Why is USMB a hub for bad views?


Senior Member
Dec 6, 2013
Along the Ohio River
Anyone with a minimal intellectual background will see this site consists mostly of terribly reasoned posts. I'm referring to mainly the popular topics like "Environment" section, "Politics" etc. but then again, each section is typically inundated with poorly reasoned arguments on either side of the issue, but mostly from conservatives.

I am generalizing which tends to exaggerate the matter a little bit. I want to be clear I'm not saying people are dumb or bad people, I'm just saying their premises and conclusions are often founded on water instead of solid ground.

I was wondering why this general trend is so? Is this the real spectrum of thought in America? A genuine representation? Or is there something about this site that attracts an overwhelming majority of inadequate rigor and woefully unfounded assertions?

Any thoughts?

I thought perhaps the answer might be the fact the URL contains "US" (message boards) and therefore anyone who wants critical discussion automatically knows US=uncritical thought. Yes? No?

Again, this is a only trend I'm denoting in America. If usmessageboads is a genuine representation of American thought then whoa! America is not what I thought it was! But my opinion is this site is not a genuine representation.
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Anyone with a minimal intellectual background will see this site consists mostly of terribly reasoned posts. I'm referring to mainly the popular topics like "Environment" section, "Politics" etc. but then again, each section is typically inundated with poorly reasoned arguments on either side of the issue, but mostly from conservatives.

I am generalizing which tends to exaggerate the matter a little bit. I want to be clear I'm not saying people are dumb or bad people, I'm just saying their premises and conclusions are often founded on water instead of solid ground.

I was wondering why this general trend is so? Is this the real spectrum of thought in America? A genuine representation? Or is there something about this site that attracts an overwhelming majority of inadequate rigor and woefully unfounded assertions?

Any thoughts?

I thought perhaps the answer might be the fact the URL contains "US" (message boards) and therefore anyone who wants critical discussion automatically knows US=uncritical thought. Yes? No?

Again, this is a only trend I'm denoting in America. If usmessageboads is a genuine representation of American thought then whoa! America is not what I thought it was! But my opinion is this site is not a genuine representation.

I'm afraid I'm not following your logic here. Could you restate it more clearly?

You're not included in my analysis dblack. I think you are fairly intelligent. I'm just asking if there is a reason this site is fraught with bad reasoning? Does it genuinely represent the US populous?
You're not included in my analysis dblack. I think you are fairly intelligent. I'm just asking if there is a reason this site is fraught with bad reasoning? Does it genuinely represent the US populous?

There's plenty of smart folks here. They just don't types fast as some of the other posters.
Actually...I have come to the unhappy conclusion that USMB, although I love it here and will continue to call it my home board, is full of children instead of grownups.

If you thank a post..you automatically are in "with them".
If you co exist and post alongside someone that someone else does not like, you are automatically in "with them".
If you agree with someone about something, you are automatically in "with them".
If you post Blah Blah...you are a liberal.
If you post Yadda Yadda...you are a conservative.
If you do either, you are automatically in with "them".
If you disagree with what someone says, you are a lib.
If you disagree with what someone says, you are a conservative.
If you breathe just so....you are in a gangbanging hag squad and are in with "them".

There is no being unique and a separate individual. Here, you are in with "someone" and that is usually a bad thing to some that are in with the OTHER "someones".

And if you ask a question, you are a troll.
Anyone with a minimal intellectual background will see this site consists mostly of terribly reasoned posts. I'm referring to mainly the popular topics like "Environment" section, "Politics" etc. but then again, each section is typically inundated with poorly reasoned arguments on either side of the issue, but mostly from conservatives.

I am generalizing which tends to exaggerate the matter a little bit. I want to be clear I'm not saying people are dumb or bad people, I'm just saying their premises and conclusions are often founded on water instead of solid ground.

I was wondering why this general trend is so? Is this the real spectrum of thought in America? A genuine representation? Or is there something about this site that attracts an overwhelming majority of inadequate rigor and woefully unfounded assertions?

Any thoughts?

I thought perhaps the answer might be the fact the URL contains "US" (message boards) and therefore anyone who wants critical discussion automatically knows US=uncritical thought. Yes? No?

Again, this is a only trend I'm denoting in America. If usmessageboads is a genuine representation of American thought then whoa! America is not what I thought it was! But my opinion is this site is not a genuine representation.

I'd actually make the point that anyone who spends a great amount of time discussing topic subjects in an online discussion site is LESS intelligent than the average citizen. Nothing ever changes here, Congress isn't watching and writing or changing legislation because of what we say here. It's intellectual masturbation, that's all.
Interesting. Watch CPAC this weekend - I would guess cspan is covering it. A few links below. Then consider the quote below.

"In the bowels of the National Harbor convention center in suburban Maryland on Thursday, a nonprofit called Empact America schooled attendees about the threat of a terrorist attack by way of an electromagnetic pulse. Former Reagan Defense Department official Frank Gaffney articulated his view that anti-tax activist and American Conservative Union board member Grover Norquist is an undercover agent for the Muslim Brotherhood. Ginni Thomas, a Daily Caller contributor and wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, alleged that President Barack Obama may be guilty of providing material support for terrorism. At least one panelist suggested that Speaker of the House John Boehner was a part of the Benghazi cover-up. (Who can say?)" Has the Conservative Political Action Conference Purged the Kooks? | Mother Jones

Then listen to Limbaugh or any of the other conservative talking heads. Watch Fox sometime. Now ask yourself where is the reality, the factual information, even just an attempt at honest reporting? These are the sources of information for the right wingers on usmb, do you really expect reasoned debate? Did anyone see the theater which is a Darrell Issa investigation? (Full disclosure, I too sometimes engage in hyperbole.)


Conservative Political Action Conference | Video | C-SPAN.org
CPAC 2014 Day 2 | Video | C-SPAN.org
Anyone with a minimal intellectual background will see this site consists mostly of terribly reasoned posts. I'm referring to mainly the popular topics like "Environment" section, "Politics" etc. but then again, each section is typically inundated with poorly reasoned arguments on either side of the issue, but mostly from conservatives.

I am generalizing which tends to exaggerate the matter a little bit. I want to be clear I'm not saying people are dumb or bad people, I'm just saying their premises and conclusions are often founded on water instead of solid ground.

I was wondering why this general trend is so? Is this the real spectrum of thought in America? A genuine representation? Or is there something about this site that attracts an overwhelming majority of inadequate rigor and woefully unfounded assertions?

Any thoughts?

I thought perhaps the answer might be the fact the URL contains "US" (message boards) and therefore anyone who wants critical discussion automatically knows US=uncritical thought. Yes? No?

Again, this is a only trend I'm denoting in America. If usmessageboads is a genuine representation of American thought then whoa! America is not what I thought it was! But my opinion is this site is not a genuine representation.

I'd actually make the point that anyone who spends a great amount of time discussing topic subjects in an online discussion site is LESS intelligent than the average citizen. Nothing ever changes here, Congress isn't watching and writing or changing legislation because of what we say here. It's intellectual masturbation, that's all.

I've tried to honestly evaluate why I come here. At times intellectual masturbation is a part but its not the full picture. The more I've learned which users are a waste of time I've been able to achieve better discussion. In fact, I think coming to this site has really helped me evaluate my beliefs more and re-enter the realm of challenging my ideas like I did 5 years ago....although I admit that doesn't happen enough here. My aim is to come here and find out what compromises or shared ideas exist that can help propel us from the stalemate we've had and will continue to indefinitely have.

Does anyone think this is a genuine representation of the American spectrum of thought? Just terrible critical thinking skills?
Does anyone think this is a genuine representation of the American spectrum of thought? Just terrible critical thinking skills?

I have seen no evidence that you are qualified to judge critical thinking skills. I think you are just a troll who thinks far too highly of himself.
Interesting. Watch CPAC this weekend - I would guess cspan is covering it. A few links below. Then consider the quote below.

"In the bowels of the National Harbor convention center in suburban Maryland on Thursday, a nonprofit called Empact America schooled attendees about the threat of a terrorist attack by way of an electromagnetic pulse. Former Reagan Defense Department official Frank Gaffney articulated his view that anti-tax activist and American Conservative Union board member Grover Norquist is an undercover agent for the Muslim Brotherhood. Ginni Thomas, a Daily Caller contributor and wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, alleged that President Barack Obama may be guilty of providing material support for terrorism. At least one panelist suggested that Speaker of the House John Boehner was a part of the Benghazi cover-up. (Who can say?)" Has the Conservative Political Action Conference Purged the Kooks? | Mother Jones

Then listen to Limbaugh or any of the other conservative talking heads. Watch Fox sometime. Now ask yourself where is the reality, the factual information, even just an attempt at honest reporting? These are the sources of information for the right wingers on usmb, do you really expect reasoned debate? Did anyone see the theater which is a Darrell Issa investigation? (Full disclosure, I too sometimes engage in hyperbole.)


Conservative Political Action Conference | Video | C-SPAN.org
CPAC 2014 Day 2 | Video | C-SPAN.org

The Ted Cruz is scary. That is, he instills fear into people effectively and uses sophistry, using the same language of an intelligent being without the intelligence. And that is scary! People are so eaten alive and deeply believe in division and fear and can't see that is coming from their own beliefs, and it doesn't have to be that way.
The Ted Cruz is scary. That is, he instills fear into people effectively and uses sophistry, using the same language of an intelligent being without the intelligence. And that is scary!

Your attitude is "scary." It seems very likely that he is far more intelligent than you, troll.
I'd actually make the point that anyone who spends a great amount of time discussing topic subjects in an online discussion site is LESS intelligent than the average citizen. Nothing ever changes here, Congress isn't watching and writing or changing legislation because of what we say here. It's intellectual masturbation, that's all.
I tend to disagree. Most of the posters here (conservatives and liberals alike) are quite familiar with current events, whether it's politics or world events. The average citizen may not post here as they lack the knowledge to engage in discussion on these events.
You're not included in my analysis dblack. I think you are fairly intelligent. I'm just asking if there is a reason this site is fraught with bad reasoning? Does it genuinely represent the US populous?

I've been to college. Does that count?

I would like to think that most intelligent people are out earning money. There are some exceptions here.

There is no discrimination when people sign up. I think that the board has its share of trolls.

They also taught us in college that people might be dumb but they aren't stupid.

I think if you expect people to put five hours into a post like a college paper then you are mistaken.
Anyone with a minimal intellectual background will see this site consists mostly of terribly reasoned posts. I'm referring to mainly the popular topics like "Environment" section, "Politics" etc. but then again, each section is typically inundated with poorly reasoned arguments on either side of the issue, but mostly from conservatives.

I am generalizing which tends to exaggerate the matter a little bit. I want to be clear I'm not saying people are dumb or bad people, I'm just saying their premises and conclusions are often founded on water instead of solid ground.

I was wondering why this general trend is so? Is this the real spectrum of thought in America? A genuine representation? Or is there something about this site that attracts an overwhelming majority of inadequate rigor and woefully unfounded assertions?

Any thoughts?

I thought perhaps the answer might be the fact the URL contains "US" (message boards) and therefore anyone who wants critical discussion automatically knows US=uncritical thought. Yes? No?

Again, this is a only trend I'm denoting in America. If usmessageboads is a genuine representation of American thought then whoa! America is not what I thought it was! But my opinion is this site is not a genuine representation.

My guess is it's because you and your ilk are extremely poorly educated, lack the intellectual capacity to carry on a conversation in your own words (though I must give you kudos, you are one of the few libtards who is not merely a cut and paste drone) or are so politically motivated that you abandoned intellectual honesty in the pursuit of your progressive goals.

But that's just a guess.
Anyone with a minimal intellectual background will see this site consists mostly of terribly reasoned posts. I'm referring to mainly the popular topics like "Environment" section, "Politics" etc. but then again, each section is typically inundated with poorly reasoned arguments on either side of the issue, but mostly from conservatives.

I am generalizing which tends to exaggerate the matter a little bit. I want to be clear I'm not saying people are dumb or bad people, I'm just saying their premises and conclusions are often founded on water instead of solid ground.

I was wondering why this general trend is so? Is this the real spectrum of thought in America? A genuine representation? Or is there something about this site that attracts an overwhelming majority of inadequate rigor and woefully unfounded assertions?

Any thoughts?

I thought perhaps the answer might be the fact the URL contains "US" (message boards) and therefore anyone who wants critical discussion automatically knows US=uncritical thought. Yes? No?

Again, this is a only trend I'm denoting in America. If usmessageboads is a genuine representation of American thought then whoa! America is not what I thought it was! But my opinion is this site is not a genuine representation.
There are lots of reasons for these type of posts. Some are trolling threads where the author is just trying to upset people, not engage in any meaningful debate or discussion. However, most of the threads are abstracts from highly biased sensational articles which the author has no intention of offering any logical defense, just trite comments that have been repeated a million times. As you've probable notice, originality is not a hallmark of this board.
My guess is it's because you and your ilk are extremely poorly educated

You focus so much energy into disavowing anyone who disagrees with you, its hysterical the lengths you go. Thanks for your invaluable critique but I don't need you evaluating my education as if you knew the first thing about me or that your "guess" makes any sense to begin with. You only reveal how little sense you make when your vitriol bubbles up and says "extremely poorly educated." I guess that sums it up in that it sums up your poor language skills and hints at your massive superiority complex to overcome your lack of education despite obtaining 2 PhDs.

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