Why libs hate generalizations...


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2004
Generalizations can be accurate or innaccurate. Libs hate accurate generalizations of their positions, because they don't like to think about what they actually believe and how absurd it is. They also don't like such a clear identification of their beliefs made public; liberals spend half their time PRETENDING they love america.
Let's look at Kerry. Now he says he'd stay the course in Iraq. SO how is his plan different from Bush's? Overtly it's not. The difference is this: We all know he's lying and that he'd sell america down the river the first chance he gets. Libs identify with someone who lies about supporting america. That's why kerry's their guy.
I find the libs always finding some loophole to try to disprove a general statement and use some obscure exception the discredit
the majority of the truth in the generalization.
not according to this liberal from the village voice:


WASHINGTON, D.C.— With the air gushing out of John Kerry's balloon, it may be only a matter of time until political insiders in Washington face the dread reality that the junior senator from Massachusetts doesn't have what it takes to win and has got to go. As arrogant and out of it as the Democratic political establishment is, even these pols know the party's got to have someone to run against George Bush. They can't exactly expect the president to self-destruct into thin air.

With growing issues over his wealth (which makes fellow plutocrat Bush seem a charity case by comparison), the miasma over his medals and ribbons (or ribbons and medals), his uninspiring record in the Senate (yes war, no war), and wishy-washy efforts to mimic Bill Clinton's triangulation gimmickry (the protractor factor), Kerry sinks day by day. The pros all know that the candidate who starts each morning by having to explain himself is a goner.

What to do? Look for the Dem biggies, whoever they are these days, to sit down with the rich and arrogant presumptive nominee and try to persuade him to take a hike. Then they can return to business as usual—resurrecting John Edwards, who is still hanging around, or staging an open convention in Boston, or both.

If things proceed as they are, the dim-bulb Dem leaders are going to be very sorry they screwed Howard Dean.

***i know i have posted this article before, but it makes a great point, which is not typical of the V.V.
Too late in the race to lose Kerry but considering how pathetic he is, it may happen. The big wigs and money people ( clintons) are already planning for Hillarys inauguration at some Hard Rock cafe.
She could give a shit about '04----'08 is her baby and she has the war chest to do it---I don't see her sharing any of it with Kerry
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
The difference is this: We all know he's lying and that he'd sell america down the river the first chance he gets. Libs identify with someone who lies about supporting america. That's why kerry's their guy.

consider the source, folks.

The King of Generalizers=RWA.
Originally posted by nycflasher
consider the source, folks.

The King of Generalizers=RWA.

But see, generalizations are useful tools. But I understand, when you're a lib, and the only thing in your toybox are personal attacks and shutting down the conversation, accurate generalizations bust up your game plan like a mofo.
well said RWA----the libs look for exceptions to the rules and then try to convince everyone that it is the norm. The media will help them by focusing only on the exception and not the majority of what is thought on any given issue. Now we they are helping our enemy by taking up our leaders time. They have to defend themselves against every piss ant attack while they could be improving all aspects of the war on terrorism
Originally posted by dilloduck
well said RWA----the libs look for exceptions to the rules and then try to convince everyone that it is the norm. The media will help them by focusing only on the exception and not the majority of what is thought on any given issue. Now we they are helping our enemy by taking up our leaders time. They have to defend themselves against every piss ant attack while they could be improving all aspects of the war on terrorism


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