Why Obamacare Will Make You Poorer


Gold Member
Jan 11, 2011
Why Obamacare Will Make You Poorer

This video is short, easy to understand, sourced, and to the point. This is exactly how Obamacare will make you and your country poorer. And just like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and all the other government entitlement programs, it too will drowned us with debt no matter how the CBO scores it and no matter what any liberal here will tell you U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time . Enjoy!

Redistribution of Wealth in its Purest Form.

Without Obamacare
Average Cost of Health Insurance Per Family: .................. $13,375
Average Family Size: ..................................................... 3.1 people
Average Per Person Cose of Health Insurance: ................. $4315

With Obamacare
Obamacare Cost: ........................................................... $871,000,000,000 to cover 31,000,000 Americans
Average Per Person (Benificiary) Cost: ............................. $28,100
Number of New Federal Programs: ................................... 111
Average Federal Employee Pay Before Benefits: ................ $79,197
Average Federal Employee Pay With Benefits: ................... $119,982 (59% Higher Than The Private Sector)

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The only ones who will make out with Obamacare are those who don't have HC coverage now. They pay nothing now and will pay nothing with Obamcare.

The losers will be those with coverage. We will pay high premiums to pay for all those without.

I'm really looking forward to paying for other peoples HC. OH yes. NOT.
The only ones who will make out with Obamacare are those who don't have HC coverage now. They pay nothing now and will pay nothing with Obamcare.

The losers will be those with coverage. We will pay high premiums to pay for all those without.

I'm really looking forward to paying for other peoples HC. OH yes. NOT.

Newsflash: Those of us with insurance have been paying for people who don't have insurance for years now. The only thing that changes in that respect is how we pay for those uninsured people.
The only ones who will make out with Obamacare are those who don't have HC coverage now. They pay nothing now and will pay nothing with Obamcare.

The losers will be those with coverage. We will pay high premiums to pay for all those without.

I'm really looking forward to paying for other peoples HC. OH yes. NOT.

And, all those exempted from it.
The only ones who will make out with Obamacare are those who don't have HC coverage now. They pay nothing now and will pay nothing with Obamcare.

The losers will be those with coverage. We will pay high premiums to pay for all those without.

I'm really looking forward to paying for other peoples HC. OH yes. NOT.

Newsflash: Those of us with insurance have been paying for people who don't have insurance for years now. The only thing that changes in that respect is how we pay for those uninsured people.

If the above figures are correct the cost of covering those uninsured has more than doubled. so that old "we doing it anyway bullshit meme" is dumb.
The only ones who will make out with Obamacare are those who don't have HC coverage now. They pay nothing now and will pay nothing with Obamcare.

The losers will be those with coverage. We will pay high premiums to pay for all those without.

I'm really looking forward to paying for other peoples HC. OH yes. NOT.

Newsflash: Those of us with insurance have been paying for people who don't have insurance for years now. The only thing that changes in that respect is how we pay for those uninsured people.

Nah. I see where your going.

Arguement 1: We need to force hospitals to care for thoes who cannot pay.
Arguement 2: Hospitals cant affort to treat those who cannot pay
Arguement 3: The Government needs to force people to pay for the healthcare of thoes who cannot pay. Thoes who can pay but refuse to do so must be forced to do so or face a fee lower than that of a normal healthcare plan. This ensures that everyone gets forced in to government sponsered healthcare because its cheaper than the regular plan. And since the government doesent need to make a profit we can put all the insurance companies out of business and implement socialized medicine at the expense of the tax payer.
Arguement 4: The people are smoking, drinking, and eating too much. The government cannot afford this. We should tax alcohal, tobbaco, and unhealthy food more to compensate them for their lack of diciplen and sway them from buying junk food.
Arguement 5: The people are living unhealthy lifestyles and eating too much. The government cannot afford this. We need to regulate the food intake of all Americans and force them to work out. Refusal to partisipate will be punished by jail or fine.
Arguement 6: Now that our country isnt competitive in the world market and we are bankrupt because of all the "well intentioned" entitlement programs and regulations, no one can have or afford healthcare and we need a government to step in and regulate all aspects of our life from cradle to grave to make sure it does not happen again.

Ask any old timer who was around befor government assisted healthcare and see how the prices skyrocked after. If you really want none of us to have healthcare you do this >>> http://www.usdebtclock.org/ Medicare liability. $77,000,000,000,000 . Prescription drug liability. $19,000,000,000,000 . Liability per taxpayer. $1,014,000. Not at all realistic. And thats not counting the money every family pais for healthcare before they get those entitlements. Welcome to reality. If you think that we can afford Obamacare always remember that liberals said the same thing about Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid. Every time the government steps in to solve the ills of society they always do the exact oppisite of what they set out for. You cant afford healthcare? Thats none of my consern!
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The only ones who will make out with Obamacare are those who don't have HC coverage now. They pay nothing now and will pay nothing with Obamcare.

The losers will be those with coverage. We will pay high premiums to pay for all those without.

I'm really looking forward to paying for other peoples HC. OH yes. NOT.

Newsflash: Those of us with insurance have been paying for people who don't have insurance for years now. The only thing that changes in that respect is how we pay for those uninsured people.

Nah. I see where your going.

Arguement 1: We need to force hospitals to care for thoes who cannot pay.
Arguement 2: Hospitals cant affort to treat those who cannot pay
Arguement 3: The Government needs to force people to pay for the healthcare of thoes who cannot pay. Thoes who can pay but refuse to do so must be forced to do so or face a fee lower than that of a normal healthcare plan. This ensures that everyone gets forced in to government sponsered healthcare because its cheaper than the regular plan. And since the government doesent need to make a profit we can put all the insurance companies out of business and implement socialized medicine at the expense of the tax payer.
Arguement 4: The people are smoking, drinking, and eating too much. we should tax alcohal, tobbaco, and unhealthy food more to compensate them for their lack of diciplen and sway them from buying junk food.
Arguement 5: The people are living unhealthy lifestyles and eating too much. We need to regulate the food intake of all Americans and force them to work out. Refusal to partisipate will be punished by jail or fine.
Arguement 6: Now that our country isnt competitive in the world market and we are bankrupt because of all the "well intentioned" entitlement programs and regulations, no one can have or afford healthcare and we need a government to step in and regulate all aspects of our life from cradle to grave to make sure it does not happen again.

Argument: I guess it comes down to a simple question of, do you think you should be denied health care in the country if you can not afford it.

If you say yes, then we really have nothing else to discuss.

If you say no, we discuss how do we best pay for it. Which is what this legislation is about.
The only ones who will make out with Obamacare are those who don't have HC coverage now. They pay nothing now and will pay nothing with Obamcare.

The losers will be those with coverage. We will pay high premiums to pay for all those without.

I'm really looking forward to paying for other peoples HC. OH yes. NOT.

Newsflash: Those of us with insurance have been paying for people who don't have insurance for years now. The only thing that changes in that respect is how we pay for those uninsured people.

Well at least you admit this makes most of us worse off.
The only ones who will make out with Obamacare are those who don't have HC coverage now. They pay nothing now and will pay nothing with Obamcare.

The losers will be those with coverage. We will pay high premiums to pay for all those without.

I'm really looking forward to paying for other peoples HC. OH yes. NOT.

Newsflash: Those of us with insurance have been paying for people who don't have insurance for years now. The only thing that changes in that respect is how we pay for those uninsured people.

Well at least you admit this makes most of us worse off.

Newsflash: Those of us with insurance have been paying for people who don't have insurance for years now. The only thing that changes in that respect is how we pay for those uninsured people.

Nah. I see where your going.

Arguement 1: We need to force hospitals to care for thoes who cannot pay.
Arguement 2: Hospitals cant affort to treat those who cannot pay
Arguement 3: The Government needs to force people to pay for the healthcare of thoes who cannot pay. Thoes who can pay but refuse to do so must be forced to do so or face a fee lower than that of a normal healthcare plan. This ensures that everyone gets forced in to government sponsered healthcare because its cheaper than the regular plan. And since the government doesent need to make a profit we can put all the insurance companies out of business and implement socialized medicine at the expense of the tax payer.
Arguement 4: The people are smoking, drinking, and eating too much. we should tax alcohal, tobbaco, and unhealthy food more to compensate them for their lack of diciplen and sway them from buying junk food.
Arguement 5: The people are living unhealthy lifestyles and eating too much. We need to regulate the food intake of all Americans and force them to work out. Refusal to partisipate will be punished by jail or fine.
Arguement 6: Now that our country isnt competitive in the world market and we are bankrupt because of all the "well intentioned" entitlement programs and regulations, no one can have or afford healthcare and we need a government to step in and regulate all aspects of our life from cradle to grave to make sure it does not happen again.

Argument: I guess it comes down to a simple question of, do you think you should be denied health care in the country if you can not afford it.

If you say yes, then we really have nothing else to discuss.

If you say no, we discuss how do we best pay for it. Which is what this legislation is about.

It depends. WHY can't 'you' afford it?
Newsflash: Those of us with insurance have been paying for people who don't have insurance for years now. The only thing that changes in that respect is how we pay for those uninsured people.

Well at least you admit this makes most of us worse off.


Well you did. You said exactly what I've been arguing. It doesn't get those who aren't paying to pay it just changes who the burden for paying is on. In short, raising permiums for all of us to defer the costs of those that can't pay. Again glad you admit this policy sacrafices the many for the sake of the few.
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Newsflash: Those of us with insurance have been paying for people who don't have insurance for years now. The only thing that changes in that respect is how we pay for those uninsured people.

Nah. I see where your going.

Arguement 1: We need to force hospitals to care for thoes who cannot pay.
Arguement 2: Hospitals cant affort to treat those who cannot pay
Arguement 3: The Government needs to force people to pay for the healthcare of thoes who cannot pay. Thoes who can pay but refuse to do so must be forced to do so or face a fee lower than that of a normal healthcare plan. This ensures that everyone gets forced in to government sponsered healthcare because its cheaper than the regular plan. And since the government doesent need to make a profit we can put all the insurance companies out of business and implement socialized medicine at the expense of the tax payer.
Arguement 4: The people are smoking, drinking, and eating too much. we should tax alcohal, tobbaco, and unhealthy food more to compensate them for their lack of diciplen and sway them from buying junk food.
Arguement 5: The people are living unhealthy lifestyles and eating too much. We need to regulate the food intake of all Americans and force them to work out. Refusal to partisipate will be punished by jail or fine.
Arguement 6: Now that our country isnt competitive in the world market and we are bankrupt because of all the "well intentioned" entitlement programs and regulations, no one can have or afford healthcare and we need a government to step in and regulate all aspects of our life from cradle to grave to make sure it does not happen again.

Argument: I guess it comes down to a simple question of, do you think you should be denied health care in the country if you can not afford it.

If you say yes, then we really have nothing else to discuss.

If you say no, we discuss how do we best pay for it. Which is what this legislation is about.

Thats right. Ask any old timer who was around befor government assisted healthcare and see how the prices skyrocked after. If you really want none of us to have healthcare you do this >>> U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time Medicare liability. $77,000,000,000,000 . Prescription drug liability. $19,000,000,000,000 . Liability per taxpayer. $1,014,000. Not at all realistic. And thats not counting the money every family pais for healthcare before they get those entitlements. Welcome to reality. If you think that we can afford Obamacare always remember that liberals said the same thing about Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid. Every time the government steps in to solve the ills of society they always do the exact oppisite of what they set out for. You cant afford healthcare? Thats none of my consern!
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The only ones who will make out with Obamacare are those who don't have HC coverage now. They pay nothing now and will pay nothing with Obamcare.

The losers will be those with coverage. We will pay high premiums to pay for all those without.

I'm really looking forward to paying for other peoples HC. OH yes. NOT.

Newsflash: Those of us with insurance have been paying for people who don't have insurance for years now. The only thing that changes in that respect is how we pay for those uninsured people.

If the above figures are correct the cost of covering those uninsured has more than doubled. so that old "we doing it anyway bullshit meme" is dumb.

The above figures are not terribly forthright.

The first figure considers that a family is only paying for itself, and not paying to cover people on social security (as someone mentioned) the average amount of people covered are 3.1

The second figure is in regards to a program that will operate like social security and the average amount of people covered is 31,000,000.

It's a statistical non sequitur.
Nah. I see where your going.

Arguement 1: We need to force hospitals to care for thoes who cannot pay.
Arguement 2: Hospitals cant affort to treat those who cannot pay
Arguement 3: The Government needs to force people to pay for the healthcare of thoes who cannot pay. Thoes who can pay but refuse to do so must be forced to do so or face a fee lower than that of a normal healthcare plan. This ensures that everyone gets forced in to government sponsered healthcare because its cheaper than the regular plan. And since the government doesent need to make a profit we can put all the insurance companies out of business and implement socialized medicine at the expense of the tax payer.
Arguement 4: The people are smoking, drinking, and eating too much. we should tax alcohal, tobbaco, and unhealthy food more to compensate them for their lack of diciplen and sway them from buying junk food.
Arguement 5: The people are living unhealthy lifestyles and eating too much. We need to regulate the food intake of all Americans and force them to work out. Refusal to partisipate will be punished by jail or fine.
Arguement 6: Now that our country isnt competitive in the world market and we are bankrupt because of all the "well intentioned" entitlement programs and regulations, no one can have or afford healthcare and we need a government to step in and regulate all aspects of our life from cradle to grave to make sure it does not happen again.

Argument: I guess it comes down to a simple question of, do you think you should be denied health care in the country if you can not afford it.

If you say yes, then we really have nothing else to discuss.

If you say no, we discuss how do we best pay for it. Which is what this legislation is about.

Thats right. Ask any old timer who was around befor government assisted healthcare and see how the prices skyrocked after. If you really want none of us to have healthcare you do this >>> U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time Medicare liability. $77,000,000,000,000 . Prescription drug liability. $19,000,000,000,000 . Liability per taxpayer. $1,014,000. Not at all realistic. And thats not counting the money every family pais for healthcare before they get those entitlements. Welcome to reality. If you think that we can afford Obamacare always remember that liberals said the same thing about Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid. Every time the government steps in to solve the ills of society they always do the exact oppisite of what they set out for. You cant afford healthcare? Thats none of my consern!

The cost of medicine is higher for a lot of reasons beyond the "Guberment". It only stands to reason that medicine was cheaper when a stethescope and X-Ray was considered high technology.

Furthermore, as I've pointed out to you dullards on many occasions, medicine is taught and learned at teaching hospitals that service medicaid populations, the uninsured, and the under insured.

Do you think anyone that can afford to pay for healthcare is going to let a medical student poke and prod on them and be treated by a resident physician? Fuck no.

If you guys eliminate "government healthcare" you will be completely screwing up how medical training works in this country. Eventually it will be your consern, because your physicians will be poorly trained.

You don't learn medicine from a book. You learn it from patients.
Well at least you admit this makes most of us worse off.


Well you did. You said exactly what I've been arguing. It doesn't get those who aren't paying to pay it just changes who the burden for paying is on. In short, raising permiums for all of us to defer the costs of those that can't pay. Again glad you admit this policy sacrafices the many for the sake of the few.

LOL, I said what? I said, and have always said we are already paying for the care of the uninsured. When did I ever say otherwise?
Enter the crickets.

I said there was nothing else to discuss if you are of the opinion that those who can't afford health care shouldn't be able to receive it.

Hence, you get crickets.

Unless you are Warren Buffett, eventually medical bills are so expensive that no one can afford it.

The result of the "solution" proposed here is that the hospital would simply unplug you when you could no longer pay them and your insurance refused to cover any more treatments.

I'll bet the OP considers himself "pro-life" too.

Well you did. You said exactly what I've been arguing. It doesn't get those who aren't paying to pay it just changes who the burden for paying is on. In short, raising permiums for all of us to defer the costs of those that can't pay. Again glad you admit this policy sacrafices the many for the sake of the few.

LOL, I said what? I said, and have always said we are already paying for the care of the uninsured. When did I ever say otherwise?

It would beg the question, why change? Does it really change it. You were complaining our health care premiums were increasing paying for these bullet without insurance. And a good solution to you as a piece legislation that covers the people that can't pay by........ummm........increasing our premiums? And you wonder why I find you wholly illogical.
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Well you did. You said exactly what I've been arguing. It doesn't get those who aren't paying to pay it just changes who the burden for paying is on. In short, raising permiums for all of us to defer the costs of those that can't pay. Again glad you admit this policy sacrafices the many for the sake of the few.

LOL, I said what? I said, and have always said we are already paying for the care of the uninsured. When did I ever say otherwise?

I would beg the question, why change?

Why change from the way healthcare was before? Because we were paying for the uninsured in a VERY inefficient and expensive manner and it needed to be done better/cheaper.

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