Why the Comrade needs an enemy


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Why Trump Needs an Enemy

They have not figured out they are no longer in campaign mode, and they may never figure it out.

Just how far off the rails will the Comrade go, before the gop realizes they need to do something?

Typical Party over Country...
I do agree that OUR TRUMP----does act a bit thin-skinned. I have to
speak to MELANIA about him
Why Trump Needs an Enemy

They have not figured out they are no longer in campaign mode, and they may never figure it out.

Just how far off the rails will the Comrade go, before the gop realizes they need to do something?

Typical Party over Country...

Says the party who's in constant Revolution mode. don't forget to iron your Che Guevara t-shirts before the next rally.
Why Trump Needs an Enemy

They have not figured out they are no longer in campaign mode, and they may never figure it out.

Just how far off the rails will the Comrade go, before the gop realizes they need to do something?

Typical Party over Country...

Says the party who's in constant Revolution mode. don't forget to iron your Che Guevara t-shirts before the next rally.

I prefer the crumpled Che look-------the issue is the black beret and the MUSTACHE
Why Trump Needs an Enemy

They have not figured out they are no longer in campaign mode, and they may never figure it out.

Just how far off the rails will the Comrade go, before the gop realizes they need to do something?

Typical Party over Country...

Says the party who's in constant Revolution mode. don't forget to iron your Che Guevara t-shirts before the next rally.

I prefer the crumpled Che look-------the issue is the black beret and the MUSTACHE

Alright, but if your gonna crumple em, you have to add the Starbucks coffee stains on the belly
Personally, I think he is actually a bit insecure.
I do agree that OUR TRUMP----does act a bit thin-skinned. I have to
speak to MELANIA about him

Insecure? Naw, I think a 70 year old Baby who has to be told on a hourly basis how smart, handsome, and irresistible he is. The man lies on an hourly basis, so it seems his servants should be able to work something out...huh? Here is a Big One!

Another Lie: Trump Did Not Graduate "First In His Class" At Wharton | The Intellectualist

I think he looks at lying as some sort of sick sport. Just how many lies can he tell and get his cult members to believe they are all true? Since most of his cult member are clueless, he is doing very well with them.

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