

This is AMERICA not Europe!!
AFTER Trump wins, I'd be for outing everyone of these leftists and driving them out of the country.
AFTER Trump wins, I'd be for outing everyone of these leftists and driving them out of the country.
2020 Dems Selling Shots of Hemlock Tea

The 2020 Democrats expect voters will enter the polling chamber to pledge allegiance to a suicide pact.

It’s self-immolation or bust.

The Dems expect urban poor black voters to reject any prospect of safe neighborhoods, to belittle economic opportunities, to protest crackdowns on drug traffickers, to countenance endless street killings, and to invite illegal alien gangs, while disarming cops on the beat.

There is nothing in any of the 2020 Dem pitches that speaks to reducing crime, increasing jobs, and improving day-to-day living conditions in urban America except blaming white supremacy and institutional racism. Democratic elites campaign for emptying prisons, subsidizing disease and mental illness-ridden homeless, and bestowing welfare riches on illegal aliens, while the urban poor citizens enjoy nothing but malignant neglect and contempt.

Meanwhile the 2020 Dems pledge trillions of someone else’s money for “fixing” the climate change hoax, but can’t clean up Dem-run cities from piles of human feces and pools of urine on the streets. Rats -- dead and alive -- are rampant in rent-controlled subsidized housing, piles of garbage are everywhere, and schools function as temporary prison-like holding cells.

How appealing to the inner-city poor -- vote for more suffering and degradation.

The 2020 Dems expect all voters to reject a vibrant fossil-fuel energy economy, replacing it with dreamy visions of wind, solar, and electric batteries fueled by star dust and intermittent zephyrs where houses, apartments, and appliances would be unaffordable; where all forms of transportation, except bicycles and shoe leather express, would be contraband; where an idle electric grid would render third-world efficiency and reliability the best case scenario. No heat, no food, no medicines, no water, no sewer. No brains. Plenty of disease, despair, and death.

The Dems expect voters to gleefully forfeit their private property, including guns, or acquiesce to a government expropriation, embrace abject poverty, adhere to somebody else’s speech code, and accept failed state anarchy where Venezuela and California are the most recent role models.

The Democratic front-runners, presumably Biden, Warren, and Sanders, serve up a toxic brew of incoherence, totalitarianism, and economic stupidity. Bernie touts Medicare for All, which means Medicare for none, accompanied by aggressive eugenics, death-panel rationing care for the elderly, and forcing both abortions and sterilizations on the unwanted, that is, anyone undesirable due to their economic station or racial identity -- the only means to make Bernie’s universal health care affordable.

Warren steals -- or more kindly “borrows/endorses” -- all of Bernie’s Medicare for All, then piles on with her statist harangues on drug companies, payday-lenders, stock trading, and social media, most of which make life at least bearable under progressive oppressions.
View attachment 278011

This screen capture explains it perfectly.

The left are so wildly disconnected from average Americans that they might as well be on Mars.

The above example of everyday Americans bitch slapping the elite leftists is what we are likely going to witness in the next election

The republicans have gone too far to the right. They now associate themselves with white supremacists and attempts to criminalize abortion among other things. They are driving swing voters out of the Republican Party.

Everyday Americans are more likely to bitch slap Trump and the Republican Party. The Fox poll on impeachment resembles Fox's poll on the 2020 elections. What is driving this is suburban voters and suburban women who oppose Trump even more.
View attachment 278011

This screen capture explains it perfectly.

The left are so wildly disconnected from average Americans that they might as well be on Mars.

The above example of everyday Americans bitch slapping the elite leftists is what we are likely going to witness in the next election

The republicans have gone too far to the right. They now associate themselves with white supremacists and attempts to criminalize abortion among other things. They are driving swing voters out of the Republican Party.

Everyday Americans are more likely to bitch slap Trump and the Republican Party. The Fox poll on impeachment resembles Fox's poll on the 2020 elections. What is driving this is suburban voters and suburban women who oppose Trump even more.

I love threads like this where Nazi-sympathizing, women-hating, minority hating in-breds pretend to understand what America wants or is all about. These people don't have morals or standards.

Every last one of them will act like they never liked Trump to begin with the instant he is out of office.

CNN’s Savidge Goes to Democratic Stronghold in Minnesota Finds Everyone Is Voting for Trump

CNN’s Martin Savidge traveled to the iron range area of Minnesota this week. The Iron Range near Lake Superior is traditionally a Democratic stronghold. Not anymore. Miners and working families are voting for Trump.

Nobody wants this coercive socialist crap that the Dems are peddling.

Democratic voter on President Trump: “He’s our guy”

Democrats put the miners out of work.
Trump brought the jobs back.

Trump wants to allow mine companies to destroy the environment just to save companies a few dollars. Mining should only be allowed with proper environmental safeguards.

You forget the fact that Republicans are losing support in the suburban areas offsetting the gains Republicans have made. In 2018 the parties swapped House seats with Republicans picking up 2 more rural areas while Democrats picked up 2 more suburban seats.

That is not a poll. It was wrong in 2016 because you have never had 2 candidates as despised as Trump and Clinton. In 2020 Trump will be the one who will be despised. Numerous polls show that in states like Pennsylvania, a majority see the economy as good but still are not voting for Trump. A recent Fox poll showed that slightly more people saw the economy getting worse under Trump than Democrats.

Also issues like abortion and the environment among others will drive voting. These models focus mostly on economic data. That is why they are flawed.

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