Why isn't the survival of the human animal and space exploration our top priority?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Watching a spate of Science Channel docs last night I found myself thinking, "ensuring the survival of the human race colonizing other worlds to protect us from an asteroid impact, or other planetary disaster is certainly worth doing." Yet when I watch a bit of the news it's all terrorism and the latest retard-inspired political nonsense. Shouldn't we be doing other things that what we claim is so important? What's business, celebrity, or even war compared to a big rock hitting the planet wiping us all out? You know, like that 650m one tumbling by in a week or the 1km+ one that just did? What's all the terroism, sports, and celebrity gossip mean the day a rock hits us threatening a mass extinction?

Shouldn't we be doing other things?
Well yes, we should. Yet when scientists show us the dangers of adding too much GHG's to the atmosphere, the denialists are out in droves, even threatoning the scientists with imprisonment if they continue their research. An asteroid or comet hitting the Earth? The man on the street could be less concerned. Chances are that it will not happen in his lifetime, so he does not care.

There is at present, in the US for sure, a love of willfull ignorance that completely ignores Jefferson's warning to our nation.
Well yes, we should. Yet when scientists show us the dangers of adding too much GHG's to the atmosphere, the denialists are out in droves, even threatoning the scientists with imprisonment if they continue their research. An asteroid or comet hitting the Earth? The man on the street could be less concerned. Chances are that it will not happen in his lifetime, so he does not care.

There is at present, in the US for sure, a love of willfull ignorance that completely ignores Jefferson's warning to our nation.

Ask people in Cherblynsk (sp) if it matters, they'll tell you it does. It's already happened in their lifetime. Only thing that spared the city from what was a 400 kiloton airburst was it airburst high enough overhead the shockwave didn't flatten the city. And that was a relatively itty-bitty rock.

Planetary defense and space development and colonization should be our only priority. Nothing else much matters when confronted by the reality that our solar system isn't as safe as serene as we used to think.
Watching a spate of Science Channel docs last night I found myself thinking, "ensuring the survival of the human race colonizing other worlds to protect us from an asteroid impact, or other planetary disaster is certainly worth doing." Yet when I watch a bit of the news it's all terrorism and the latest retard-inspired political nonsense. Shouldn't we be doing other things that what we claim is so important? What's business, celebrity, or even war compared to a big rock hitting the planet wiping us all out? You know, like that 650m one tumbling by in a week or the 1km+ one that just did? What's all the terroism, sports, and celebrity gossip mean the day a rock hits us threatening a mass extinction?

Shouldn't we be doing other things?

Why isn't the survival of the human animal and space exploration our top priority?

Welfare be expensive.
NASA...we have a problem....

Yes, we should have science and survival as our first priority but instead, we have Ted (Carnival) Cruz with a big hatchet in his hand.
Well yes, we should. Yet when scientists show us the dangers of adding too much GHG's to the atmosphere, the denialists are out in droves, even threatoning the scientists with imprisonment if they continue their research. An asteroid or comet hitting the Earth? The man on the street could be less concerned. Chances are that it will not happen in his lifetime, so he does not care.

There is at present, in the US for sure, a love of willfull ignorance that completely ignores Jefferson's warning to our nation.

^ Stupid this complete is why we should never venture out into space. Can you imagine some superior alien race listening to Old Rocks tell them the threat to humanity a 120PPM increase in CO2 represented? They would destroy all life on Earth just to keep the stupid from spreading
NASA sucks. It's UPS for getting deliveries into orbit. And blaming politicians who're simply cogs in a failing machine isn't sensible either. We need to radically reform how things work and get done. The current paradigm and system can only fail projected fowards. Eventually, either everything will collapse when we default on the National Debt, or by some other event, or we'll admit this failure and looming collamity and fix things and rededicate ourselves to things that actually matter.

We have the technology and know-how to prevent our own extinction. Anyone not working on that goal should be removed from the decision-making process.
How can any species that knows the difference between right and wrong yet willingly and knowingly chooses wrong be expected to endure forever?
Turning a simple straight-foward 'let's ensure we don't get wiped out' into a political issue is exactly my point. People doing that need to be...Removed from their positions.
Why do so many liberals claim to be all about nature except when it comes to humans?

Ever notice that?

Does survival of the fittest even pertain to humans. If so, then what is with this cry and plea from the grievance industry supporters about reparations?

Was it actually unrighteous for the Europeans to take the land that could not be defended by people who did not have a word for wheel? They will pretend to not know the point I am making. Seems to me every species that reproduces sexually is a territorial species.

Then there is the black race. <snicker> Should I even mention survival of the fittest? Bones through the nose!!!!

Liberals, have it both ways for virtually every subject.

You have to love the way I fuck with the hypocrites, don't you?
Watching a spate of Science Channel docs last night I found myself thinking, "ensuring the survival of the human race colonizing other worlds to protect us from an asteroid impact, or other planetary disaster is certainly worth doing." Yet when I watch a bit of the news it's all terrorism and the latest retard-inspired political nonsense. Shouldn't we be doing other things that what we claim is so important? What's business, celebrity, or even war compared to a big rock hitting the planet wiping us all out? You know, like that 650m one tumbling by in a week or the 1km+ one that just did? What's all the terroism, sports, and celebrity gossip mean the day a rock hits us threatening a mass extinction?

Shouldn't we be doing other things?
If we were to go elsewhere in our solar system, who's to say that it couldn't happen there as well? Outer space activity is not an exact science. We're still learning about difference conditions, the make up of planets, stars, and "space junk". Space is basically an unknown to us. Why not try to fix the problems we have here on Earth, and study space at the same time? We're already testing methods that would possibly deflect "space junk" from hitting us. We have way too many serious issues here on Earth that have a real chance of doing extreme damage and almost total devastation if not addressed.

I understand your point, but what you're suggesting would take resources that we don't have, and possibly diverting resources that we do have, towards something that may not happen in the foreseeable future. Yes, we've been lucky, but at this stage, there's no way of knowing just how far we are from a direct hit by a large enough object to destroy Earth. I'm sure that there are many trained eyes watch the sky.
Why do so many liberals claim to be all about nature except when it comes to humans?

Ever notice that?

Does survival of the fittest even pertain to humans. If so, then what is with this cry and plea from the grievance industry supporters about reparations?

Was it actually unrighteous for the Europeans to take the land that could not be defended by people who did not have a word for wheel? They will pretend to not know the point I am making. Seems to me every species that reproduces sexually is a territorial species.

Then there is the black race. <snicker> Should I even mention survival of the fittest? Bones through the nose!!!!

Liberals, have it both ways for virtually every subject.

You have to love the way I fuck with the hypocrites, don't you?
If it were not for Black people white people would still be illiterate. Show some gratitude we convinced you that living in caves and eating each other was uncivilized.
Why do so many liberals claim to be all about nature except when it comes to humans?

Ever notice that?

Does survival of the fittest even pertain to humans. If so, then what is with this cry and plea from the grievance industry supporters about reparations?

Was it actually unrighteous for the Europeans to take the land that could not be defended by people who did not have a word for wheel? They will pretend to not know the point I am making. Seems to me every species that reproduces sexually is a territorial species.

Then there is the black race. <snicker> Should I even mention survival of the fittest? Bones through the nose!!!!

Liberals, have it both ways for virtually every subject.

You have to love the way I fuck with the hypocrites, don't you?
If it were not for Black people white people would still be illiterate. Show some gratitude we convinced you that living in caves and eating each other was uncivilized.

If it were not for Black people white people would still be illiterate.

Not doing so well on black literacy lately.
Why do so many liberals claim to be all about nature except when it comes to humans?

Ever notice that?

Does survival of the fittest even pertain to humans. If so, then what is with this cry and plea from the grievance industry supporters about reparations?

Was it actually unrighteous for the Europeans to take the land that could not be defended by people who did not have a word for wheel? They will pretend to not know the point I am making. Seems to me every species that reproduces sexually is a territorial species.

Then there is the black race. <snicker> Should I even mention survival of the fittest? Bones through the nose!!!!

Liberals, have it both ways for virtually every subject.

You have to love the way I fuck with the hypocrites, don't you?
If it were not for Black people white people would still be illiterate. Show some gratitude we convinced you that living in caves and eating each other was uncivilized.

If it were not for Black people white people would still be illiterate.

Not doing so well on black literacy lately.
White people had no concept of literacy until Black people showed them.

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