Why the rich owe their fortunes to luck as much as to anything else

The concept is really simple -- most people get rich becuase they love what they do for a living. And they are good at it. And, as chance would have it, the things they like to do are in demand by others -- so they also are getting paid well.

Many other people have no such luck. They like to do things that others do not find all that valuable. Or they don't possess enough talents to compete with those who do. Those people have to work hard to earn a basic living and the money is the main thing that motivates them to work.

That is why the rich are so fortunate. And that is why asking them to pay higher taxes is only fair. Also that is why higher taxes would not discourage them from working -- remember, they are not providing their services just for money!

I believe that a society should reward people primary for their efforts -- and much less the end result, as the productivity can change dramatically between the different lines of work. The society should encourage higher productivity as well by allowing some inequality -- by letting people take home many times the average salary.

But there is nothing wrong if people making millions would have to give up most of their income in taxes.

This is your case? Really? This might be the worst case ever laid out for why the rich should pay more.
It's become clear that he's a straight-up communist.....The individual is subservient to, and indeed property of, the unquantifiable straw man of "society".

Marxism, chapter and verse.
- Then you have people like Elon Musk who worked hard for their money.

I have huge respect for people like Elon Musk, but I don't believe that even they worked hard enough to justify their income.

Actually, his case is a bit of exception-- if he was heavily taxed, then he would not have money to create SpaceX. Or maybe he would be able to convince the investors anyway. Or may be the tax code can be set up in the way that the business investments are deducted from one's taxable income.
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When did I agree to the tax code?

When did you agree to the Constitution?
The Constitution applies to the politicians and bureaucrats who take an oath to preserve and protect it and abide by its limitations, not to the population at large.

It also describes how laws are enacted. With the expectations that the population will be abided by those laws. So if you accept the Constitution, you have to accept the laws.
The concept is really simple -- most people get rich becuase they love what they do for a living. And they are good at it. And, as chance would have it, the things they like to do are in demand by others -- so they also are getting paid well.

Many other people have no such luck. They like to do things that others do not find all that valuable. Or they don't possess enough talents to compete with those who do. Those people have to work hard to earn a basic living and the money is the main thing that motivates them to work.

That is why the rich are so fortunate. And that is why asking them to pay higher taxes is only fair. Also that is why higher taxes would not discourage them from working -- remember, they are not providing their services just for money!

I believe that a society should reward people primary for their efforts -- and much less the end result, as the productivity can change dramatically between the different lines of work. The society should encourage higher productivity as well by allowing some inequality -- by letting people take home many times the average salary.

But there is nothing wrong if people making millions would have to give up most of their income in taxes.

There is EVERYTHING wrong with people having to give up most of thier income, regardless of how much they make, in taxes.

If you want other people's money, do the honorable thing and rob them. Dont make the government do it for you.

It would be their money if they earn them in an inhabited island, or in lawless jungles. Then they would owe nothing to any one else.

But that is not the case. The rich got to the top because the way our society is set up, because many other people follow its rules and make right decisions every day. The rich owe most of their fortunes to those people.

Did society give these people their talents? Did they give them the drive it takes to achieve? Did they bare the risk that it requires to be wealthy?

Plus, Who says the rich do not give to the people through charity?

And why is paying taxes so government can subsidizes corporations like GE being generous?

We are all privileged to be living in America. Be thankfully for what you have and give what you can to help others.
The concept is really simple -- most people get rich becuase they love what they do for a living. And they are good at it. And, as chance would have it, the things they like to do are in demand by others -- so they also are getting paid well.

Many other people have no such luck. They like to do things that others do not find all that valuable. Or they don't possess enough talents to compete with those who do. Those people have to work hard to earn a basic living and the money is the main thing that motivates them to work.

That is why the rich are so fortunate. And that is why asking them to pay higher taxes is only fair. Also that is why higher taxes would not discourage them from working -- remember, they are not providing their services just for money!

I believe that a society should reward people primary for their efforts -- and much less the end result, as the productivity can change dramatically between the different lines of work. The society should encourage higher productivity as well by allowing some inequality -- by letting people take home many times the average salary.

But there is nothing wrong if people making millions would have to give up most of their income in taxes.

When did you agree to the Constitution?
The Constitution applies to the politicians and bureaucrats who take an oath to preserve and protect it and abide by its limitations, not to the population at large.

It also describes how laws are enacted. With the expectations that the population will be abided by those laws. So if you accept the Constitution, you have to accept the laws.

How would you like it if a majority of the population could vote to confiscate a majority of your income, soley based upon how much money you make?
When did you agree to the Constitution?
The Constitution applies to the politicians and bureaucrats who take an oath to preserve and protect it and abide by its limitations, not to the population at large.

It also describes how laws are enacted. With the expectations that the population will be abided by those laws. So if you accept the Constitution, you have to accept the laws.
How'd those expectations work out during alcohol prohibition, the national 55 mph speed limit or for the stupid "war" on (some) drugs?

The Constitution doesn't make We the People playthings of the state, comrade.
When did you agree to the Constitution?
The Constitution applies to the politicians and bureaucrats who take an oath to preserve and protect it and abide by its limitations, not to the population at large.

It also describes how laws are enacted. With the expectations that the population will be abided by those laws. So if you accept the Constitution, you have to accept the laws.

Evidently, the people in WA and CO just voted against federal law in legalizing marijuana usage. They didn't accept the federal law even though it supercedes state law. So should these people accept the federal law or the law that they just voted for?
But there is a contractual relationship already -- it says that the rich must pay most of taxes in this country. We should change is so they pay a bit more.

Really?? Can you show me a copy of it and tell me who SIGNED it?

It is called the tax code, and it is signed by people's representatives. Ever heard of democracy?

Anyone who is not in jail for tax evasion HAS paid their share of taxes as proscribed by presently existing law.

If your envy, incompetence, jealousy and stupidity prevents you from realizing that, change the law.
Luck is the excuse for those who do not want to be held accountable for decisions, actions, etc...

"LUCK" is the residue of skill, design and hard work.

That is a concept that is too hard for Communist punks like ilia25 to understand.

The "25" in her handle is her IQ.
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- Then you have people like Elon Musk who worked hard for their money.

I have huge respect for people like Elon Musk, but I don't believe that even they worked hard enough to justify their income.

Actually, his case is a bit of exception-- if he was heavily taxed, then he would not have money to create SpaceX. Or maybe he would be able to convince the investors anyway. Or may be the tax code can be set up in the way that the business investments are deducted from one's taxable income.

His brother Kimbal was a banker so they could have got funding weather he retained wealth or not. Nikola Tesla continued research here even after others stole his ideas & profits. Elon Musk & his brother Kimbal Musk came to the USA from South Africa. They left to avoid the military draft in his country that uses it's military to suppresses blacks. Elon said they chose the USA because "It is where great things are possible".

So I don't know if it was because of wealth or not that brought them here. We attract talent like a magnet. The Heidrick & Struggles Global Talent Index uses quantitative and qualitative data to measure the economic indicators, cultural contexts, trends in education, foreign direct investment, mortality, health and market fluidity that will impact the ability of talent to thrive within these countries.

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It's called having some intelligence and a work ethic. We seriously don't want to destroy that or we become a third world shit hole.

The difference between a first and third world country is simply that.
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But there is a contractual relationship already -- it says that the rich must pay most of taxes in this country. We should change is so they pay a bit more.

You are not asking for a bit more, you are asking for all of it. Never mind that such a limit on income would crash industries such as housing, high end automobiles, resturants, vacations spots, and all others that depend on disposable income.

This person must be joking... nobody can be that stupid.

A liberal can.
It's called having some intelligence and a work ethic. We seriously don't want to destroy that or we become a third world shit hole.

The difference between a first and third world country is simply that.

There is a lot more to it than just that. Corruption, oppression, racism, education, fairness, laws, rights, R&D, economy, markets, culture, mortality, health, war, safety, security, etc.

Many third world shit-holes have talent, low taxes & work ethic. The talent leaves to come here because many of things I listed. Just ask them. Hell I could work hard & make a lot of money if I went to the Middle East. But I will not go there because of the other reasons in my list.

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