Why is This Video "Age Restricted"?


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2011
Up on the scaffold
My theory is that YouTube is actively trying to disrupt the pro-White message by only allowing the herd to watch pro-White content uploaded onto their website if you sign in, citing "adult content", even though there isn't any, in an effort to appeal the herd's laziness i.e. - 'Oh, you have to sign in. Can't be bothered.'

They've also most likely done this because they know that social media sites like vBulletin and Facebook won't host a video portal with a script telling the host that the content is age restricted, thus choking the message's distribution.

Anyway, take a look:

White Women Are Getting Fed Up
My theory is that YouTube is actively trying to disrupt the pro-White message by only allowing the herd to watch pro-White content uploaded onto their website if you sign in, citing "adult content", even though there isn't any, in an effort to appeal the herd's laziness i.e. - 'Oh, you have to sign in. Can't be bothered.'

They've also most likely done this because they know that social media sites like vBulletin and Facebook won't host a video portal with a script telling the host that the content is age restricted, thus choking the message's distribution.

Anyway, take a look:

White Women Are Getting Fed Up
What a shame, racists finding it difficult to spread their crap.... booohoooo

Stop trying to change a subject you clearly find uncomfortable, coward. There was nothing "racist" in the video I linked to.

I didn't watch the video, but you yourself basically said it was all about racism.

I know how the far right works, and I know how the British far right works even better. I know what key words exist. I could quote for Griffin's 2001 speech if you like..

"So, instead of talking about racial purity, you talk about identity.”

His last words on this video, quite clear what he wanted to do. Using a term like "pro-White" is ONLY used by far right people to try and justify their racism. A normal person simply wouldn't use a term that is so tainted by racism, because they know what they'd get.
he did you can go see the video...damn you swagger....i am now on the lady thinking someone needs to pay for her 15 kids.....omg 15 kids
ahh the video is a black guy speaking out....on the knock out game....it would be amazing if you people would watch/read before comments....
ahh the video is a black guy speaking out....on the knock out game....it would be amazing if you people would watch/read before comments....

If the OP wants to make a point, they need to make a point. I'm not going to go watch every video someone posts. I will comment on what they want to say however.
ahh the video is a black guy speaking out....on the knock out game....it would be amazing if you people would watch/read before comments....

If the OP wants to make a point, they need to make a point. I'm not going to go watch every video someone posts. I will comment on what they want to say however.

Are you thick, or something? The point I made in the OP was very clear.

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