Why Romney will beat Obama


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
Los Angeles CA
Nearly 24 million Americans struggling for work, 2.8 million foreclosed homes, and $15 trillion in national debt.

Obama will spend the next nine months giving class warfare speeches and promising more goodies for the lazy. But we have seen enough. One term of President Obama has proved to be one term too many. Buh Bye Barack!!!
NEVER underestimate the stupidity and ignorance of the majority of American voters (legal, illegal, dead, etc.).

Obama will win in November, and then it's time to kiss our asses goodbye.
Nearly 24 million Americans struggling for work, 2.8 million foreclosed homes, and $15 trillion in national debt.

Obama will spend the next nine months giving class warfare speeches and promising more goodies for the lazy. But we have seen enough. One term of President Obama has proved to be one term too many. Buh Bye Barack!!!
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