Why Poor Areas Vote For Politicians Who Want To Slash The Safety Net


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
I hate to say it, and USMB you can ban me, but its because white people are literally generally just stupid and ignorant...there's simply no other excuse.

It is one of the central political puzzles of our time: Parts of the country that depend on the safety-net programs supported by Democrats are increasingly voting for Republicans who favor shredding that net.

In his successful bid for the Senate in 2010, the libertarian Rand Paul railed against“intergenerational welfare” and said that “the culture of dependency on government destroys people’s spirits,” yet racked up winning margins in eastern Kentucky, a former Democratic stronghold that is heavily dependent on public benefits. Last year, Paul R. LePage, the fiercely anti-welfare Republican governor of Maine, was re-elected despite a highly erratic first term — with strong support in struggling towns where many rely on public assistance. And earlier this month, Kentucky elected as governor a conservative Republican who had vowed to largely undo the Medicaid expansion that had given the state the country’s largest decrease in the uninsured under Obamacare, with roughly one in 10 residents gaining coverage.
I hate to say it, and USMB you can ban me, but its because white people are literally generally just stupid and ignorant...there's simply no other excuse.
As you probably know, there are quite a few white people here who would completely agree with you.

Saddled by White Guilt and self-loathing, they're consumed by that thought.

Intelligence and reason have nothing to do with skin color.
Their Lower IQ's, fear and ignorance drives them along with their fundamentalist religion of pie in the sky after you die , so suffer in this life.

Despite poor white people in southern red states barely surviving on slave wages, welfare, food stamps, and no adequate health care, they routinely vote for Republicans openly campaigning on driving their constituents deeper into poverty. It is true that opposition to Democrats as surrogates for an African American President is driven by racial animus, but even that fails to explain poor white voters electing abusive Republicans promising to eliminate programs that keep them alive.

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I believe they love their country so much they are willing to believe that the slashing all programs they benefit from will somehow save the country. Meanwhile one has to think that the politicians they vote for are saying to their corporate donors who will get that money in the form of tax break "this is too good to be true".
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I hate to say it, and USMB you can ban me, but its because white people are literally generally just stupid and ignorant...there's simply no other excuse.
As you probably know, there are quite a few white people here who would completely agree with you.

Saddled by White Guilt and self-loathing, they're consumed by that thought.

Intelligence and reason have nothing to do with skin color.

Yes and No....Ky is 80% white, 75% poor and dependent on gov. socialized programs and they continue to vote in Republicans who take everything they depend on...away...now I'm not a rocket scientist by no means, but ya gotta agree, them's some ignorant as white mf's....I mean if it looks like a duck and quacks like one, chances are its a ignorant ass white duck mf!!


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I hate to say it, and USMB you can ban me, but its because white people are literally generally just stupid and ignorant...there's simply no other excuse.
As you probably know, there are quite a few white people here who would completely agree with you.

Saddled by White Guilt and self-loathing, they're consumed by that thought.

Intelligence and reason have nothing to do with skin color.

Yes and No....Ky is 80% white, 75% poor and dependent on gov. socialized programs and they continue to vote in Republicans who take everything they depend on...away...now I'm not a rocket scientist by no means, but ya gotta agree, them's some ignorant as white mf's....I mean if it looks like a duck and quacks like one, chances are its a ignorant ass white duck mf!!
Well, there are issues besides those that are financial.

There are people who are pro-life or more aggressive militarily or don't think government should be too big even if it means that things are a bit tougher for them. Whatever, I can't speak for them.

Different doesn't mean stupid. It just means different.
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I hate to say it, and USMB you can ban me, but its because white people are literally generally just stupid and ignorant...there's simply no other excuse.
As you probably know, there are quite a few white people here who would completely agree with you.

Saddled by White Guilt and self-loathing, they're consumed by that thought.

Intelligence and reason have nothing to do with skin color.

Yes and No....Ky is 80% white, 75% poor and dependent on gov. socialized programs and they continue to vote in Republicans who take everything they depend on...away...now I'm not a rocket scientist by no means, but ya gotta agree, them's some ignorant as white mf's....I mean if it looks like a duck and quacks like one, chances are its a ignorant ass white duck mf!!

Lmao, Kentucky is not 80% white and put up or shut up name one entitlement program Republicans took away twinkle toes?
Their Lower IQ's, fear and ignorance drives them along with their fundamentalist religion of pie in the sky after you die , so suffer in this life.

Despite poor white people in southern red states barely surviving on slave wages, welfare, food stamps, and no adequate health care, they routinely vote for Republicans openly campaigning on driving their constituents deeper into poverty. It is true that opposition to Democrats as surrogates for an African American President is driven by racial animus, but even that fails to explain poor white voters electing abusive Republicans promising to eliminate programs that keep them alive.

Obama had a Congress that could not be stopped by republicans. That's a fact because we got that shit program called Obamacare. Do explain why there are poor people if the democrats are the only ones who would stop it? Obama had 7 years to end poverty and failed.
I hate to say it, and USMB you can ban me, but its because white people are literally generally just stupid and ignorant...there's simply no other excuse.
As you probably know, there are quite a few white people here who would completely agree with you.

Saddled by White Guilt and self-loathing, they're consumed by that thought.

Intelligence and reason have nothing to do with skin color.

Yes and No....Ky is 80% white, 75% poor and dependent on gov. socialized programs and they continue to vote in Republicans who take everything they depend on...away...now I'm not a rocket scientist by no means, but ya gotta agree, them's some ignorant as white mf's....I mean if it looks like a duck and quacks like one, chances are its a ignorant ass white duck mf!!

Because Reps usually don't believe what they preach, look at Rubio, being backed by a man who pushed hard for SSM and also another man who is for open boarders. They prance in front of anyone with money. The Christians fundy's think they are really pushing to end SSM and abortion, and well life on earth doesn't matter,
its the afterlife we look forward too.
Things are too far gone to ever be fixed. The move towards a full blown plutocracy has begun and millions can't see it. To see it any other way is pure blindness. I don't care what side wins its only going to get worse and nobody here can dispute it.
That's interesting. You side with Islam, who will kill gays, yet you are for ssm? Interesting...
I hate to say it, and USMB you can ban me, but its because white people are literally generally just stupid and ignorant...there's simply no other excuse.
As you probably know, there are quite a few white people here who would completely agree with you.

Saddled by White Guilt and self-loathing, they're consumed by that thought.

Intelligence and reason have nothing to do with skin color.

Yes and No....Ky is 80% white, 75% poor and dependent on gov. socialized programs and they continue to vote in Republicans who take everything they depend on...away...now I'm not a rocket scientist by no means, but ya gotta agree, them's some ignorant as white mf's....I mean if it looks like a duck and quacks like one, chances are its a ignorant ass white duck mf!!

Because Reps usually don't believe what they preach, look at Rubio, being backed by a man who pushed hard for SSM and also another man who is for open boarders. They prance in front of anyone with money. The Christians fundy's think they are really pushing to end SSM and abortion, and well life on earth doesn't matter,
its the afterlife we look forward too.
Their Lower IQ's, fear and ignorance drives them along with their fundamentalist religion of pie in the sky after you die , so suffer in this life.

Despite poor white people in southern red states barely surviving on slave wages, welfare, food stamps, and no adequate health care, they routinely vote for Republicans openly campaigning on driving their constituents deeper into poverty. It is true that opposition to Democrats as surrogates for an African American President is driven by racial animus, but even that fails to explain poor white voters electing abusive Republicans promising to eliminate programs that keep them alive.

Obama had a Congress that could not be stopped by republicans. That's a fact because we got that shit program called Obamacare. Do explain why there are poor people if the democrats are the only ones who would stop it? Obama had 7 years to end poverty and failed.

"Obama had 7 years to end poverty and failed."

Why the RWNJs believe Obama should have been able to end what no other politician has been able to? Its been more than 50 years since the so-called "war on poverty" began. More to the point, there has never been a time in the history of the planet that there have not been poor people.

And yet, the nutters say Obama should have been able to end it.

But then, the same fools say the Middle East was a peace for the past thousands of years - until Obama was elected. And, the US Vet Admin worked perfectly - until Obama was elected. And, there was no racism - until Obama was elected.

A huge part of the problem is that the right never ever EVER takes responsibility for themselves, their words or their actions.

Oh yeah, and they're stupid. RWs voting for Repubs is like cockroaches voting for Raid.

Southern white trash rednecks have been voting for the same cracker garbage for 40+ years and are still poor, and most lack health insurance, and stuck in slave labor jobs, they also have the shortest lifespans, and highest rates of obesity, yet they love to blame the skinny black guy in the WH, and Mexicans for all their problems, even thou this shit started way back after Carter left office, LOL..

Please by all means keep voting for the same assholes that are prematurely killing you all off,...

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