Why should politicians govern on behalf of illegals, piece of shits and lowlifes?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
How does it make sense to construct policy around America’s worst?
I’m hoping some Lefties can add something of value here?
Mad about Russians interfering with Americian elections in one breath...yet mad about illegal Mexicans not being able to interfere with American immigration policy, and ultimately elections, in the next breath.

Democrats and traitor Republicans siding with illegals, ignoring the high cost of illegals killing and raping Americans have not learned their lesson. They cannot win this war with Trump. Trump gathers the American victims of illegals to the White House, holds a press conference and says what about the Americans killed and raped by illegals, American families destroyed. The American people will NOT side with the left and illegals on this issue they will side with Americans.
The Constitution requires that should politicians govern on behalf of illegals, piece of shits and lowlifes, just as they must govern for alt right and far right, pieces of shits and lowlifes.
How does it make sense to construct policy around America’s worst?
I’m hoping some Lefties can add something of value here?
Why don't you want politicians to govern on your behalf?
If they were governing on my behalf they would be rounding up illegals and sending them all back to Mexico
You'll be surprised to find out they've been doing that for decades :itsok:
Not enough of them. That's why we have 40 million still in the country.
How does it make sense to construct policy around America’s worst?
I’m hoping some Lefties can add something of value here?
Why don't you want politicians to govern on your behalf?
If they were governing on my behalf they would be rounding up illegals and sending them all back to Mexico
You'll be surprised to find out they've been doing that for decades :itsok:
Not enough of them. That's why we have 40 million still in the country.
Damn your ass must hurt from pulling such a whopper out of there
Politicians who side with illegals who KILL AND RAPE Americans should be sent to prison.

Siding with foreign invaders meets the Constitutional definition of treason. The traditional and proper punishment for treason involves a firing squad.
When did Putin invade the USA?

Here's what the Constitution says, moron:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort."

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