Why President Obama and a Republican Congress are not taking up the Trans-Pacific Partnership


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
There is a reason why President Obama and a Republican Congress are not taking up the Trans-Pacific Partnership this session. Trump and Sanders would lead the fight to kill it. And they would succeed, though, in the 1990s, we — Ross Perot, Ralph Nader, the AFL-CIO — failed to stop NAFTA. Then, not enough Americans saw the link between those trade deals, America’s surging trade deficits and the loss of manufacturing jobs in the U.S.

In both parties, people are coming to recognize that the interests of transnational corporations collide and conflict with U.S. national interest and the interests of working Americans. What is good for General Motors is not good for America if General Motors is moving production out of the United States. As history shows, free trade is an ideology that is embraced by the intelligentsia of declining nations. Rising nations — Great Britain before 1850, America from 1860 to 1912, Bismarck’s Germany, postwar Japan, China today — practice economic nationalism.

Pat Buchanan Says Donald Trump is the Future of the Republican Party
why? because the majority of the people is sick of Obama selling us out to every enemy in the world. that could a reason
Bottom line is real simple. Other then a FEW thousand longshoremen on the west coast NOBODY gets a damn thing.
TPP is a payoff to unions AND western run DNC states.

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