Why they aren't suicide bombers.


Locked Account.
Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
If they were suicide bombers, all they'd be doing is blowing THEMSELVES up.

But since they are also supposed to be killing others (their enemies, or innocent women, children, etc), they are not suicide bombers. They are homicide bombers who are willing to die in the process.

Of course SOMETIMES they fuck it up:
* * * * TALIBAN killers have blown themselves up laying booby-trap bombs, we can reveal.

Up to 20 are thought to have died planting Improvised Explosive Devices.

* * * *
20 Taliban blown up by their own bombs | The Sun |News|Campaigns|Our Boys

:lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

allah oooops!

Now THOSE were suicide bombers!

Not to mention asshole scumbag fucking stupid imbecile rat-suckers.

No virgins for YOU!
Interesting that there aren't any liberals commenting on this thread.

I guess they are too busy bashing the USA in other threads.
Funny, I never hear people cry about calling the Kamikaze fighters' last action in combat a suicide attack.
☭proletarian☭;2050090 said:
Funny, I never hear people cry about calling the Kamikaze fighters' last action in combat a suicide attack.

Well, you see, home fries, what the kamikazes did was try to kill enemy soldiers by using their planes as weapons and they were willing to die in the process (to steer the craft into the target if possible). A component of their deaths was certainly suicidal, but that's where the comparison to the present-day Islamo-filth bomb-vest wearing scum comes to an end.
☭proletarian☭;2050090 said:
Funny, I never hear people cry about calling the Kamikaze fighters' last action in combat a suicide attack.

Well, you see, home fries, what the kamikazes did was try to kill enemy soldiers by using their planes as weapons and they were willing to die in the process (to steer the craft into the target if possible). A component of their deaths was certainly suicidal, but that's where the comparison to the present-day Islamo-filth bomb-vest wearing scum comes to an end.

Funny, none of you condemn America for engaging in total war.

The names Nagasaki and Hiroshima mean anything to you?
☭proletarian☭;2050134 said:
☭proletarian☭;2050090 said:
Funny, I never hear people cry about calling the Kamikaze fighters' last action in combat a suicide attack.

Well, you see, home fries, what the kamikazes did was try to kill enemy soldiers by using their planes as weapons and they were willing to die in the process (to steer the craft into the target if possible). A component of their deaths was certainly suicidal, but that's where the comparison to the present-day Islamo-filth bomb-vest wearing scum comes to an end.

Funny, none of you condemn America for engaging in total war.

The names Nagasaki and Hiroshima mean anything to you?

Funny, you use "funny" as an opening "thought" (i.e., as a rhetorical tool), yet nothing you spew is either "funny" or intelligent.

By the way, Hiroshima and Nagasaki are cities we bombed to end the war. It doesn't amount to "total" war, although many many people have long pondered the moral issue of bombing civilian population areas like that. Dresden got bombed too, albeit not by nukes. London got bombed, also. Historically, lots of cities have been targeted during wars. Newsflash, ya smarmy pontificating dipshit, war is hideous.
More freedom fries crap.

I don't think so. "Freedom fries" instead of "french fries" is a silly meaningless name change to make a really vapid dull point.

But, calling the bomb-vest wearing terrorists who target innocent civilians a "suicide" bomber is deliberately misleading. The enemy likes it because it connotes the spectra of the "martyr." Accordingly, calling bullshit on the enemy's propaganda is perfectly reasonable.
More freedom fries crap.

I don't think so. "Freedom fries" instead of "french fries" is a silly meaningless name change to make a really vapid dull point.

But, calling the bomb-vest wearing terrorists who target innocent civilians a "suicide" bomber is deliberately misleading. The enemy likes it because it connotes the spectra of the "martyr." Accordingly, calling bullshit on the enemy's propaganda is perfectly reasonable.

I think both are vapid, dull points.

Not a single person that I am aware of hears the phrase "suicide bomber" thinks that a guy/gal is not a terrorist.

The term is pretty much synonymous with "terrorist" now. Waste of effort to try and start a campaign to change it.
☭proletarian☭;2050148 said:
More freedom fries crap.
I loled at freedom fries. French fries are yummy, but curly fries are better.

Now I want seasoned curly fries :doubt:

STFU wit all dat. I'm stuck at work, and all I have left is some leftover chicken and rice that I brought with me yesterday. I already ate the steak and potato last night.

Shit, now I want a big fat juicy burger and fries from Chili's. Damn you all to hell. :lol:
☭proletarian☭;2050134 said:
Well, you see, home fries, what the kamikazes did was try to kill enemy soldiers by using their planes as weapons and they were willing to die in the process (to steer the craft into the target if possible). A component of their deaths was certainly suicidal, but that's where the comparison to the present-day Islamo-filth bomb-vest wearing scum comes to an end.

Funny, none of you condemn America for engaging in total war.

The names Nagasaki and Hiroshima mean anything to you?

Funny, you use "funny" as an opening "thought" (i.e., as a rhetorical tool), yet nothing you spew is either "funny" or intelligent.

By the way, Hiroshima and Nagasaki are cities we bombed to end the war. It doesn't amount to "total" war, although many many people have long pondered the moral issue of bombing civilian population areas like that. Dresden got bombed too, albeit not by nukes. London got bombed, also. Historically, lots of cities have been targeted during wars. Newsflash, ya smarmy pontificating dipshit, war is hideous.

And there you have the answer to your OP. You just had to be forced to think for a moment.

So, if you're going to support America's holy war against Islam as well as its post-colonial foreign occupations, support of cruel and murderous dictators to protect American business interests, and support for Zionism, don't be so surprised when someone brings the fight to America.

The US does not operate in a vacuum. There are other people i the world and they don't like it when we invade, support their enemies, or overthrow their governments to install dictators who promise cheap oil. America is a target not because 'they hate our freedom', but because of American foreign policy. The rest of the West is a target because they (for the most part) express support of those policies.

America started this war and it will not end until after America owns up to its actions and starts acting differently. That's the reality.
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☭proletarian☭;2050148 said:
More freedom fries crap.
I loled at freedom fries. French fries are yummy, but curly fries are better.

Now I want seasoned curly fries :doubt:

STFU wit all dat. I'm stuck at work, and all I have left is some leftover chicken and rice that I brought with me yesterday. I already ate the steak and potato last night.

Shit, now I want a big fat juicy burger and fries from Chili's. Damn you all to hell. :lol:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsbYx6hevoQ]YouTube - God Damn You All to Hell! - Charlton Heston[/ame]
More freedom fries crap.

I don't think so. "Freedom fries" instead of "french fries" is a silly meaningless name change to make a really vapid dull point.

But, calling the bomb-vest wearing terrorists who target innocent civilians a "suicide" bomber is deliberately misleading. The enemy likes it because it connotes the spectra of the "martyr." Accordingly, calling bullshit on the enemy's propaganda is perfectly reasonable.

I think both are vapid, dull points.

Not a single person that I am aware of hears the phrase "suicide bomber" thinks that a guy/gal is not a terrorist.

The term is pretty much synonymous with "terrorist" now. Waste of effort to try and start a campaign to change it.

You are entitled to that opinion. And, that means we disagree.

I am pleased that nobody you know considers "suicide bomber" to be an honorific term. But, as I noted before, the enemy often does since it is packed with the notion of martyrdom. And I maintain that it is just as well that we do not even carelessly support their propaganda by permitting them to misuse terms. The fuckers are not just committing suicide. (Monks going up in flames they set to engulf them, to protest a war, are committing suicide. Nobody else dies in the process. Folks cinching up bomb belts and vests and undies to slaughter other people --targetting civilians at that -- are not just themselves dying. They are deliberately killing other people. So why permit them any benefit from their misuse of language?)

Furthermore, frankly, a discussion on a thread on an internet political message board doesn't actually constitute a "campaign" to do anything.
Furthermore, frankly, a discussion on a thread on an internet political message board doesn't actually constitute a "campaign" to do anything.

I wasn't really referring to your post. Referring more to the talking heads who waged this campaign a few years ago.
☭proletarian☭;2050090 said:
Funny, I never hear people cry about calling the Kamikaze fighters' last action in combat a suicide attack.

I always wondered why kamikaze's pilots wore helmets. :lol: What a waste of money

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