Why Republican must shut down government

In a nutshell.....They Lied

The lied to their constituents that they could repeal Obamacare. They knew that once the Supreme Court ruled on Obamacare, there was nothing they could do. John Boehner even admitted that it was a done deal

But rather than move on to more important issues (jobs?) they campaigned on repealing Obamacare. They have to make some sort of a token gesture to show they were serious about repealing. So the country has to suffer to cover up for their lie

the smartest thing republicans can do is let obamacare move forward. while the liberal spin doctors are out there saying look, the average plan is going to cost an individual only $328 a month and trying to make us all feel good. well its only $328 a month if you never get sick. $328 a month you now have to pay, that you didn't have to pay before.

But...... if you get sick, you're looking at a $5000 deductable. and that $5000 is on you. now lets talk co pays. a vist to the office. In CA $60. In NY 50% of what ever the charge is. and after you meet your $5000 deductible, you get to pay 40% of whatever your charges are. i wonder how people who can't afford to buy insurance in the first place are going to pay to use their now mandatory plan? democrats will start dropping like flies in the next election
Republicans lied when they conducted over 40 votes to repeal Obamacare. They lied to their constituents as they conducted farce vote after farce vote to repeal a law that they do not even come close to having the votes

great...so all obama's broken promises are lies

why is obama holding the government hostage over one program?

Nice try.

yeah...using your logic against you, but it actually works for the GOP....you guys would rather not fund the entire government over one program, that is hostage taking according to dem logic
In a nutshell.....They Lied

The lied to their constituents that they could repeal Obamacare. They knew that once the Supreme Court ruled on Obamacare, there was nothing they could do. John Boehner even admitted that it was a done deal

But rather than move on to more important issues (jobs?) they campaigned on repealing Obamacare. They have to make some sort of a token gesture to show they were serious about repealing. So the country has to suffer to cover up for their lie

the smartest thing republicans can do is let obamacare move forward. while the liberal spin doctors are out there saying look, the average plan is going to cost an individual only $328 a month and trying to make us all feel good. well its only $328 a month if you never get sick. $328 a month you now have to pay, that you didn't have to pay before.

But...... if you get sick, you're looking at a $5000 deductable. and that $5000 is on you. now lets talk co pays. a vist to the office. In CA $60. In NY 50% of what ever the charge is. and after you meet your $5000 deductible, you get to pay 40% of whatever your charges are. i wonder how people who can't afford to buy insurance in the first place are going to pay to use their now mandatory plan? democrats will start dropping like flies in the next election

You don't have to patronize the exchanges. You can go on the open insurance market. If the exchanges are so bad, people will not use them and they will wither away

I suspect the exchanges will be here for a while
In a nutshell.....They Lied

The lied to their constituents that they could repeal Obamacare. They knew that once the Supreme Court ruled on Obamacare, there was nothing they could do. John Boehner even admitted that it was a done deal

But rather than move on to more important issues (jobs?) they campaigned on repealing Obamacare. They have to make some sort of a token gesture to show they were serious about repealing. So the country has to suffer to cover up for their lie

the smartest thing republicans can do is let obamacare move forward. while the liberal spin doctors are out there saying look, the average plan is going to cost an individual only $328 a month and trying to make us all feel good. well its only $328 a month if you never get sick. $328 a month you now have to pay, that you didn't have to pay before.

But...... if you get sick, you're looking at a $5000 deductable. and that $5000 is on you. now lets talk co pays. a vist to the office. In CA $60. In NY 50% of what ever the charge is. and after you meet your $5000 deductible, you get to pay 40% of whatever your charges are. i wonder how people who can't afford to buy insurance in the first place are going to pay to use their now mandatory plan? democrats will start dropping like flies in the next election

You don't have to patronize the exchanges. You can go on the open insurance market. If the exchanges are so bad, people will not use them and they will wither away

I suspect the exchanges will be here for a while

you can do that today with out obamacare, only today, if you can't afford it you don't have to buy anything
In a nutshell.....They Lied

The lied to their constituents that they could repeal Obamacare. They knew that once the Supreme Court ruled on Obamacare, there was nothing they could do. John Boehner even admitted that it was a done deal

But rather than move on to more important issues (jobs?) they campaigned on repealing Obamacare. They have to make some sort of a token gesture to show they were serious about repealing. So the country has to suffer to cover up for their lie

the smartest thing republicans can do is let obamacare move forward. while the liberal spin doctors are out there saying look, the average plan is going to cost an individual only $328 a month and trying to make us all feel good. well its only $328 a month if you never get sick. $328 a month you now have to pay, that you didn't have to pay before.

But...... if you get sick, you're looking at a $5000 deductable. and that $5000 is on you. now lets talk co pays. a vist to the office. In CA $60. In NY 50% of what ever the charge is. and after you meet your $5000 deductible, you get to pay 40% of whatever your charges are. i wonder how people who can't afford to buy insurance in the first place are going to pay to use their now mandatory plan? democrats will start dropping like flies in the next election

You don't have to patronize the exchanges. You can go on the open insurance market. If the exchanges are so bad, people will not use them and they will wither away

I suspect the exchanges will be here for a while

Democrats know as much about free markets as dolphins know about forest fires.

The flaw in your point is that the exchanges are loaded with tax credits. I won't explain why that isn't a free market because you won't listen and you don't care, but I'm not going to leave your drivel to stand as if it weren't ridiculous.
In a nutshell.....They Lied

The lied to their constituents that they could repeal Obamacare. They knew that once the Supreme Court ruled on Obamacare, there was nothing they could do. John Boehner even admitted that it was a done deal

But rather than move on to more important issues (jobs?) they campaigned on repealing Obamacare. They have to make some sort of a token gesture to show they were serious about repealing. So the country has to suffer to cover up for their lie

the smartest thing republicans can do is let obamacare move forward. while the liberal spin doctors are out there saying look, the average plan is going to cost an individual only $328 a month and trying to make us all feel good. well its only $328 a month if you never get sick. $328 a month you now have to pay, that you didn't have to pay before.

But...... if you get sick, you're looking at a $5000 deductable. and that $5000 is on you. now lets talk co pays. a vist to the office. In CA $60. In NY 50% of what ever the charge is. and after you meet your $5000 deductible, you get to pay 40% of whatever your charges are. i wonder how people who can't afford to buy insurance in the first place are going to pay to use their now mandatory plan? democrats will start dropping like flies in the next election

I am in remission for breast cancer, and our deductible was $3000.00 for the year. Total costs of my treatment ran up to over $300.000 easy . 5 chemos ran over $64.000, I had a year every 3 weeks.

What needs to be fixed are the high costs of medical tests and treatments.

When you hear the word cancer, not only are you in shock hoping that your getting the right help. Your sucked through the system and they make a lot of money on us.

The pharmaceutical companies were in the oncologist office at least once a month catering lunch. One bag of chemo is $10,000. The place was jammed pack. Scary
Politically, it would be great if Reid could construct some sort of poison pill such as expanding Obamacare to cover dental and vision insurance or eldercare in lieu of children; get it passed then send that to the House and let them either swallow it whole or get blamed for shutting down the Congress.

In short, call their bluff. They're picking the fight so bust them in the chops instead of being Mr. Nice Guy and politely letting the ACA stay like it is. You've got the "ball and the mo' " so take it out for a spin and see what teh GOP does next... In about 3 days of shutdown and hilatious public opinion; they'll be begging to fund the original Obamacare.

October approaches and it time for the Republican Shutdown of Government Show. It's like Groundhog Day II. When Bill Murray's clock radio goes off at 6 a.m. and Sonny and Cher's tune "I've got you Babe" plays in the '90s classic "Groundhog Day," perhaps the radio should have been tuned into the latest news from Washington.
Government shutdown: Again? Seriously? - CNN.com

Healthcare exchanges open next Tuesday. It's simply to late to stop the implementation of the law. With the opening of the exchanges most of the law will have been implemented.

8 out of 10 Americans don't think shutting government is the way to solve our differences. However, House Republicans don't agree. With midterm elections approaching, this is a dangerous move for the GOP.

If Obamacare is going to fail, as they predict, they should let it fail, swept the midterm elections and repeal it. What they're doing now is just plain dumb.

Have you read the ACA? What part of it do you believe is going to fail?
Yes, I have read all 906 pages. I don't think it's going to fail. There are several parts of law that need to be changed.

  • The penalty for not buying insurance should be higher.
  • The family glitch needs to be fixed. Under the law employees who have access to affordable care via their employer are ineligible for federal subsidies to purchase insurance on the public exchanges
  • Congress needs to make the Medicaid Expansion universal.
  • Taking group health insurance away from Congressmen and their staff and making them buy individual insurance on the exchanges serves no purpose. In fact, it will cost more money because the government subsidizes 75% of the premium and individual insurance is more expensive than group.
the smartest thing republicans can do is let obamacare move forward. while the liberal spin doctors are out there saying look, the average plan is going to cost an individual only $328 a month and trying to make us all feel good. well its only $328 a month if you never get sick. $328 a month you now have to pay, that you didn't have to pay before.

But...... if you get sick, you're looking at a $5000 deductable. and that $5000 is on you. now lets talk co pays. a vist to the office. In CA $60. In NY 50% of what ever the charge is. and after you meet your $5000 deductible, you get to pay 40% of whatever your charges are. i wonder how people who can't afford to buy insurance in the first place are going to pay to use their now mandatory plan? democrats will start dropping like flies in the next election

You don't have to patronize the exchanges. You can go on the open insurance market. If the exchanges are so bad, people will not use them and they will wither away

I suspect the exchanges will be here for a while

you can do that today with out obamacare, only today, if you can't afford it you don't have to buy anything

You could, if the states would set up their own exchanges. But those with prexisting conditions would still be frozen out of the market
the smartest thing republicans can do is let obamacare move forward. while the liberal spin doctors are out there saying look, the average plan is going to cost an individual only $328 a month and trying to make us all feel good. well its only $328 a month if you never get sick. $328 a month you now have to pay, that you didn't have to pay before.

But...... if you get sick, you're looking at a $5000 deductable. and that $5000 is on you. now lets talk co pays. a vist to the office. In CA $60. In NY 50% of what ever the charge is. and after you meet your $5000 deductible, you get to pay 40% of whatever your charges are. i wonder how people who can't afford to buy insurance in the first place are going to pay to use their now mandatory plan? democrats will start dropping like flies in the next election

You don't have to patronize the exchanges. You can go on the open insurance market. If the exchanges are so bad, people will not use them and they will wither away

I suspect the exchanges will be here for a while

Democrats know as much about free markets as dolphins know about forest fires.

The flaw in your point is that the exchanges are loaded with tax credits. I won't explain why that isn't a free market because you won't listen and you don't care, but I'm not going to leave your drivel to stand as if it weren't ridiculous.

Which means lower cost health insurance which was the intent. Now explain to the nice people how the exchanges are going to fail
wrong, even CBS says they are going up significantly

Study: Insurance costs to soar under Obamacare - CBS News

I suspect your link is correct:

A standard policy for wellness and catastrophic coverage for an unexpected, unavoidable ailment or accident could have been provided for a fraction of what Obamacare coverage costs, Roy added. "Obama care forces insurers to offer products that carry all sorts of bells and whistles that most people don't want but everyone will now need to pay for."

However, if so, it's an argument to let Obama destroy himself, and take the senate in 14 and the WH in 16.

maybe, and thats what some in the GOP are thinking. The problem is that the longer ACA remains in force, the harder it will be to undo it.

Now why would that be. The longer it is in effect, according to rethugs, the flaws in the program will be so apparent that repeal will be a sure thing.

In a nutshell.....They Lied

The lied to their constituents that they could repeal Obamacare. They knew that once the Supreme Court ruled on Obamacare, there was nothing they could do. John Boehner even admitted that it was a done deal

But rather than move on to more important issues (jobs?) they campaigned on repealing Obamacare. They have to make some sort of a token gesture to show they were serious about repealing. So the country has to suffer to cover up for their lie

the smartest thing republicans can do is let obamacare move forward. while the liberal spin doctors are out there saying look, the average plan is going to cost an individual only $328 a month and trying to make us all feel good. well its only $328 a month if you never get sick. $328 a month you now have to pay, that you didn't have to pay before.

But...... if you get sick, you're looking at a $5000 deductable. and that $5000 is on you. now lets talk co pays. a vist to the office. In CA $60. In NY 50% of what ever the charge is. and after you meet your $5000 deductible, you get to pay 40% of whatever your charges are. i wonder how people who can't afford to buy insurance in the first place are going to pay to use their now mandatory plan? democrats will start dropping like flies in the next election

You don't have to patronize the exchanges. You can go on the open insurance market. If the exchanges are so bad, people will not use them and they will wither away

I suspect the exchanges will be here for a while

if they are so good why do the unions want them killed, why did congress vote themselves a 72% subsidy? why has obama delayed the employer mandate?
You don't have to patronize the exchanges. You can go on the open insurance market. If the exchanges are so bad, people will not use them and they will wither away

I suspect the exchanges will be here for a while

Democrats know as much about free markets as dolphins know about forest fires.

The flaw in your point is that the exchanges are loaded with tax credits. I won't explain why that isn't a free market because you won't listen and you don't care, but I'm not going to leave your drivel to stand as if it weren't ridiculous.

Which means lower cost health insurance which was the intent. Now explain to the nice people how the exchanges are going to fail

every recent study has shown premiums going up, not down.
I suspect your link is correct:

A standard policy for wellness and catastrophic coverage for an unexpected, unavoidable ailment or accident could have been provided for a fraction of what Obamacare coverage costs, Roy added. "Obama care forces insurers to offer products that carry all sorts of bells and whistles that most people don't want but everyone will now need to pay for."

However, if so, it's an argument to let Obama destroy himself, and take the senate in 14 and the WH in 16.

maybe, and thats what some in the GOP are thinking. The problem is that the longer ACA remains in force, the harder it will be to undo it.

Now why would that be. The longer it is in effect, according to rethugs, the flaws in the program will be so apparent that repeal will be a sure thing.


it will be harder to stop because once a beaurocracy is established it takes on a life of its own. e.g. EPA, DHS, DOE, NPR, medicare, medicaid, social security.

the huge beaurocracy that will be created by obozocare will fill every circus tent in the world with incompetent unfunny clowns.
maybe, and thats what some in the GOP are thinking. The problem is that the longer ACA remains in force, the harder it will be to undo it.

Now why would that be. The longer it is in effect, according to rethugs, the flaws in the program will be so apparent that repeal will be a sure thing.


it will be harder to stop because once a beaurocracy is established it takes on a life of its own. e.g. EPA, DHS, DOE, NPR, medicare, medicaid, social security.

the huge beaurocracy that will be created by obozocare will fill every circus tent in the world with incompetent unfunny clowns.

sounds like a job opportunity for you.
In a nutshell.....They Lied

The lied to their constituents that they could repeal Obamacare. They knew that once the Supreme Court ruled on Obamacare, there was nothing they could do. John Boehner even admitted that it was a done deal

But rather than move on to more important issues (jobs?) they campaigned on repealing Obamacare. They have to make some sort of a token gesture to show they were serious about repealing. So the country has to suffer to cover up for their lie

the smartest thing republicans can do is let obamacare move forward. while the liberal spin doctors are out there saying look, the average plan is going to cost an individual only $328 a month and trying to make us all feel good. well its only $328 a month if you never get sick. $328 a month you now have to pay, that you didn't have to pay before.

But...... if you get sick, you're looking at a $5000 deductable. and that $5000 is on you. now lets talk co pays. a vist to the office. In CA $60. In NY 50% of what ever the charge is. and after you meet your $5000 deductible, you get to pay 40% of whatever your charges are. i wonder how people who can't afford to buy insurance in the first place are going to pay to use their now mandatory plan? democrats will start dropping like flies in the next election

have you look at the government web site ??? there's no discussion of a 5000 deductible
In a nutshell.....They Lied

The lied to their constituents that they could repeal Obamacare. They knew that once the Supreme Court ruled on Obamacare, there was nothing they could do. John Boehner even admitted that it was a done deal

But rather than move on to more important issues (jobs?) they campaigned on repealing Obamacare. They have to make some sort of a token gesture to show they were serious about repealing. So the country has to suffer to cover up for their lie


And Americans have grown quite accustom to republicans lying, it comes as no surprise.

Consequently, there’s no point for them to attempt to cover up their lies by shutting down the government and risking economic collapse.
You don't have to patronize the exchanges. You can go on the open insurance market. If the exchanges are so bad, people will not use them and they will wither away

I suspect the exchanges will be here for a while

Democrats know as much about free markets as dolphins know about forest fires.

The flaw in your point is that the exchanges are loaded with tax credits. I won't explain why that isn't a free market because you won't listen and you don't care, but I'm not going to leave your drivel to stand as if it weren't ridiculous.

Which means lower cost health insurance which was the intent. Now explain to the nice people how the exchanges are going to fail

As I said, dolphins, forest fires...

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