Why is it that republicans fail to realize that the ONLY way to boost wages for the poor...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...is to the raise the minumum wage? You people whine about the poor on welfare yet you are too dense to realize that the only way to break the cycle of poverty is to force employers to pay more. IF the minumum wage is raised, far less peeople are eligible for programs like food stamps. Problem solved.

This really isn't hard to figure out. Corporate profits are already at an all time high. The wage gap in this country is staggering. Where is the incentive for these "job creators" to choose to raise wages on their own accord? Why invest in a strong labor force when it is just easier for them to keep the ridiculous amount of money they already earn? The US has the widest income inequality gap in the world. Pathetically, you people call what I am saying "envy" and it's so moronic. This is an economic issue that will eventually affect the entire economy. If the poverty in this country continues to grow and the middle class continues to shrink, the economy will continue to destabilize and more crises will occur. This economy, small businesses especially, depend on consumer spending. Consumer spending can't flourish based on the current climate.

18 million people make less than 10.10 per hour. How many more make less than $15 which is the wage one must be able to live off of based on current inflation?
...is to the raise the minumum wage? You people whine about the poor on welfare yet you are too dense to realize that the only way to break the cycle of poverty is to force employers to pay more. IF the minumum wage is raised, far less peeople are eligible for programs like food stamps. Problem solved.

This really isn't hard to figure out. Corporate profits are already at an all time high. The wage gap in this country is staggering. Where is the incentive for these "job creators" to choose to raise wages on their own accord? Why invest in a strong labor force when it is just easier for them to keep the ridiculous amount of money they already earn? The US has the widest income inequality gap in the world. Pathetically, you people call what I am saying "envy" and it's so moronic. This is an economic issue that will eventually affect the entire economy. If the poverty in this country continues to grow and the middle class continues to shrink, the economy will continue to destabilize and more crises will occur. This economy, small businesses especially, depend on consumer spending. Consumer spending can't flourish based on the current climate.

18 million people make less than 10.10 per hour. How many more make less than $15 which is the wage one must be able to live off of based on current inflation?

Exactly how do you expect businesses to absorb the higher wages, higher payroll taxes and higher workers compensation insurance? Those are just the direct pay related costs, there will be more.
You Said: Exactly how do you expect businesses to absorb the higher wages, higher payroll taxes and higher workers compensation insurance? Those are just the direct pay related costs, there will be more.

I say: Well, well, well, so businesses can pay the executives and CEOs obscene amounts of money. But they can't afford minimum wage increases for the poor? This is classic class warfare. Why do you expect the tax payers to pay for WalMart and McDonald's workers food stamps? When McD and WM refuse to pay fair wages to their employees, we the tax payers pay for their social services including Medicaid and food stamps. Either way, either the corps pay for this expense or you and I have to foot the bill. Which option do you prefer?
Gotta keep our priorities straight. Stupid RWS would rather subsidize Big Business with their taxes than feed children, women, elderly, disabled vets.

They think its just fine to buy from Walmart, McDonald's and others who teach their employees how to get welfare rather than just pay them a livable wage.

While GOP Shames Poor On Food Stamps, We Pay Big Oil $10 Million-A-Minute

Republicans would love to have you believe that poor people wanting to eat something other than cat turds with their SNAP benefits is what you should be screaming about. It’s a real simple formula, actually: billionaires pay millionaires to convince the middle class that it’s poor people to blame for all their ails. It helps to have an entire fake news network to get the message out 24/7 as well. But while they drop this Weapon of Mass Distraction on the gullible masses, the real dirty culprits continue feeding at the trough until their freaking heads explode. (That is a pretty funny image.)

According to a new estimate compiled by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Big Oil companies are benefiting from global subsidies of $5.3 trillion a year. To break that down a little further, that’s equivalent to $10 million a minute every single day. Conversely, in 2012, the average American taxpayer making $50,000 per year paid just $36 towards the food stamps program. Now you might be quietly thinking, “Yeah, but fossil fuel helps get me to the job I hate, and it’s not like we can use poor people as a fuel source.” One, don’t give the Koch Brothers any ideas; two, the majority of those fat subsidies go towards paying off the costs of polluters not compensating the governments for their eco disasters.

Take New Jersey’s professional YouTube screamer and occasional governor Chris Christie, for example. Christie gift wrapped a present to Exxon — a big fat potential 2016 campaign donor — at the expense of the environment and residents of New Jersey. Since his 2016 power lust is way more important than the people of New Jersey, Christie blatantly interfered with his state’s $9 billion lawsuit against oil giant Exxon Mobil when he let them off the hook for billions. This is just one of many egregious examples of this kind of scumbaggery.
...is to the raise the minumum wage? You people whine about the poor on welfare yet you are too dense to realize that the only way to break the cycle of poverty is to force employers to pay more. IF the minumum wage is raised, far less peeople are eligible for programs like food stamps. Problem solved.

Maybe because some of them took Intro to Macroeconomics?
You Said: Exactly how do you expect businesses to absorb the higher wages, higher payroll taxes and higher workers compensation insurance? Those are just the direct pay related costs, there will be more.

I say: Well, well, well, so businesses can pay the executives and CEOs obscene amounts of money. But they can't afford minimum wage increases for the poor? This is classic class warfare. Why do you expect the tax payers to pay for WalMart and McDonald's workers food stamps? When McD and WM refuse to pay fair wages to their employees, we the tax payers pay for their social services including Medicaid and food stamps. Either way, either the corps pay for this expense or you and I have to foot the bill. Which option do you prefer?

The RWs have said the same thing every time there has been a tiny wage increase. And, as I said above, they would rather pay it in their own taxes than give their kids a decent future.

Its the RW way.
Bill Maher had a guest on his show recently and they were discussing housing costs around the country
and what those costs were for a 2 bedroom apartment and how is it possible for families to pay for that sort of housing
making minimum wage...

The prices ranged from $1500 to $2500 or thereabouts.

Excuse me but what the fuck are people doing working a minimum wage job and having
a bunch of kids.
Bill Maher had a guest on his show recently and they were discussing housing costs around the country
and what those costs were for a 2 bedroom apartment and how is it possible for families to pay for that sort of housing
making minimum wage...

The prices ranged from $1500 to $2500 or thereabouts.

Excuse me but what the fuck are people doing working a minimum wage job and having
a bunch of kids.

Somebody quoted on another thread the average fast food worker age was 29, if you're 29 and all you can do is flip a burger you deserve minimum wage
People make choices in life...
If a person doesn't get an education and doesn't have any skills then why are they having kids?
They go off and start a family and can't afford to raise them and it's everybody else's fault that they
don't have the money to take care of them and it's now my problem...
You Said: Exactly how do you expect businesses to absorb the higher wages, higher payroll taxes and higher workers compensation insurance? Those are just the direct pay related costs, there will be more.

I say: Well, well, well, so businesses can pay the executives and CEOs obscene amounts of money. But they can't afford minimum wage increases for the poor? This is classic class warfare. Why do you expect the tax payers to pay for WalMart and McDonald's workers food stamps? When McD and WM refuse to pay fair wages to their employees, we the tax payers pay for their social services including Medicaid and food stamps. Either way, either the corps pay for this expense or you and I have to foot the bill. Which option do you prefer?

Tell me freak, how many McDonalds franchise owners make obscene money, be very specific, they are small businesses. It's very obvious you ignorant yahoos have never ran or managed a small business. BTW I guess you're not keeping up with current events, WalMart gave all their lower pay people raises.
People make choices in life...
If a person doesn't get an education and doesn't have any skills then why are they having kids?

And then telling everyone else to pay for said kids because the parents are too poor to pay for them.
You know...............there are people in the military that make right around the minimum wage. You don't get more than 2,000/month until you make it to E-4 or higher.

And yeah.............the military allows E-3 and below to marry if they want to and have kids, even though they will be eligible for stuff like WIC and SNAP.
People make choices in life...
If a person doesn't get an education and doesn't have any skills then why are they having kids?
They go off and start a family and can't afford to raise them and it's everybody else's fault that they
don't have the money to take care of them and it's now my problem...

And yet you holier-than-thou-never-made-a-mistake-never-trusted-the-wrong-person -- You want to outlaw abortion and birth control.

I'll bet the next thing one of you says is that women should keep their legs closed while saying that men shouldn't have to support their children.

Most food stamps, most welfare goes to children and the elderly with handicapped, including veterans next. Fact is, you're in favor of anything that harms the least among us.
The whole concept of businesses owing unskilled workers a "living wage" is flawed. Minimum wage jobs are entry level jobs for teen-agers trying to gain some work experience and save some money before or during college. As some have said already if you are working in a minimum wage job with kids and pushing 30 you have done a poor job managing your life. That should not be turned upside down and become the responsibility of a business.
People make choices in life...
If a person doesn't get an education and doesn't have any skills then why are they having kids?

And then telling everyone else to pay for said kids because the parents are too poor to pay for them.

You already do.

You pay it in taxes, sure. As noted above, you pay it to active military who can't live on what we pay them. But, you also pay it every time you buy from such as Walmart, McD's and others who pay minimum wage.
The whole concept of businesses owing unskilled workers a "living wage" is flawed. Minimum wage jobs are entry level jobs for teen-agers trying to gain some work experience and save some money before or during college. As some have said already if you are working in a minimum wage job with kids and pushing 30 you have done a poor job managing your life. That should not be turned upside down and become the responsibility of a business.


You're wrong and you know it.

What the RWs don't take into consideration is how our world has changed and will continue to change. They fail to understand the enormous impact the internet has had on business and since they don't believe in education and are not themselves educated, they have no clue what it costs.

And they love knowing there are hungry children, elderly, disabled and vets.
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