Why the FBI's infowars-Russia investigation is completely ludicrous


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Why the FBI’s Infowars-Russia Investigation is Completely Ludicrous

The revelation that the FBI is investigating whether Infowars assisted in helping Russian operatives as part of a secret cyber operation to help Donald Trump win the presidency is the ludicrous culmination of four months of wall to wall leftist hysteria about Moscow “hacking” the election.

Federal investigators will probe whether Russian operatives created bots to blitz social media with pro-Trump stories that harmed Hillary Clinton’s campaign, including links from Infowars, RT, and Breitbart.

“Investigators examining the bot attacks are exploring whether the far-right news operations took any actions to assist Russia’s operatives. Their participation, however, wasn’t necessary for the bots to amplify their news through Twitter and Facebook,” reports McClatchy.

Having failed to stymie our accelerating growth for over a decade, long .......................

If the FBI really wants to find out who interfered in the election, they should investigate Google, Facebook & Twitter


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