(Why) The Resistance is Failing


Diamond Member
May 21, 2011
(Why) The Resistance is Losing – Bad Words – Medium
The Muslim ban is in effect. The info shock-troops are attacking journalists daily. There are open calls for violence from major national institutions like the NRA. Hate crimes are spiking.

Sorry. But: the resistance is losing. And it is losing badly.


I've seen several articles like this lately. And while they all claim to have (finally) figured out why people are rejecting Democrats, they all get it wrong in the same way:

Authoritarianism rises in societies with broken social contracts, that are failing the average person. That’s America, where average incomes have shrunk in real terms since the 1970s. Broken social contracts reflect failed institutions. They mean that democracy isn’t working — political institutions aren’t working. They mean that real economic value isn’t being created and shared — financial institutions aren’t working. They mean that human potential is stuck and withering — social institutions like media and education and healthcare aren’t working. Thus, a social contract in its entirety comes to be broken.

Democrats can't seem to let go of socialism as their core product. And they can't seem to get it through their heads that most Americans aren't socialists. They can't bear to recognize that Americans don't want a nanny-state, hovering over their shoulder at every turn. And until they do, they're going to keep losing.
(Why) The Resistance is Losing – Bad Words – Medium
The Muslim ban is in effect. The info shock-troops are attacking journalists daily. There are open calls for violence from major national institutions like the NRA. Hate crimes are spiking.

Sorry. But: the resistance is losing. And it is losing badly.


I've seen several articles like this lately. And while they all claim to have (finally) figured out why people are rejecting Democrats, they all get it wrong in the same way:

Authoritarianism rises in societies with broken social contracts, that are failing the average person. That’s America, where average incomes have shrunk in real terms since the 1970s. Broken social contracts reflect failed institutions. They mean that democracy isn’t working — political institutions aren’t working. They mean that real economic value isn’t being created and shared — financial institutions aren’t working. They mean that human potential is stuck and withering — social institutions like media and education and healthcare aren’t working. Thus, a social contract in its entirety comes to be broken.

Democrats can't seem to let go of socialism as their core product. And they can't seem to get it through their heads that most Americans aren't socialists. They can't bear to recognize that Americans don't want a nanny-state, hovering over their shoulder at every turn. And until they do, they're going to keep losing.
/----/ democRATs know we don't want their Nanny State, but they know what's best for us and will force their will on us for our own good.
(Why) The Resistance is Losing – Bad Words – Medium
The Muslim ban is in effect. The info shock-troops are attacking journalists daily. There are open calls for violence from major national institutions like the NRA. Hate crimes are spiking.

Sorry. But: the resistance is losing. And it is losing badly.


I've seen several articles like this lately. And while they all claim to have (finally) figured out why people are rejecting Democrats, they all get it wrong in the same way:

Authoritarianism rises in societies with broken social contracts, that are failing the average person. That’s America, where average incomes have shrunk in real terms since the 1970s. Broken social contracts reflect failed institutions. They mean that democracy isn’t working — political institutions aren’t working. They mean that real economic value isn’t being created and shared — financial institutions aren’t working. They mean that human potential is stuck and withering — social institutions like media and education and healthcare aren’t working. Thus, a social contract in its entirety comes to be broken.

Democrats can't seem to let go of socialism as their core product. And they can't seem to get it through their heads that most Americans aren't socialists. They can't bear to recognize that Americans don't want a nanny-state, hovering over their shoulder at every turn. And until they do, they're going to keep losing.
The Regressive Left learned nothing, zero, from Trump's win in 2016.

They're even more nasty & hateful than they were before his win, before the political PTSD hit them.

They may still take the House, that's how politics usually go, but they learned nothing.
(Why) The Resistance is Losing – Bad Words – Medium
The Muslim ban is in effect. The info shock-troops are attacking journalists daily. There are open calls for violence from major national institutions like the NRA. Hate crimes are spiking.

Sorry. But: the resistance is losing. And it is losing badly.


I've seen several articles like this lately. And while they all claim to have (finally) figured out why people are rejecting Democrats, they all get it wrong in the same way:

Authoritarianism rises in societies with broken social contracts, that are failing the average person. That’s America, where average incomes have shrunk in real terms since the 1970s. Broken social contracts reflect failed institutions. They mean that democracy isn’t working — political institutions aren’t working. They mean that real economic value isn’t being created and shared — financial institutions aren’t working. They mean that human potential is stuck and withering — social institutions like media and education and healthcare aren’t working. Thus, a social contract in its entirety comes to be broken.

Democrats can't seem to let go of socialism as their core product. And they can't seem to get it through their heads that most Americans aren't socialists. They can't bear to recognize that Americans don't want a nanny-state, hovering over their shoulder at every turn. And until they do, they're going to keep losing.
The Regressive Left learned nothing, zero, from Trump's win in 2016.

They're even more nasty & hateful than they were before his win, before the political PTSD hit them.

They may still take the House, that's how politics usually go, but they learned nothing.

They might just take all of it. Which they will mistake for a 'win'. They'll call it a mandate, and use it as an excuse to cram even more bullshit down our throats. Which will trigger an even stronger authoritarian reprisal. Wash, rinse, repeat.
(Why) The Resistance is Losing – Bad Words – Medium
The Muslim ban is in effect. The info shock-troops are attacking journalists daily. There are open calls for violence from major national institutions like the NRA. Hate crimes are spiking.

Sorry. But: the resistance is losing. And it is losing badly.


I've seen several articles like this lately. And while they all claim to have (finally) figured out why people are rejecting Democrats, they all get it wrong in the same way:

Authoritarianism rises in societies with broken social contracts, that are failing the average person. That’s America, where average incomes have shrunk in real terms since the 1970s. Broken social contracts reflect failed institutions. They mean that democracy isn’t working — political institutions aren’t working. They mean that real economic value isn’t being created and shared — financial institutions aren’t working. They mean that human potential is stuck and withering — social institutions like media and education and healthcare aren’t working. Thus, a social contract in its entirety comes to be broken.

Democrats can't seem to let go of socialism as their core product. And they can't seem to get it through their heads that most Americans aren't socialists. They can't bear to recognize that Americans don't want a nanny-state, hovering over their shoulder at every turn. And until they do, they're going to keep losing.
The Regressive Left learned nothing, zero, from Trump's win in 2016.

They're even more nasty & hateful than they were before his win, before the political PTSD hit them.

They may still take the House, that's how politics usually go, but they learned nothing.

They might just take all of it. Which they will mistake for a 'mandate', and use it as an excuse to cram even more bullshit down our throats. Which will trigger an even stronger authoritarian reprisal. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Yep, that's how it works. Both whacked out parties take every victory as a "mandate", and then immediately go too far.

That's how powerful partisan ideology is: It can take an otherwise intelligent person and turn them into an ignorant trained seal.
Sort of funny in a sad sort of way to watch the tariff cheerleads whine about a nanny state.

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do you prefer to have US products taxed by China, Mexico, Canada, and the EU, while their products are sold here with no taxes?

What is it about fair trade that you object to?

Trump's tariffs are temporary, only until the rest of the world wakes up and realizes that the US gravy train is not longer running. China has already seen the light, the rest will follow, and everyone will benefit
(Why) The Resistance is Losing – Bad Words – Medium
The Muslim ban is in effect. The info shock-troops are attacking journalists daily. There are open calls for violence from major national institutions like the NRA. Hate crimes are spiking.

Sorry. But: the resistance is losing. And it is losing badly.


I've seen several articles like this lately. And while they all claim to have (finally) figured out why people are rejecting Democrats, they all get it wrong in the same way:

Authoritarianism rises in societies with broken social contracts, that are failing the average person. That’s America, where average incomes have shrunk in real terms since the 1970s. Broken social contracts reflect failed institutions. They mean that democracy isn’t working — political institutions aren’t working. They mean that real economic value isn’t being created and shared — financial institutions aren’t working. They mean that human potential is stuck and withering — social institutions like media and education and healthcare aren’t working. Thus, a social contract in its entirety comes to be broken.

Democrats can't seem to let go of socialism as their core product. And they can't seem to get it through their heads that most Americans aren't socialists. They can't bear to recognize that Americans don't want a nanny-state, hovering over their shoulder at every turn. And until they do, they're going to keep losing.
But what are tariffs if not a nanny state?
Sort of funny in a sad sort of way to watch the tariff cheerleads whine about a nanny state.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Yep, and all that borrowed money to pay for tax cuts for the ultra rich. No, they don't like a nanny state my ass.

borrowed money? you mean like the 10 trillion that Obama added to the national debt in 8 years. More than all previous presidents COMBINED?
(Why) The Resistance is Losing – Bad Words – Medium
The Muslim ban is in effect. The info shock-troops are attacking journalists daily. There are open calls for violence from major national institutions like the NRA. Hate crimes are spiking.

Sorry. But: the resistance is losing. And it is losing badly.


I've seen several articles like this lately. And while they all claim to have (finally) figured out why people are rejecting Democrats, they all get it wrong in the same way:

Authoritarianism rises in societies with broken social contracts, that are failing the average person. That’s America, where average incomes have shrunk in real terms since the 1970s. Broken social contracts reflect failed institutions. They mean that democracy isn’t working — political institutions aren’t working. They mean that real economic value isn’t being created and shared — financial institutions aren’t working. They mean that human potential is stuck and withering — social institutions like media and education and healthcare aren’t working. Thus, a social contract in its entirety comes to be broken.

Democrats can't seem to let go of socialism as their core product. And they can't seem to get it through their heads that most Americans aren't socialists. They can't bear to recognize that Americans don't want a nanny-state, hovering over their shoulder at every turn. And until they do, they're going to keep losing.
But what are tariffs if not a nanny state?

Totally. I'm not defending Republicans. They are a lost cause. I'm trying to wake up the Democrats.
(Why) The Resistance is Losing – Bad Words – Medium
The Muslim ban is in effect. The info shock-troops are attacking journalists daily. There are open calls for violence from major national institutions like the NRA. Hate crimes are spiking.

Sorry. But: the resistance is losing. And it is losing badly.


I've seen several articles like this lately. And while they all claim to have (finally) figured out why people are rejecting Democrats, they all get it wrong in the same way:

Authoritarianism rises in societies with broken social contracts, that are failing the average person. That’s America, where average incomes have shrunk in real terms since the 1970s. Broken social contracts reflect failed institutions. They mean that democracy isn’t working — political institutions aren’t working. They mean that real economic value isn’t being created and shared — financial institutions aren’t working. They mean that human potential is stuck and withering — social institutions like media and education and healthcare aren’t working. Thus, a social contract in its entirety comes to be broken.

Democrats can't seem to let go of socialism as their core product. And they can't seem to get it through their heads that most Americans aren't socialists. They can't bear to recognize that Americans don't want a nanny-state, hovering over their shoulder at every turn. And until they do, they're going to keep losing.
But what are tariffs if not a nanny state?

Tariffs are a measure to balance trade. Usually temporary until the other country stops taxing our products. Its nothing new, nothing Trump invented. China has been using them on us for years and rebuilding their country with our money. Should we just let that continue until we are complete broke and China owns us?
Sort of funny in a sad sort of way to watch the tariff cheerleads whine about a nanny state.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Yep, and all that borrowed money to pay for tax cuts for the ultra rich. No, they don't like a nanny state my ass.

borrowed money? you mean like the 10 trillion that Obama added to the national debt in 8 years. More than all previous presidents COMBINED?
(Why) The Resistance is Losing – Bad Words – Medium
The Muslim ban is in effect. The info shock-troops are attacking journalists daily. There are open calls for violence from major national institutions like the NRA. Hate crimes are spiking.

Sorry. But: the resistance is losing. And it is losing badly.


I've seen several articles like this lately. And while they all claim to have (finally) figured out why people are rejecting Democrats, they all get it wrong in the same way:

Authoritarianism rises in societies with broken social contracts, that are failing the average person. That’s America, where average incomes have shrunk in real terms since the 1970s. Broken social contracts reflect failed institutions. They mean that democracy isn’t working — political institutions aren’t working. They mean that real economic value isn’t being created and shared — financial institutions aren’t working. They mean that human potential is stuck and withering — social institutions like media and education and healthcare aren’t working. Thus, a social contract in its entirety comes to be broken.

Democrats can't seem to let go of socialism as their core product. And they can't seem to get it through their heads that most Americans aren't socialists. They can't bear to recognize that Americans don't want a nanny-state, hovering over their shoulder at every turn. And until they do, they're going to keep losing.
But what are tariffs if not a nanny state?

Totally. I'm not defending Republicans. They are a lost cause. I'm trying to wake up the Democrats.

too late. With Maxine waters and Pelosi as their spokespersons, the dem party is dead.
(Why) The Resistance is Losing – Bad Words – Medium
The Muslim ban is in effect. The info shock-troops are attacking journalists daily. There are open calls for violence from major national institutions like the NRA. Hate crimes are spiking.

Sorry. But: the resistance is losing. And it is losing badly.


I've seen several articles like this lately. And while they all claim to have (finally) figured out why people are rejecting Democrats, they all get it wrong in the same way:

Authoritarianism rises in societies with broken social contracts, that are failing the average person. That’s America, where average incomes have shrunk in real terms since the 1970s. Broken social contracts reflect failed institutions. They mean that democracy isn’t working — political institutions aren’t working. They mean that real economic value isn’t being created and shared — financial institutions aren’t working. They mean that human potential is stuck and withering — social institutions like media and education and healthcare aren’t working. Thus, a social contract in its entirety comes to be broken.

Democrats can't seem to let go of socialism as their core product. And they can't seem to get it through their heads that most Americans aren't socialists. They can't bear to recognize that Americans don't want a nanny-state, hovering over their shoulder at every turn. And until they do, they're going to keep losing.
But what are tariffs if not a nanny state?

Totally. I'm not defending Republicans. They are a lost cause. I'm trying to wake up the Democrats.
I don't think the dems have any unified voice, and they really won't till the presidential primaries.

I think you are right if you're saying that their focus has to be on market economics. Immigration, racism, me too, those are issues that the dem base has pretty much homogenous views. But, presidential elections are usually about the economy. Trump explicitly wants the economy of 1968. It ain't gonna happen, and it has nothing to do with decentralized markets.
(Why) The Resistance is Losing – Bad Words – Medium
The Muslim ban is in effect. The info shock-troops are attacking journalists daily. There are open calls for violence from major national institutions like the NRA. Hate crimes are spiking.

Sorry. But: the resistance is losing. And it is losing badly.


I've seen several articles like this lately. And while they all claim to have (finally) figured out why people are rejecting Democrats, they all get it wrong in the same way:

Authoritarianism rises in societies with broken social contracts, that are failing the average person. That’s America, where average incomes have shrunk in real terms since the 1970s. Broken social contracts reflect failed institutions. They mean that democracy isn’t working — political institutions aren’t working. They mean that real economic value isn’t being created and shared — financial institutions aren’t working. They mean that human potential is stuck and withering — social institutions like media and education and healthcare aren’t working. Thus, a social contract in its entirety comes to be broken.

Democrats can't seem to let go of socialism as their core product. And they can't seem to get it through their heads that most Americans aren't socialists. They can't bear to recognize that Americans don't want a nanny-state, hovering over their shoulder at every turn. And until they do, they're going to keep losing.
But what are tariffs if not a nanny state?

Totally. I'm not defending Republicans. They are a lost cause. I'm trying to wake up the Democrats.
I don't think the dems have any unified voice, and they really won't till the presidential primaries.

I think you are right if you're saying that their focus has to be on market economics. Immigration, racism, me too, those are issues that the dem base has pretty much homogenous views. But, presidential elections are usually about the economy. Trump explicitly wants the economy of 1968. It ain't gonna happen, and it has nothing to do with decentralized markets.

No, no, and no. It's not the economy, stupid. That's just another side of the socialism coin.
(Why) The Resistance is Losing – Bad Words – Medium
The Muslim ban is in effect. The info shock-troops are attacking journalists daily. There are open calls for violence from major national institutions like the NRA. Hate crimes are spiking.

Sorry. But: the resistance is losing. And it is losing badly.


I've seen several articles like this lately. And while they all claim to have (finally) figured out why people are rejecting Democrats, they all get it wrong in the same way:

Authoritarianism rises in societies with broken social contracts, that are failing the average person. That’s America, where average incomes have shrunk in real terms since the 1970s. Broken social contracts reflect failed institutions. They mean that democracy isn’t working — political institutions aren’t working. They mean that real economic value isn’t being created and shared — financial institutions aren’t working. They mean that human potential is stuck and withering — social institutions like media and education and healthcare aren’t working. Thus, a social contract in its entirety comes to be broken.

Democrats can't seem to let go of socialism as their core product. And they can't seem to get it through their heads that most Americans aren't socialists. They can't bear to recognize that Americans don't want a nanny-state, hovering over their shoulder at every turn. And until they do, they're going to keep losing.

I think there is more to it. It’s the fact that their movement and issues are based on straight out lies. And not even convincing lies. Look at the issues they cited:

1) “the Muslim ban is still in place” - problem? There is no Muslim ban. There never has been. The travel ban doesn’t target Muslims. It targets everyone from certain countries Muslim and non Muslim. It includes non Muslim countries and excludes Muslim countries. Islam is not mentioned at all in the order.

But they’ve convinced themselves they have to fight this “Muslim ban”. Never mind every president has exercised the same power. How are they supposed to have success stopping a policy that only exists in their mind?

2) “fighting the journalists” - of course people are fighting back against the journalists. the journalists keep lying. People don’t like being lied to or being lied about. Moreover as a free society with a free press there will always be a counter point. They idea that they could or should silence opposition to lying journalists is just an absurd proposition.

3) “open calls of violence from institutions such as the nra” that’s a blatant lie. The nra hasn’t called for violence against anyone.

The resistance has however. If they really wants the calls of violence to stop they would simply stop calling for violence.

Even with all their flaws they might be able to make some headway if we didn’t have one of the strongest economies in decades.

But their problems are obvious
(Why) The Resistance is Losing – Bad Words – Medium
The Muslim ban is in effect. The info shock-troops are attacking journalists daily. There are open calls for violence from major national institutions like the NRA. Hate crimes are spiking.

Sorry. But: the resistance is losing. And it is losing badly.


I've seen several articles like this lately. And while they all claim to have (finally) figured out why people are rejecting Democrats, they all get it wrong in the same way:

Authoritarianism rises in societies with broken social contracts, that are failing the average person. That’s America, where average incomes have shrunk in real terms since the 1970s. Broken social contracts reflect failed institutions. They mean that democracy isn’t working — political institutions aren’t working. They mean that real economic value isn’t being created and shared — financial institutions aren’t working. They mean that human potential is stuck and withering — social institutions like media and education and healthcare aren’t working. Thus, a social contract in its entirety comes to be broken.

Democrats can't seem to let go of socialism as their core product. And they can't seem to get it through their heads that most Americans aren't socialists. They can't bear to recognize that Americans don't want a nanny-state, hovering over their shoulder at every turn. And until they do, they're going to keep losing.
The Regressive Left learned nothing, zero, from Trump's win in 2016.

They're even more nasty & hateful than they were before his win, before the political PTSD hit them.

They may still take the House, that's how politics usually go, but they learned nothing.

They might just take all of it. Which they will mistake for a 'win'. They'll call it a mandate, and use it as an excuse to cram even more bullshit down our throats. Which will trigger an even stronger authoritarian reprisal. Wash, rinse, repeat.

The pendulum swings further each time.

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