Why many conservatives find education dangerous


Posting From Hunters Laptop
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 23, 2019
A quick short read that nails it. Conservatives think education is brainwashing when in fact education gives one the tools to freely reject poorly supported arguments and bad logic.

There is no mystery why conservatives find education dangerous. A 2015 Pew Research Center study quantified that the better educated one is, the more likely one is to hold liberal beliefs. But I’d argue, contrary to what conservatives seem to feel, that’s not because of bullying professors shouting left-wing dogma. Rather, it’s because once you learn how to think, you’re less susceptible to thin reasoning and easy answers. And increasingly, that’s all conservatism’s got.

all libs
not 1, or 2, or 5, but DOZENS --screwing over the CHILDREN

HAHHAHAHAHAHAAH--that's what my second post is about!!!!! --HHAHAHAHAHAH..BLACK teachers CHEATING for the kids---LIBERALS find education dangerous
Nowhere near as much as whites and asians cheat.

A quick short read that nails it. Conservatives think education is brainwashing when in fact education gives one the tools to freely reject poorly supported arguments and bad logic.

There is no mystery why conservatives find education dangerous. A 2015 Pew Research Center study quantified that the better educated one is, the more likely one is to hold liberal beliefs. But I’d argue, contrary to what conservatives seem to feel, that’s not because of bullying professors shouting left-wing dogma. Rather, it’s because once you learn how to think, you’re less susceptible to thin reasoning and easy answers. And increasingly, that’s all conservatism’s got.

I'm conservative, I don't think that way. I know other conservatives that would agree with me and not you. Maybe, if you didn't use a left wing lowbrow op-ed piece you could actually talk and discuss. The only real purpose of this thread is to flame. What an uneducated and childish thread you started.
...the Dems cities are like African shitholes--poor education and HIGH crime rates----and they want us to listen to THEM!!!!
It's hilarious dumb ass Dems start threads like this when their Dem run school systems are giant failures in spite of sky high school taxes and spending $20k a year on each student. :auiqs.jpg:

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